MARCH 19, 2022 A.D.
Current updates ...
- Added
a vignette "Scout Metal" and two new stories that are WIP Works in
Progress; "The Good Book" and "An Audition for the Role of God, Part 1."
- Basic site maintenance
Before that ...
- Two new short stories added; "Birth" and "Arrival".
- Working
on a third short story titled "An Audition for the Role of God" and
trying to finish up "The Leader who may not have been ..."
- Some
more discussion coming on tactics of the Resistance and equipment used.
That will have to wait until the next update because it wasn't
ready for this update.
- General site maintenance. Got rid of some dust and cobwebs.
Before that ...
- So
... I've been gone from this site for about ... almost 9 years now.
I know that's an eternity for some of you who, honestly,
surprisingly, think that my site is actually worth visiting let alone
coming back every now and then looking for new stuff to have been
posted. It's way, way, way past time that I put more (hopefully
good) stuff up here. Hell, it's been nothing here since 2011
which I guess is about the last time that I actually gave a damn about
the Terminator franchise and that would probably have been sometime
after Terminator: Salvation. After T:S we got Terminator:
Genesys (or as I like to call it, Terminator 5: John Connor IS the
Terminator) and finally Herminator: Woke Fate, the complete franchise
killing PC abomination that is James Cameron giving a great
big middle finger to every single Terminator fan that, since 1984, has
helped make him richer than God.
- I
may have a dedicated artist for the site. I'm working with her
because she is a really great artist but, unfortunately, Machines
aren't her strong point. We're sketching out some art for the
site and I'm going to see what I can do. No promises but they say
that a picture is worth a thousand words. Unfortunately (or
fortunately) I can write a thousand words but I can't really draw.
Sorry, God just didn't give me that talent and for those who can
draw Terminator art, I'm pretty jealous.
- Added
a page to the site ... G&A - Givens and Assumptions. Here I
try to explain where the site is going, why it is going there, and the
outlines that I operate within in that regard.
- Retconned
a bit on the weapons section. Had an epiphany and went back and
changed some stuff, mainly the fact that plasma weapons actually
existed BEFORE Judgment Day because of a glaring error of logic that I
failed to see. I'm not perfect. Yeah. Sorry to
disappoint you there. Maybe once you read my logic behind this
change in the G&A page you'll slap your forehead and go "Duh!
Yeah! That makes sense!"
Maybe not.
- Added some nice Terminator swag to a new page dealing with, well, Terminator swag.
- Purchased
Teyon's "Terminator: Resistance" PC video game and I have to say,
fifteen minutes of playing this Terminator FPS, that this game is the
best thing to happen to the Terminator franchise since T2. It's
not perfect, not by a long shot, but it's a hell of a lot better than
ANYTHING that has been given to us since T2.
- General and some very specific site maintenance.
Before that ...
A new unit - the
412C Model 312 - "BUSTER"
which is an aerial HK built around a series of phased plasma gun normally
used for static area defense. The AHK 412C is designed to strike deep
against hardened targets.
The M30 series phased
plasma carbine is now included under the small arms section.
Well balanced with a nasty reputation that is well deserved.
I'm going to try something here just for fun.
If you have an
idea for this site or for a machine or for a piece of equipment, etc.
then feel free to submit it using the link I provided.
Artwork remains yours, submissions won't be modified (other than resized or
cropped) and you'll get credit on the site for your submissions. As for ideas I
reserve the right to modify submissions to suit the direction I want to
pursue with this site but if I use your idea I'll certainly give you credit
for it on the page where it is published. If you want to submit a
design for a Machine, use this template that I
will soon be switching over to for all my old designs as well as my new
General site maintenance.
Before that ...
Three new pieces of fiction; two complete
stories called "Infiltrator" and "Scavenger
Hunt" and a work in progress called "The
Leader Who May Not Have Been ..." based on an idea I had
long, long time ago.
A new musing can be
found concerning the designs of the Machines that we see in the movies and
in the novels.
Several new pieces of hardware including the
Map Sheet and SPT Satchel
Pack Terminal.
I'm going to try something here just for fun.
If you have an
idea for this site or for a machine or for a piece of equipment, etc.
then feel free to submit it using the link I provided.
Artwork remains yours, submissions won't be modified (other than resized or
cropped) and you'll get credit on the site for your submissions. As for ideas I
reserve the right to modify submissions to suit the direction I want to
pursue with this site but if I use your idea I'll certainly give you credit
for it on the page where it is published. If you want to submit a
design for a Machine, use this
template that I
will soon be switching over to for all my old designs as well as my new
Before that ...
Added a new musing on
whether the Resistance was a large scale standing army or a group of
guerilla fighters and a musing on John Connor himself.
A whole lot of site maintenance.