"We are amazed
at the friends you have made here on your trip. Ride, Captain, Ride, upon your
mystery ship
on your way to a world that others might have missed."
"Ride, Captain, Ride!"
Submit your feelings
and support to BLACK ECHO
I stumbled across your site by accident during a search for some other information. I must say that you have produced some of the funniest, thought provoking, and verbal ass kicking that I have had the pleasure to read. I have visited the site over the last few days and have had to keep a supply of tissues handy to wipe the tears away from laughing. I own a Honda CBR1100XX and live in Central Florida. I have experienced the behavior that you describe by the typical Harley rider on a number of occasions. I believe the reason for this is my proximity to the regional capital of posers, Daytona Beach, Florida. This area has to endure the migration of lemmings ( as you have so aptly named them) twice a year. I refer to the commercial orgies that are Bike Week and Biketoberfest. I wanted to drop a few lines to show my support and thank you for the American Angst site. Please keep up the good work and the updates coming! Sincerely, RDeGore
I LOVED your site. My sides hurt and the tears won't stop. You did one hell of a job on this site and congrats on the finest tribute to Harleys I have ever seen. Proud owner of a VF1100S -PH
Nice site. I agree with quite a bit
of your logic. I do however fall somewhere in the middle. I like Harley's but not for the
En Vogue reasons. I'm only 31but I would fall into the traditionalists that you describe.
Hell people might even call me a Poser for buying a slightly used yellow Ducati 900ss. But
I love the bike for everything it is and isn't. I believe as you do though that the
bike from HD are overpriced, overrated and just not a viable alternative to import bikes.
But with that said I have been a big twin lover for years. More specifically Ducati's. I
recently have been able to make a 10 year dream come true and purchased my first Duke. It
is a
1999 900ss with only 6200 miles. Yep, 4l4 lbs, 2 cylinders, 4 valves, air cooled, and only
about 90 HP. It is loud (but it is a different loud than the annoying Harley's),
since it came with "ducati performance CF Pipes"
Can a GSXR 600 or ZX 750 kick it's ass? Sure, but I still love the design and look of the
bike, and it has plenty of power for me. It may also have antiquated technology, but I
don't care I still love the bike. Besides it has the same core technology that their
998's have and they have won more WSB championships than any other manufacturer.
Anyway, good site! I appreciate someone stepping up and telling it like it is. -Leo
Best damn biker website! As a Harley rider (what a minute, I'm not one of the dick head RUBs, I'm a PUB-a poor urban biker), I've just got to say that your website totally rocks. I ride a Harley cuz that's what floats my boat but I cannot believe the H-D mentality. Those idiots have got to have their official H-D do-rags on too tight. Cuts off circulation to the brain. Oh, wait, if they are riding a Road Queen decked out in their official H-D crap they don't have a brain to cut off circulation to. But anyway, speaking from a Harley owners point of view, you and your contributors and supporters couldn't be anymore right. H-D's are overpriced, ancient technology with a shit load of parts from other countries. There is nothing funnier than seeing a fat balding middle aged guy decked out in his official H-D crap trying to look, act and talk cool. If ya want to dress up like a biker, wait for Halloween. I don't wear official H-D crap so I stand out in a crowd of bikers. I have a T-shirt design that I made on the computer using a qu ote from Calvin of the comic strips. Calvin said, "My identity is so wrapped up in what I buy, that I paid THE COMPANY to advertise their product." I've used that quote and images of Calvin peeing on a burning H-D symbol. I know that when I put that design on a generic H-D shirt I will piss off H-D riders but hey, the truth hurts. When it comes to riding, I could care less about image unlike the H-D idiots. Ya know these people wear H-D crap when they're not even riding.
I ride a beat up 24 year old Harley that was a full dresser (gack). I stripped it down to the simple basics of a motorcycle. Frame, tires, motor. 7 wire electrics and kick only. Done three top ends and one bottom end on it and I know where every single nut and bolt is. Most of the H-D riders today can't even cancel their turn signals after turning them on. Some idiot even said "Nice Road King" to me one day.
I listen to these people rattle on
about the Hi-Tech H-D hop ups their local dealer did for them and how they'll find some
rice burner and smoke em with their 30,000 dollar glitter barge. When I ask why they spent
all that money on performance and still have a belt final drive they have no clue at all.
When I say that they lose allot of horsepower because of the belt they act like I am a
heretic and mutter something about, well, it's factory. Whatever. I know what it takes to
make a killer bike and H-D doesn't have it.
Well, enough of this anti H-D rant from a Harley rider. I don't know if you have heard
this one before but it's one of my favorites.
If H-D had as many engineers as they have lawyers, they'd have a better bike. -Claysbury
Just a quick note to say that I
enjoyed the rant because it articulated what I have thought for - probably - ever. Why
anyone would throw that much money on a mirage of a motorcycle? I don't understand.
HD motto: If it breaks, make it bigger. If it sticks out, chrome it.
That seems to be the extent of their engineering prowess. I, myself, own a 99 Kaw Concours
that I bought salvage and repaired. Great fun! Spent a total of around $2500.
My neighbor has a HD QXZZYX or something under a cover IN THE GARAGE so it wont get dusty.
He called me over and carefully unwrapped it so I would be duly impressed. As he waited, I
was wondering just how I could diplomatically tell him that $27K or so for what I was
looking at did not make me want his sons dating my daughters. Gene pool worries, you know.
Anyhow, thanks for the site and hope you have fun with them trogladytes! -GP
Let me tell you, I ride a harley and
just got connected to your site through the Indian forum. You have some FUNNY SHIT on
there that made me HOWL. Keep it up.
I had always wanted a harley. I love my bike and it suits me for my riding.
Can it outrun most of the other bikes out there? - No. But I'm not out to do that.
Is the technology outdated? - Yes. But, I still like the bike.
Is the cost of the thing ridiculous? - HELL, YES!! Local shop has a used 2002 bike for
$22K which is $6K over what it cost NEW!!! Shit!!! And when I look at some of the crap
they charge extra for because it says h-d on it, I really get pissed. Stock oil filter is
almost $10 while Fram PH-6022 is only about $5. And, like I really need a fucking $5,000
grill to cook burgers on.
I'm pissed at h-d(I REFUSE to capitalize their name) because they claim "We cannot
control prices at dealerships(referred by most of us as $tealer$hip$) because they are
independent shops". BULLSHIT!! If you have a custom bike that is built with h-d parts
and has been titled as a h-d and try to sell it as h-d and they find out, then they COME
DOWN on you. It has happened to quite a few E-bay people already.
h-d MoCo has recently tried to take a website from a guy who has one called
www.harleydavidsonforum.com. It's been up for over a year and all of the sudden they get a
bug in their ass that he's going to make it a commercial site(selling ad space and
offering a 'For Sale' section) and 'ruin' their good name because people will think it's
an official h-d site. Hell, that ain't possible!! On the 'official' h-d site, there is no
way to contact them via email about problems, comments, etc. You can't even get
information about recalls, maintenance issues, etc. Their 'good name' is already ruined.
I no longer take my bike into a $tealer$hip for repairs or maintenance. I change my own
fluids(and use all synthetics which h-d says is a no-no) and anything I can't fix, I will
take to an independent non h-d shop to work on.
And HOG(Harley Owners Group) is a bunch of crap. They were charging $55 per head down here
in Hampton, GA for the 100th Anniversary Open Road Tour. Now since I am HOG member, $55
was for all 3 days. But wife is not a HOG member and she would not be allowed to certain
exhibits which were ONLY open to HOG members. Plus $55 for EACH DAY she attended. Yeah,
like I'm going to leave her standing out in hot fucking July weather in the sun. I live
about 15 miles from where this event was held and have lived here since 1969. I know how
damn hot it gets in July. And no damn way I was paying $55 for h-d to ADVERTISE to me.
I've since read that ticket prices have been dropped to $35. I passed on the event
and kept my money.
I've been a member of local HOG chapter for about 18 months and attended only about 6
meetings. Why? Because not once has anyone come over to me and said "Howdy, I notice
you're new here and I'd like to welcome you" or even "Kiss my ass". Hell,
I'd rather ride alone anyways.
Keep up the good work ragging on h-d riders. I'm not offended about it at all. Maybe one
day h-d will FINALLY pull its head out of its ass and decide to change. They think they
have because of the V-Rod(German engineering) but that's bullshit. -NEasler
Great job Your site is great! I told all my riding buddies about your site and everyone of
them finds truth in what you say. May I request more frequent updates?! -Troy
J.C. Whitney knows that Harleys aren't motorcycles! Check out their home page, they have hardley's in a separate category from motorcycles. I'm still crying (Laughing) from the truth and humor of your writing skills, I love this site! -alex hatcher
I emailed you a few months ago. Said I had recently bought a H-D XL1200S, but that I more
or less agreed with the points you made. Well, I turned away from the dark side. I traded
my little Sportster for a Kawasaki ZRX 1200R.
Man, talk about night and day. I love the Rex. Radial tires! Over 100 hp! Helmet locks!
Tools came with the bike for Christ sake! Over 5 gal gas tank! STORAGE SPACE UNDER THE
SEAT!!! Bungee chord anchors! I could go on and on. But, you get the point.
Maybe owning the Harley has allowed me to appreciate the Rex more than I would have if I
hadn't owned the Harley first. (These are my first and second bikes). Your humorous rant
made me look at things from a different perspective. It may have even been the burr under
the saddle that made me keep thinking about changing to a quality ride. Hopefully, Harley
or one of the other American bike makers will some day get the picture. Until they do,
just call me Rice Boy. Regards, KTuthill
I've always lumped most cops in a category with Harley riding, Nascar worshipping, TV
addicted, no life having, illiterate chimps. Thanks for proving me wrong, I hope
you're not the exception that proves the rule. I found your site today and have laughed
non-stop for hours. I was however surprised to not see any use of my favorite HD moniker
"Hardly Ableson". Thanks for the laugh. - Gary
What do they think they have? I have to laugh every time me and my bud go for a ride. He rides a HD, I ride a Victory. I bought my first bike in 1967. A HD, since then I have had Honda, BSA, Ducati, Triumph, Royal Ensfield, Kawasaki, Indian, Velocetti, Montesa. I liked something about every ride I ever owned,but where do these guys, (most of whom have never ridden before) get off telling me that Harley is faster and better? I am guessing that they talk themselves into believing that , to justify the fact that they paid 5 to 7 thousand over MRSP. And my Bud, along with a few other first timers can't ride to the corner bar without dressing. You would think they were heading out on a cross country ride. Then, when they get there ,they think t hey have to rev em up at least 4 or 5 times, then let them idle at least another minute ,to make sure that everyone noticed that the obnouxios warriors had arrived. And then when they start to walk inside, you would think they had ridden in onhorse back , or had fallen in a corn field , if you know what I mean. Thanks for letting me vent, ;LIVE LONG,RIDE SAFE -Annma
Great site! Thanks for having it! I'm sick of the loud pipes saves lives attitude, especially at 12:30am when they wind it up 200 feet to each stop sign. Thank you, just thank you. humbly, -ahatcher
"American Angst" is one hell of great site! Loved it. -JSwitz
'97 Harley Fat Boy
'92 Honda ST1100 (that'd be my fast one)
P.S. Except for the Fat Boy's keychain, everything I own that has HD on it is bolted to
the bike or is on my bookshelf. Don't even have a HD T-shirt. The keychain is kinda cool,
though. If I wanna go fast and far, it's the ST. If I wanna go slow, look at the cows and
ride something that pulls like a farm tractor (charming in its own way), it's the HD.
Call me bipolar.
And yes, I wrench 'em both. Neither needs much wrenching.
Hey! I ran into a link to your site through a Honda Shadow Sabre forum. I must say
that it was quite the amusing experience. I am not rabidly anti-harley, but I do feel that
they are a waste of money (especially considering my Shadow Sabre looks better, runs
better, has more power, sounds better, it cheaper to accessorize, is lighter, contains
more American made parts, etc. than a comparable Harley Softail) and highly overrated.
It always makes me feel good to pull away from a stop light, leaving the 30000 dollar
softail in the dust, after the inbred jackass who just gave me the finger and insulted my
jap-crap rice-burner just revved his engine and embarassed the hell out of himself while
tryin to drag to the next light. -Chris
Someone posted this link in a thread on the sabregroup forum - really glad I came here!!!!
Enjoyed your comments regarding those people from Wisconson. Reminds me of a comment
the Wizard of Oz made to the Tinman - he called him "a clinking, clanking, collection
of collagenous junk." Pretty well sums them up I think!! I look forward to
returning!! -BK
Your HD website is one of the
funniest I've ever seen. If you really are a police officer you could really
save your jurisdiction lots of money by just verbally insulting and berating any criminals
that are arrested. I'm sure they, like many of these HD riders/owners, will slink away in
shame never to rear the ugly heads again. It could define a whole definition of the terms
"police brutatility" and "official misconduct". I stared at my monitor
in open mouthed shock at the acidic replies that some of these guys received (and
BTW, I'm saving up money to buy my first bike, and I'd like to get a used Honda CBR. One
of my friends has a harley with six tons of chrome and thousands of dollars of official
gear and such has been trying to convince me to buy one. He won't succeed.
Have fun. Stay safe.
Damn, dood, I love your website! I'm an electrical engineer working for the Air
Force and a member of the Army National Guard. I ride a 1983 CB1000 Custom--last of the
big fours. I rode a self discribed 'Harley Bitch' on the back of it and she remarked:
"Damn this bike is smooooth and really powerful!" I laughed and laughed.
I like this site. It brings out what smarter people already know in the most blunt way possible. I can only imagine what your hate mail looks like. I have spoken to HD posers and more real HDbikers but no real HD bikers and they either ride to get women, or just cause they are stupid.
In Canada (where I am) a sportster costs $11,000 minimum. I test rode one and that put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Forward controls is an oxymoron. I hung on for dear life with my fingers. The seat made my leg fall asleep. For $11,000 the stock seat should be at best comfortable.
I test rode a whole bunch others (don't ask which, can't remember the letters they used) ranging from $18,000 to $30,000and they all pretty much suck. The Buell I rode blew smoke on the way back and I didn't mistreat it much.
For $11,000 here you can buy an R6, CBR600... or if you like the cruiser but want power and performance you can get a magna, each for about $11,000. And once you buy them you won't have a desire to spend $10,000 in upgrades. Unless you feel guilty about not spending at least $20000 on your hobby. But then you can't fix it as much since it's reliable and have no choice but to ride it on the beautiful days. Oh the horror.
Don't get me started on the $7000 HD BBQ . I actually saw a moron ask about it. He was a moron. A happy Jap and his happy wife showed up (camera and all, no joke) in a ferrari, magnum PI model. He called his buddy to check out the v-(nim)rod he was about to buy. His middle age moron buddy shows up in a ferrari testarosa that scraped the bottom of the driveway when he was coming in. I guess HD owners have raised pickups not ferraris.
So he hops out with his golddiggin cougar (canadian for 45 single lady trying to look 35 with plastic) bleach blond and they talk to a sales guy about the grill. I overheard him say "i don't understand how it works without charcoal" to which the sales guy responds "It's PROPANE!"
Take care and keep it blunt.
Black Echo, Your site is a breath of fresh air. I thought I was the only person left on
the planet that didn't drool over a gaudy, over chromed, overweight, overpriced reject
from the fifties. After riding to work this morn on my '80 Kaw 1000 LTD, (not cutting edge
but far ahead of a HD) and being snubbed by two HD riders who looked as though they had
been riding for every bit of a week. I did a search for Harley + Sheep and guess what came
up. Needless to say I have a new favorite site. Keep up the great work! Someday the
American public will look back and see how stupid they were... or not. -Jim
I've read some of your website and I
must say it's convinced me to not get a Harley. You'd be interested to know that
coincidently I was actually considering getting a Sportster but even before seeing your
website, I changed my mind (for the better). You're right. These bikes are junk and there
is something wrong with the company that makes them. I particularly am tired of not being
given the proper courtesy of a greeting from a fellow biker when we cross paths when that
other biker is riding a Harley. I have a friend with whom I rode on a long distance ride
and he has an old HOG. The other HOG riders passing us by would make sure that their wave
of their arms was directed at him and not at me because I wasn't riding one of their
brand. This truly makes me sick. Was I chopped liver? Anyway, I used to own an F2 and
owned it without a hitch. Never had to check the oil or never once failed to start. I took
it twice to Mexico and it was even worth crouching over the whole way with the low
handlebars. I now own a BMW K75c and it's a great bike, although part of me actually
misses the performance of a Japanese sport or something akin to the Suzuki Bandit or the
new Honda Nighthawk or Kawasaki muscle bikes.
I enjoy your site and I want you to know that I belong to a club that caters to all makes
of bikes and people from all walks of life. Our mission is to promote motorcycling and
racing, and to continue the general tradition of motorcycling. I'm also aspiring for a law
enforcement career (coincidently). Well, that was my two cents. Take care. Cheers.
Mr. Echo SIR,...I'm speechless...(too much laughing!) I have attempted to repeat a few of
your sentiments to the sheep I know, but the words just don't flow as eloquently as I
might imagine they would coming from the Master........Do I have to go back to
p.s. Your site is at the TOP of my "favorites list"...keep up the good stuff!! -Dean
I want to thank you for taking the time to create this web site.I thought I would die
laughing if it weren't so sadly true. I bought a new Harley Sportster Custom 1200 last
year and spent $7000 on chrome and other goodies. It was still a piece of garbage, and I
sold it at a terrible loss after three months. So much for the resale value of a Harley. I
now ride a new Valkyrie Interstate and a new Shadow Sabre. I couldn't be happier. I'll
relate a funy story to you. Last fall I was in for my physical, and my doctor-who rides a
BMW- asked my why I had sold my Harley. I told him I didn't fit in with the Harley image.
He asked me what I meant by that. I replied that I bathe every day, I can read, and I've
never been to jail. I thought he would die laughing. Keep up the good work. -CKelley
First time to the site, so I'm a little green, but having fun. I am also a LEO, working in South Jersey who last year sold my 1997 Softail Custom and bought a 2002 Kawasaki ZX12R, shocking many people who had me tagged as a "Harley guy". I however was not a victim of the HD marketing machine, and refused to buy another wobbly underpowered machine that required $5K in accessories to meet the "criteria". I rejected the rhetoric of all my Harley buddies and am a much happier rider. Granted it was a little bit of a leap, buying a non-American made bike for $10K but your logic is flawless... if they don't build one that's even remotely competitive, why settle. The same logic dictated the reason I ride a Honda 400ex off-road, and owned a Yamaha jet ski back in '95. I do my best to buy American, and my cars are all of domestic origin (2000 Chevrolet Camaro SS, 2000 Jeep Wrangler). Some of my friends have been selling their HDs and switching to the American sportbike (Buell), but honestly the things are ugly Rubbermaid sportsters that blow oil and overheat. I am glad the company is at least trying to move the American motorcycle in the right direction but they better have a steep learning curve to match pace with the Japanese and Italians. I could go into the ways my new rocket is superior but I know I'd be preaching to the choir. Power, responsiveness, reliability, convenience, value, safety and that shit eating grin that gets stuck on my face for at least an hour after I get off of her. -rdrkt171
Black Echo -
I'll start with the usual accolades: I found your website two days ago while doing Google
searches for info on my next imported motorcycle. I've read most of it now, and I can't
think of the last time I've laughed so damned hard. As a fellow cop, I was immediately
struck by the letters that the HD riders have sent you: Gramatically, they bear a striking
similarity to the prose spoken by the horns we throw in jail nearly every night.
I just wanted to fill you in on what happened when our own police department started a
motorcycle patrol unit this summer:
Harley offered us a deal at $1-per-year to lease a motorcycle from them. Money talks, so
Harley was selected.
After a few months, our officers went to the dealership to pick up our two brand new
patrol motorcycles.
An officer stradled the first huge, chrome machine, flipped the ignition, and thumbed the
starter. He didn't even get a click. Dead. Nothing. Mechanics on site couldn't figure out
the problem. Total miles on this Harley: 0 before it failed.
The second officer, though, fired up the rattling machine, triumphantly lurched it out of
the dealer's parking lot, and headed for the police station for the grand entrance. The
new Harley made it to the highway before it just quit. Killed. As the officer coasted to
the side of the highway, the electrics continued to work, but the engine would not start
or run. Turns out the fuel pump blew. Total miles on this Harley: 1.7 before it failed.
Sadly, we've still got those two bikes. It's a good thing that we get new ones every year
though. I only hope they last that long.
Please keep my name/email anonymous...I'm sure you understand. Keep up the crusade! -E
(undercover LEO)
I was looking at web sites trying to figure out how to re-vamp the HD V-rod passenger foot
peg set up so my wife does not feel like she is giving birth when she rides with me. The
bike has less then a hundred miles, and I am asking myself if I did something dumb
I'll give you a little more info on my feelings on HD, as for years, I was around them,
left them (I am over 50, so I'll claim old timers disease) and went back and got another.
In between, my wife and i rode a Honda 500 4 cyl accross the USA, and did tons of dirt
double up on a Suzuki 250 enduro, both great running bikes with the minimum of problems.
The first jack hammer I rode was a 54 panhead stripped to a chop, then a 50 panhead custom
show bike (this was in the late 60's early 70's), and last was a 39 knuckle head. The
knuckle was the best of them all, and even the latest lead sled I got a couple years back,
my 89 evo Sportster. Let me tell you, nothing has changed. That damned Sportster has the
vibrations like a dykes dildo, and it seems every couple thousand miles, it is another 300
to 500 bucks to keep it going. I was mystified in my early riding years about the speed
one could get from a Sportster, and being in my early 50's I thought, one last project.
Yea, it is the last one, it ain't done, and I think it won' t be either. I worked for MoCo
back when, and god, how many pains in the asses the machines and people were. I forgot,
and now I am paying. I have the parts to set up the Sportster for an 11 second quarter
miler street bike, but why should I? It is like owning a AA/FD class race car. Make a run,
work for 10 runs to keep it going. What I can't figure out is, how did the 39 knuckle run
so well, with hardly any work on it, and these new HD's, well, it is no where close.
Everybody I talk to says, oh the new ones are even better......hell, I'll bet. The 39 was
set up with the factory Daytona system, it was their racing version, and I rode it on the
street, no, I beat on it on the street, and it held up.
I went as far to check on prices for a Hayu, none was in stock with a wait till october,
but my curiosity got the better of me, and sunk some money into a new v-rod. I never had a
new HD amazingly, I was not and am not yet excitied about the same design as in 39 being
in a 03 bike, but somehow the v-rod got me thinking. If I ever would get a new HD, maybe
the V-rod will be the choice.
Well, having my wife ride on it immediately told me, more money for the right seat. The
dealer told me that, but damn, I just had to have one. So about 550.00 more & since I
am in Hawaii, the dealers can rape their customers more, the complete 2 up seat hardware
is on its way. After that, I am not sure what this bike, a knock off of a Porche motor,
with an obnoxious frame (kinda like giving all other bikers that stick your tongue out
face) and too much aluminum. Why? Cause I could.
After all the years, and watching what HD has done and been, I just could not bring myself
to spend 18 to 20K on somehting that I bought as a basket case for 150.00 back in th early
70's. With 03 models, nothing has changed, it is the same. Like buying 2% skim milk, the
things are the same. Except the MoCo has figured out that people who are dumb enough to
tatoo themselves with their logo, are stupid enough to dump their wallets out of all their
cash. I want to tell myself that is not me, but hell, I have a v-rod and an 89 sporty in
the garage. The Sporty is down, because the electrics went out. Like a termite eaten
house, the problems get worse.
If the v-rod experience is any resemblence of the past rides from HD, this will be my last
HD. A friend who bought a Honda Valk told me "If you want to ride, and not work on
your bike, don't buy a Harley" -RMoran
PS, the reason I wrote this was the tool kit with the hammer, square and other 39 knuckle
head tool essentials is mine, I have been looking for my tool kit for years, where in the
hell did you find it?
(the tool kit he is referring to is
the one pictured far below. :p -BE )
Hello, i love your site! I own a brand new Sportster for about 4 months now (i guess i
bought it in a moment of 'temporary loss of consciousness'... the 'Once in your life you
should own a H-D' crap..). I am very glad i didn't already fork out money for a pair of
official Squealing (eh.. 'Screamin') Eagle mufflers.
I think i will buy a Yamaha BT1100 Bulldog (it has a V-Twinkie as well, but it's
technically far better), and i will feel GOOD about it! (The only minor problem is: how
can i remove that glued and sewn-on H-D patch from my jacket without spoiling it..).
Thank you, and keep up the good work! -Frans, The Netherlands
Thank you. no really, that's all... and a big smooch... you're good, doll. You're
good. -Stefanie 86 Virago 750
Being English and basically growing up with British and Japanese bikes, as well as a few
German imports, I never really got to see a Harley, except in the movies. Unfortunately,
the British manufacture of motorcycles has all but ceased, with only Triumph rising from
the ashes of a once great industry where even America imported those wonderful machines. I
thought that most American motorcyclists (even Harley riders) would be of the same genre
of people I was so used to meeting on European travels on two wheels, until I actually
arrived in the US in '94 and found out that it simply was not true. I am 38 now, and after
being here in the US for nearly 8 years, it seems the gap between true motorcyclists and
Harley Davidson riders is growing ever wider. The general friendship, camaraderie,
helpfulness and acceptance of the majority of riders in the US is second only to that of
the same ilk in the UK and most of Europe. Unfortunately, it is marred by the HD community
and their overall attitude to people who ride "other" makes of two wheeled
hardware. They are rude, insulting, idiosyncratic, objectionable and incredibly ignorant
for the most part. I have to admit that the care and attention to detail they display for
their chosen ride is admirable, but since most of their bikes never see rain, and are only
ridden at weekends it fails to surprise now that I know what "lifestyle" really
means. I have been on two wheels since I was 14 and have recently downgraded my CBR929 to
an XR650L which is in the process of being converted to a Supermotard (if you have to ask
why, buy a Harley) and even though I was enamoured of the HD as a child after seeing many
films and the history of the bike, I don't think I would ever own one, and not because of
the hardware itself, but because I would not want to be associated with such a narrow
minded closed segment of the motorcycling community. We are all motorcyclists,
irrespective of the hardware we choose to ride, and unless we stick together, Congress is
going to see to it that we all end up riding bicycles if we are not careful. Take a look
at pending legislation on the AMA website for details. Imported bikes outnumber Harley
Davidson by about 10 to 1, which should come as no surprise. I'm glad to be a member of
the AMA, a riding club here in CA, and the proud owner of a couple of imported bikes. I've
had my rant. Maybe you wil post it, maybe not, but keep up the good work. For the most
part, the site is funny, objective and honest, and supportive of a group of riders that
excercise their right to choose what mode of transport they desire, lifestyle excluded,
age ignored. I wonder if HD will ever produce a reliable and appealing machine? Even Buell
seems to be making progress with the new bikes for '03. I wish them well. -RJB
I enjoyed reading the site you have there all about harleys and the dispensible bullshit
that surrounds them. Albeit the core of the issue is that they are too expensive, thus
giving them Beemer status, and thus being bought by the same assholes who drive BMW's and
Jags. I agree with what your conception of these machines are: Junk. I myself will never
own one. On the other hand I have to say that harley does something nobody else does: Make
Motorcycles as an artform. Anyone buying one for it's dependability is only fooling
themselves. Most know they are undependable, but that's besides the point. They are true
to a heritage of classic, old, and old fashioned motorbike. I can say that it is true that
japanese makers are on the verge of making almost spacecraft like bikes, weighing much
less, being very fast, and of new materials. technology and speed they have, but for sheer
aesthetics, forget it. All the jap bikes look alike at this point, with hideous plasticy
bodys,bulbous headlamps, and almost generified styling. I cant tell the diffrence in any
of them. I collect and work on classic Japanese bikes. There is a lot to be said for the
older ones when japan was trying to do it's best. these bikes last for decades and keep
going forever. I have seen many of the plastic bikes split to pieces or wrecked by some
teenage kid . To put it simply, these new bikes are ass ugly. I agree that lot of people
ride harleys for sheer prestige. These same people also wear t-shirts and useless skull
hemlets. Since these people are only weekend riders, a good wreck and they're dead. That
is what bothers me the most. Stupid people who shouldnt be on a bike in the first place
with no protection. I guess a comparison could be made between British and American bikes.
The British caved in and desighned their bikes to look just like the Japanese bikes. The
"British " bike is no more. If anything can be said about harley, it's that they
havent submitted to change, and as a company in a land that throws away everything, That
deserves a deal of respect. Thanks for the web site. Seth
If I bought a new bike tomorrow, Harley would be my second choice. ANYTHING else would be
my first choice. -Bob
Can't believe I didn't see my favorite of all time:
Q:How do you get a Harley to go fast?
A: Throw it off a cliff.
By the way, I went thorugh my Sportster phase (technically, I suppose, still finishing
it), still think your site is funny as hell, and I'll laugh even harder as soon as I can
find someone dumb enough to buy my Buell Pizza so I can afford the R1 I should have bought
years ago. -Craig
Black Echo,
Really enjoying your site and wanted to chime in with a funny little piece of info that I
picked up while attending the Suzuka 8 Hours race in Japan at the beginning of August. As
you may know Harley is trying to exert its brand into the Asian market, particularly
Japan...but it's not working. Oh, how it's not working.It's a pretty spectacular failure
from what I could understand while speaking to their reps. They've poured massive bucks
into this effort to almost no avail. At the races, for the two main days (Sat. and Sun.),
there were over 100K in attendance each day and Harley had their booth in the main
courtyard...but no one was going there! Maybe you had to have been there to fully
understand the premium placement they had there, it was incredible--I could have attracted
a larger crowd with dog crap on a stick! The Japanese "Big-Four" booths were up
in an obscure corner of the track, but they were just deluged with visitors checking out
the latest bikes.The problem isn't something that Harley can likely ever solve. For one,
Harleys are waaaaaaay too expensive for the Japanese public who are suffering through the
country's biggest postwar recession. As for the "Harley lifestyle," it's effect
is largely negated by the impracticality of the product itself. Obviously Japan is not a
huge country and its cities are tight, so people need and want smaller sized bikes--a
simple fact of life that anyone who's been there can see. Pretty much rules out any
Harley...The whole situation there makes me really wonder whether or not Harley even did
any market research at all before jumping in. Dumbass hill scoggins... -MLopez
A friend told me about your site and I have only just stopped laughing long enough to send
you an e-mail.
I was riding my Yamaha FZR1000 through town when a man stuck his head out of his car's
window and yelled at me, "Buy America! Get a Harley!"
In disbelief I whipped my faceshield up and screamed back, "You're driving a
Volkswagen you fucking idiot!"
Thanks for the great Web site and keep up the good work. -KPenzig
I love your website and I 100% support your voice and your opinions. Keep up the good
work. -Mrollins
This year at 35 years young I bought
my first bike, V-star 1100 classic, I love it! I based my decision on reviews, word of
mouth, and common sense, not my ignorance. I didn't see the joke I see all the time. What
does HD stand for? Hundred Dollars, as in $100 a part for that sucker!
Keep up the good work!!! Kenny
ROTFLMAO! Oh you are the guru of Harley Humor and will do my best to follow and pass along
to my fellow man the wisdom of your writings! This is one of the best sites I have seen in
a while. The only thing I hate more than Harley's is Harley attitudes. You have to admit
though Harley Davidson must have one hell of a marketing team. How else could you sell a
piece of 1920's technology for more that it is worth. The week before Sturgis I was going
down the highway on my 1984 Goldwing with 265,000 miles on the original motor now and
noticed many trailers going down the road with Harley's in them. Traffic stopped and as I
came up next to one of them I asked where all the Harley's in trailers were going and he
told me they were on there way to Sturgis. My bike has been there 3 times from Calif under
its own power towing its own trailer. I also saw a GL1500 Goldwing later that day towing a
motorcycle trailer with get this A HARLEY ON THE TRAILER!! Headed for Sturgis. I would
have paid $5000 dollars for a throw away camera right then. I was laughing so hard I had
to pull over and clear my throat. Great site! take care and may the Schwartz be with you!
Hi from New Orleans, Echo! We exchanged welcoming emails to your Angst forum a while
HD of New Orleans runs a radio ad every day, several times, advertising their HD
"motorclothes". Usually, I change the channel the moment I hear their BS ad.
Today I listened for once.
They never mention the bikes, only the "motorclothes". In conclusion,they
say something like "when you wear the HD motorclothes, you can adopt the "HD
ATTITUDE"" ! WTF????? Why would anyone with half a brain want to buy an
attitude??????? I got to thinking about it....If you take the HD motorclothes off at
night, do you revert to your previous ignorant attitude, or does the lame ass "HD
ATTITUDE" linger in your addled brain for a few hours?
Man, our country is really going down
the tubes if we have to start buying an attitude!!!!!
Just wanted to vent in an email to you.
I saw the etch a sketch picture on The Spirit World forum(devoted to the Honda Spirit750),
and thought you might get a smile from it!
A big fan of yours, -JHoffert
(Ah, yes.
Another one of my original graphics that will become infamous on the Internet as it is
plastered over site after site and claimed by many to be the their own work. You can
tell I did it by the "Troglovision" line on the bottom and the graphic
originally appeared in this feedback. I really, really
need to start watermarking my graphics, but ... John, one weekend in the next couple
of months, the Dark One is going to ride down to New Orleans (you're only about 90 miles
away) and we will link up for some unlimited mirth in the Big Easy. -BE)
Great web site. I wish I had found it earlier.
I couldn't have said it any better except that I have totally given up on HD and Buell.
I'm passed the point of hope that a US company will ever step up and build a real bike -
only more HD type clones with the same sorry twin motors. At this point I see myself
buying Jap bikes for the rest of my life. Even if I wanted a "cruiser" type bike
- it would be Japanese built. IMO - they build a better cruiser than HD. They build a
better HD than HD themselves!
I hate the HD riders more than the bikes themselves but in the end, HD should be held
accountable for the monsters they've created. - Tshelton, 2000 Hayabusa
Thought you might like to see this shirt. -MGreenham
ROTFLMAO! Oh, how true!
You are unfucking believable! I laughed so hard I wet myself. Honest. And I've never done that before, not even when I went and saw Eddie Murphy live in concert. If you keep this up, I'm going to have to get a box of depends when I surf your site, and I'm only 28 years old, ride a CBR900RR. Keep up the great work! -MSmith
Thank you for having the balls to stand up to those retards and give them a taste of the medicine that they have been giving to us for so long! Excellent site! -JCharles
I ride a '98 Sportster but I have to say that after 2 years with the Harley crowd, you have more originality in the first page of your site than in all of Sturgis put together. Can I have your love child? The last thing I want is to breed with one of those 'redneck stumpfuck hill scoggins'. LOL! I used that term on a guy who tried to pick me up the other night at a bar. You should have seen his expression! His friends laughed at him when he had to walk back to his table. He thought that since I rode a Harley that I would be attracted to some redneck like him. These people are all retards. Maybe it's time to get a Honda. -Stella.
sordid site... It's hilarious and so fuckin' true, and I've owned 2 HD's!! A Shovel and
would just like to mention how much i enjoyed browsing through your site. I havent laughed
so much in ages. You have an enviable command of the English language. Thanks for being so
entertaining! -John
I had a whole lot of fun on your site. Very entertaining. I personally have a rather odd mix of bikes, a '98 Moto Guzzi EV11, a '73 CZ250, an XS650 Yamaha chopper, and a '70 FLH bobber project (pic attatched of the tank, I think it'll get a smile out of you). -LBruns
ROTFLMAO! "Briggs and Stratton"!
liked your site. Very good read. I know, you
must get tons of mail generated by that site, so if you're reading this, I know you've
dedicated serious time to reading e-mail today and I thank you! But, being the
chatty mofo I am, I simply couldn't go with out sending you a fewcomments. First, let me
tell you where I'm coming from, my bike stable consists of a 97 CBR 900RR, a 93 and 97 CBR
600, a 90 VTR 250, and a sweet 1983 RZ 350 Canadian import. It's wicked. I also make my
living selling Honda, Yamaha, and *dramatic pause* Harley Davidson. Yup, the Motor Company
pays my bills, or helps to, anyhow. Before moving to sales, I was a mechanic of the
above mentioned brands for few years. So I have a unique perspective. The reason I write
is to tell you that you're right, mostly. A lot of what you say about HD ownership is
totally true. And it really is an inferior product for the money. They do serve their
purpose, and they do offer a different riding experience from a Japanese cruiser. I guess
I'm saying is that there is valid reasons for owning one. If one had the money, HD
ownership can make sense. As long as you don't buy the retarded bullshit that you're
buying "The Best Motorcycle on the Planet". That just isn't so, and I'll look a
prospective buyer in the face and tell them that. I like your insight and I totally dig
your writing style (...) -Justin
I just wanted to say that I love your website. me and my riding buddies have been
screaming about Harley's for years, and it seems that someone FINALLY agrees with us. BTW,
I ride a 94 Honda Magna (the original power cruiser) and while it does weigh in at 500
lbs. wet, it does have more stock HP than any V-twin cruiser (minus the recent power
cruiser explosion) and will smoke-check a Harley on my worst day. I've been through the
basic and advanced MSF courses and I have made my bike do sh*t that had my sportbike
riding buddies giving me standing "O"'s. anyway, I just wanted to let you know
that I respect you for having the balls to tell it like it is. -PLooker
site is all too true about the average harley rider. The acts of stupidity these guys
perform is beyond me. For instance - I was just learning to ride, and I am out poking
around the lovely (not) suburbs of
Anyway thats my rant. It would have been nice to catch his licence but that would be
pointless, as the average
I realize that not all police are a$$holes. I spent time with some coppers out in
Reading your site is a real lift whenever I look outside at my brand new GS500 and realize
that, because of bureaucratic error, I won't be legally able to ride it for a few more
weeks. Patience will pay off...Every time an airhead "trend-humping fashion
lemming" comes roaring down my street at ungodly hours I always think of what your
web page says... and I go back to sleep, at peace now that I know why people ride those
obnoxious machines. Keep up the good work, man. -GGleason
web page is great .What you write about is right on the money. HD and IDIOTS are one
in the same.Of course I have had nothing but Jap bikes because they handle,performe and
don't break down.Keep up the good work!! -JBayert
you run for president? If so, you have my
vote! CDion
was impressed and amazed at your essay describing the reality of the Harely-Davidson-mania
that has swept the country. As my friends and I stumble into middle-age we are,
one-by-one, gripped by this savage and insidious disease. I've watched in amazement as
they plunk down 16, 17, 18, grand and more for these ridiculous thrashing machines. As you
describe, the doo-rags, key chains and leathers soon follow...
You'd have thought that I shot my mother when they all learned that I drug a '78 Honda
CB750 from the junkyard for 600 bucks and spent the winter restoring it. And now,
the last-of-the-first-of-the-superbikes runs rings around them all. They can't stand it.
When they look at me in puzzlement, I try to explain the historical significance of
the Big Jap Fours of the 60's and 70's. I know I'm wasting my time. Maybe I'm the one
who's thick. I just don't get the notion of spending 20-large for a throbbing wheelchair
that can barely get out of its own way...
as I'm sure you have, I'll run into the true American motorcycle enthusiast. They guy who
found the old '47 Indian in his aunt's garage and lovingly and painstakingly restored it.
This guy has a lot more in common with me than he does with "them". Can't
picture this guy with tassled saddle bags and a POW-MIA doo-rag double-parked in front of
the Dairy Queen....
Anyway, it's a long way to go to tell you how much I appreciate your thoughts on the
matter. All the best... -Joe
This is a kit that needs to be included on all Harley-Davidson's to insure that parts simply slip on. Great site! Long overdue and most appreciated! You and your site are making my life dangerous! Thanks for the great laughs! GrtDay
GrtDay's ideal tool kit to work on Harley Davidsons with.
I'm most impressed by the energy you put into this way cool site. I've always thought there was something wrong with H-Ds that I couldn't put my finger on, they looked "cheap" somehow. Now I know what's up. Thanks. I'm trying to decide between a Honda and Suzuki right now, and buying a Harley never even crossed my mind. It's hard to steer with a pair of pliers in one hand. - BillW Some one who says what alot of us Metric riders think. enjoy the site laugh my ass off . phill 00 Road Star In several places around your most excellect rant site, I have seen you intimate that Hardly-Ableson engines would be better used on water-pumping devices in various African countries. I beg to disagree with this proposition, for the following reasons: In bush locations you would, in fact, want a relatively dependable engine for a water-pumping device, not some undependable POS like the average Hardly engine. Additionally, satisfying the higher octane fuel requirements of most Hardley engines would be problematic in those locations. I would suggest a Russian-made Belarus tractor engine as an alternative. -Don F A small tale to tell. A friend of mine was offered the chance to test ride a HD all day from a local dealer who thought he could get him to part with his Ducati 900, so just for a giggle he decided to take him up on the offer and asked me if I would like to go along (also on my Duke) so like a fool I said yes, anyway after the initial sales shite came the ride, we had only got 200yds along the road to stop at the lights when a bunch of youths started to shout "wanker, tosser, look at that cunt on his Harley!" ect! ect! Needless to say the bike (if you can call it a bike) was returned rather quickly to the dealer who hadn?t even had the chance to get back into the sales room! Fantastic site BTW, They (harleys of course) are hated just as much here in the UK... Respect, -MartinB
I have got to say I agree with you. It is refreshing to know I haven't been completely alone. I have been riding for over 20 years. In fact I have the first bike I ever bought brand new a 1980 KZ750E1. Its been a great bike and still one of my favorite rides. I ride with a group that has everything from a brand new ZX-12 to my old KZ. Plus a bunch of new Harleys. The Harleys are for the most part just as you describe them. The riders are a great bunch of guys but they still don't get it when it comes to understanding the reason the rest of us don't and won't buy into the Harley mystique. The exception to this is my brother, he rides a 81 Wide glide. He would agree with you about the new bikes his shovelhead is kind of like my 70 Cuda. A nice looking piece of nostalgia but no comparison to the new technology. I guess the same could be said about my KZ but I still prefer it over a Harley. Thinking about the new ZZR-12, I can't get comfortable on the pure sport bikes, I rode a ZX-9 at Kawasaki's demo days. The reviews of the ZZR sound good, great performance numbers with ergonomics closer to my old KZ. By the way I am the Fleet Manager for a small City and take care of all the vehicles and equipment including Police units. I know the advantages of the latest technology. Unfortunately the Harley mindset extends to our Bike officers as well, we have a couple of Harleys. I would much prefer the Kawasaki's or even the BMWs. Those guys look at me like I am crazy when I mention replacing there bikes with the either. If my life depended on it I know what I would choose! Finally, I got a business card from a local HD dealer. it said: "Feel the Power" I think I hurt the guys feelings when I started laughing uncontrollably! Great Site!!! -HowardM
I just found your site after being directed there from a post on a motorcycle bulletin board I belong to--Labusas.org. That was seriously some of the funniest and (IMHO) most well-written anti-Harley stuff I've ever read. I have a story for you that I thought you might find amusing. I knew a guy in high school (I even dated him a couple times... ewww) who was bound and determined that ONE DAY he'd have his Harley. Well, after graduation, he found himself still a few grand short, so he decided to get a Harley tattoo instead to show the world his eternal devotion to his dream machine. Well, after proudly displaying his GIANT Harley tattoo across the whole top of his back to me, I couldn't stop laughing. I was rolling on the floor, crying. Not just because he'd chosen to become a permanent walking advertisement, but because he'd summed up the whole moronic Harley mentality without even realizing it--Harley had been misspelled! For the whole world to see FOREVER he had tattooed "Harly-Davidson" in giant letters on his back! How perfect. I also enjoyed your story about why you began the site and how your love of sportbikes developed. I too, ride a Ninja and it is also my first bike. Granted, I have a "little 250cc Kawasaki," but it is a hot machine and perfect for a hot chick on her first bike. Which leads me to another topic: It sucks that in many people's narrow minds, there's only one kind of biker chick. Well, there ain't no studs or fringe on my riding gear and I'll never have anything in common with the sunburnt, dried up so-called "biker babes" cruisin' on their loud, slow, over-priced hogs. Or worse, riding behind their fat, bearded "old men," hands clasped around an ample beer gut, because they'd never ride their OWN bike. I am way more independent than that, way more exciting and adventurous, too. For that reason, I am proud to be a Sportbike chick leaving that lame-ass cruiser in the dust on my little EX250! Thanks for the laugh and thanks for listening, -Leigh just wanted to say I love your site.. I totally agree with what you are saying... I have a Honda VTX 1800 it is one of the most awesome bikes on the road... liquid cooled, fuel injection, lot's of torque, very fast etc.... I will never own a Harley... too much money and too slow my friends have them and they rag me all the time... but when we ride they dont come close to the performance of my bike I think they are very jealous of me... it is so clear to them that i have a better bike than theirs. but they remain loyal the Harley people need to wake up today... stop throwing your money away on a name!!! like you said be your own person not a follower and those harley guys always do follow me hahahahahaha! - Jerry I just left your website, just got to say that you are approximately 99% right.(like you would give a flying rats ass )I ride a 99 Buell X1 Lightning and have had to replace the muffler can 3x , replace a rocker box gasket, had numerous fuel leaks, all in less than7500 miles. I asked the dealer and mechanics "whats this thing going to be like when it has 50,000 miles on it". They just looked like a deer in the headlights.However, the handling is good enough to smoke a local squid on a Yamaha R6 who claims to have raced AMA, while while riding the local twisties . Sure, most rice rockets will beat it on top end speed, but any body can go fast in a straight line. So maybe the performance is up to par , but the quality needs to be improved to retain me as a repeat customer. My other ride is a 98 Heritage Springer Softail. Yes it is slower than my 75 Honda GL 1000 and 83 Aspencade, 76 Honda cb360t and cb500t, 39 BMW (maybe), 83 Hurricane was, but it does look good and I COULD AFFORD IT. The parades of HOG SLEDS encountered while riding any time is annoying to me also, most Harley riders I have met have terrible riding skills, they know how to "operate"the bike, but don't know how to ride!!! One group ride I went on, the ride captain picked the straightest/boring roads, when I later asked him why, he said "we have some riders in our chapter that don't like CURVY ROADS" I mentioned that maybe they should have kept their 77 Dodge Aspen station wagon and not wasted their money on a H.D. No need for me to renew my chapter membership, would rather ride alone , than ride with a bunch of no load,puss nuts posers. H-D is a part of our American History and has been building bikes since 1903, now I wish they would put all that experience into practice and build the machines that I know American workers can build and get it right. -Lord of the weasels (thats what my 6 ferrets call me) JohnP I had to share this: A while back my wife ordered a Hotwheels® Harley Fatboy replica, she paid $8 for it through Avon® of all places, even though she knows I don't care for Harley, she thought it would be something I could trade around or something a Harley owner I know saw it and asked if I would sell it, I smiled and said "Sure, for $50 bucks" the guy grabbed his wallet and handed it to me on the spot cause he "Had to have it.". Not a bad profit of $42 from a cheap looking toy, I felt bad about overcharging him till I thought of how the Harley dealer treated him and he didn't mind that at all. Thanks again for helping America fight it's way back to being a good place to buy from. -Steve Example of lemming mentality: Buddy bought new HD (honey wanted a Bar Bike, so sad.) So he sets out to sell the 92 Ultra Classic HD he owns. He bought the Ultra for just under $11,000 over a year ago with 30,000 miles on it. Get this: The Ultra has over 38,000 miles on it, overdue for rebuild, he asks $14,000 for it! Had half a dozen lookers, NO ONE DICKERED ON THE PRICE!!! Got what he asked for it!!!!!! Geez, what idiots, just gotta get a Harley, at any cost. DM G'day! My Name is Matt, living in Ontario, Canada right now. I just finished giving you site a read, and I have to say it one of the most entertaining that I have come across yet. I rather liked your rant about HD motorcycles. I have had many of the same arguments with HD owners up here as well. Guess the consumer market knows no bounds. I am riding a wound up FZR400 which can put a lot of those steel behemoths to shame, even on longer rides. Ontario is a big place, I have explored most of it. My '88 is producing 69hp at the rear wheel and is lightened down to 260lbs wet. Its a fun toy to play in the twisties with. Cheers, Matt Thanks for helping me lose sleep, since I found a link to your site on the AOL Motorcycle message boards, for 2 days now I have been reading through all the many areas. Your remarks, well thought out and perfectly phrased comments, are right on the money, I visited the local H D dealer just last weekend and was almost drawn into the (clap) trap lure of the H D mythos, sure the bikes may look shiny and appealing to some, coupled with the snake oil type salesmen cooing in your ears, but my next stop was at the Hondy/Yamaha dealer just a few minutes down the road, where I fell in love with a Valkyre 1800cc! That is a lot of bad ass bike and less than half the price with all accessories included. I recently needed to purchase a part for the wife's Virago, and called around for the best price, the "shop" I decided on was near 40 miles away, and the parts person sounded intelligent enough, so off we rode to get the part, when we got there his "shop" was a rusty junk cluttered Harley graveyard with some bits and pieces of other brands strewn around this "shop". His shop was actually his backyard carport with the obligatory mean looking chained up under the workbench and a pile of beer cans thrown toward the back. The "shop owner" had the standard straggly "I can grow 40 whiskers so I am a bad ass" Harley beard, he was wearing faded jeans that looked as if they could only take maybe one more washing, so he has put it off for another couple of months (but I look "bad assed") and a T-shirt with the Harley logo so faded only the outline of the shield could be seen and the arms were cut off so you could see his arms that were smaller than my 6- year old's. I took one look around and decided to pay the $40 more for the part at the local shop. Thanks again -Steve in Texas Your site cracks me up. -Bag ('98 Valkyrie) I love your site. I ride a VTX1800 and I get so tired of being told I got the wrong bike. I am returning to riding from heart surgery so while I miss the edge you refer to, I doubt I will be revisiting it. I got my VTX in August 01 and now, June 02 have 10,000 miles on it, When I get to 60,000 and still feel well, Id like to try a ST1300. Keep up the good work on your site, it is so refreshing, -Tony R. Just don't get it. These clowns decked out in Harley paraphernalia from head to toe. They obviously don't realize that they have been conned through clever marketing and manipulation into making some stockholders very rich. I would never own another Harley (been over ten years) but certainly would buy the stock as long as the sheep keep getting herded in Harley's direction. Is there anything we can do to keep this circus off the roads. We all have experienced the scenario of moving along at a good clip only to round a corner and come up on a herd of World War II tractors (Harley's) taking up the road for 30 yards crawling along at about 10 to 15 mph below the speed limit. It is a sea of black leather and tassels, not to mention the distinctive Harley sounds cranking out somewhere between 30 to 66 horsepower per machine. Lets see it would take 5 Sportsters to equal the hp of one Hayabusa or a Hayabusa could just about beat one top end without going out of first gear. Minimally they should have those slow moving triangles attached to each of their sissy bars. Last time I rode with a buddy who had a Harley, his pipes fell off on the way home (no lie). -MarkKA buddy forwarded your site to me, and my reaction? Too funny, I enjoy it. I like the humor, and it seems our brethren of the "bar and shield" apparently are lacking in. I have owned one Harley in my life. A '70 Sportster; an ironhead. It was slow as molasses and shook the hell out of me. I was 17 and did not care, but I soon ditched it for a "kiddy" bike; a Honda 750. I can appreciate Harley's history, and I supported them for years. I supported them when their products were really substandard, i.e., the AMF days. I had friends who were bikers, they loved Harley, of course, but they liked the feeling of it, they did not criticize those who chose to ride others. To them, and me, it's about riding, nothing more. But the '80's came, and with it all the yuppies and posers who bought them up like candy, inflating the prices. They wanted an image, nothing more. It is they who deride me for riding another, it is they who give ALL of us a black eye in the eyes of the public. Personally, I love Italian bikes, always have. I don't debate others over power, handling, exclusivity, and reliability. I have always owned at least one Japanese bike, even now. But this attitude you are referring to is so true. For the past two years, I have owned a Moto Guzzi- love it. I had one when I was 20 and fell in love with them. But I hear so many, "It's an Italian Harley, screwed up design." I can just scream. It may be an air-cooled, pushrod twin, but the similarities end there. I know this when I pass disabled hogs on the side of the road. I like "retro" stuff as much as the next guy, but I like technology, and the application thereof. Like you, I cannot justify spending that kind of money for such a heavy bike that is lacking in all the things I want in a bike. Where is it written that a bike must vibrate your fillings out to have "character"? I am not a flashy guy, I prefer to let my riding speak for itself. How do you like the guys that trailer their bikes to Daytona and Sturgis? Hardly worth commenting on. How about the guys who won't ride in inclement weather because it may damage the paint and they would have to clean all the chrome again? It seems to me that Harley, as a company, has stifled technology because their patrons would not like it. Maybe they're right, but when I see Japanese bikes that are "detuned" to make them more Harley-like, I shake my head. Obviously, people like us have now become the fringe, because to ride and not be on a Harley, that has become anti-establishment in the eyes of the masses. -Chris
Your site is the best thing on the internet! I ride a Harley and I hate those snobby clowns as much as you do! Why can't Mattel make a bike for Ken and Barbie and why can't these losers buy THAT bike instead of my beloved Harley brand? Fight the good fight, man! Take out the trash! -Doug Henry R Harley would probably make a good lawn mower if the market segment was there, and include all of the accessories as well. Of course, it would cost as much as a brand new car, but I bet there would be people who would only cut their lawn with a Harley mower if they had the choice. The lemmings are getting out of hand, time to thin the herd. -HarleyDaveG Harley riders have feelings too, you know. They have the receipts to prove it! -BobT This site is fucking hillarious! I always considered myself middle of the road / fence, as you call it, but after I read your site and took a look around, I suddenly realized what you are talking about! I guess I wasn't really 'middle of the fence', I was more 'anti-confrontational', not anymore! Thanks for unleashing the wolf in me! -PeterS Outstanding! You have me in stitches. IM printing some of the content and bringing it to work. Ill use it on the idiots I deal with, coworkers included. Im a police officer in Southern CA. Twenty-one years of it. I also ride a Harley Davidson. My last bike was a Honda V-65 Magna. I had to sell that one to buy a wedding ring fifteen years ago. Some of the best laughs over the years have been about myself. We don't laugh much at work any more. Times are changing. I'm middle of the road, don't have all the Harley Davidson clothing etc. I like my bike and I'm glad I bought it. Keep up the good work. -Dave I have got say that I really enjoy your writing. I own a Valkyrie and have the same thoughts that you convey SO WELL. I have your Legal notice as my wall paper, because every time I read it I laugh my ass off. Keep up the good work. I look forward to the next installment . Your friend in cyberspace, -MikeG If it cost money to laugh, Id be one broke son of a bitch after two hours on your site! Keep up the great work! -DanB 02 CBR600F4I Tell it like it motherfucking is, man! Give em both barrels, reload, and put them out of their fucking misery, Black Echo! -RogerM Your site has caused quite a stir here in London with me and my mates, Echo. You should write for one of our favorite rags, "Performance Bikes". It has a bunch of nutters like you, youd fit in good enough with that company. NealH Damn! What are you, ten fucking feet tall? When I started reading your site (and laughing my ass off), all I could think of was the General Maximus in that movie "Gladiator" when he said "On my mark, unleash hell." That is what you have done on some webforums I frequent, man! Great site! -DougB 01 GSX-R750 God I havent laughed this hard in years! Motherfucking awesome website that is too just fucking hillarious, man! Next update now, please! -HarryJ Youre a genius, and were not worthy. -GP Kearney 00 VFR Damn! Finally someone who isnt afraid to stand up to those greasy pot bellied uneducated leather punk ass bitches and tell them like it is! I am so tired of getting ignored when I wave at their sorry stuck up asses. DannyR This site is very dangerous to the narrow-minded sheep. Reading it may cause their heads to explode. Awesome work, keep it up! -BobH Trend humping fashion lemmings! ROTFLMAO! Ive got a new insult in my arsenal now to use against those wannabe bondage sheep! -RobD This must be the most hilarious site that I have ever come across! Do you make the people you arrest laugh? -DaveH I read your "rules of conduct", you missed the other half of the mansteak bit, needing a "big american vibrator" to satisfy their spouse / girlfriend / sister / mothers big fat ass! You RULE with an Iron Fist! -A Friend and Fan for life, Paul. I would gladly buy American if there was a big motorcycle worth buying (maybe the boss hoss, just because it looks cool). I've read recently that American ownership of Honda is actually greater than Harley Davidson now. Here's another good one. Motorcycle Consumer News (MCN) has revealed that total sales for 2001 for on and off-road bikes (no ATV's or scooters) was 759,000. Honda grew 30% and sold 214,558 and Harley sold 177,125 while only growing 13%. Honda has 28.2% market share and HD has 23.3%. Indian grew a staggering 81% but that's from sales of 2042 in '00 to 3701 in '01. For my money I ride a F6 Valkyrie. It'll smoke any American cruiser on the road like a cuban cigar. -HonestJohn Honda Valkyrie- the "Made-In-America" cycle that America wishes it could make. -BradP I know you get this a lot, but if more people thought like you, this country wouldnt be in the shit it is in today. You are a dying breed, Black Echo. Someone who cares and who has the balls to stand up and say that you do. This country used to be about kicking ass and taking names. Now its about kissing ass and dropping names. Keep up the good fight! God bless you, sir! -RichKYour site had me laughing until I was crying! I checked my mail at this local cybercafe coffee shop and a friend of mine who owns a Valkyrie had sent me the link. I logged on to your site and started blowing hot coffee out my nose! People started wondering what I was looking at and laughing at and pretty soon, every PC in the place was browsing your site! You had a whole café of people talking about your site and laughing out loud. I hope you take that as a compliment. Keep up the great work! -BrianM
Great and awesome site! I feel charged after reading it! -ScottN
I thank you! My made-in-USA Honda Valkyrie thanks you! -Bigdan
Man, one brainless lemming pulls up to me yesterday sitting in the passenger side of his buddy's Soccer-Mom SUV and asks me, "Is that a Harley?" (I'm on my flat 6, 1520cc Honda Valkyrie). I say, "No, its a Honda Valkyrie." He snaps back and says, "Oh! Then its a piece of shit, then." I then wanted to say, "That's pretty funny comin' from an idiot riding in a Soccer-Mom car, BITCH!" or "If you can't tell the difference, you shouldn't be talking to me! BITCH!" But I said neither...I did the one thing that easily shut his ass up. As the green light popped up, I revved her up to the rev limiter and took off a good 4 blocks in barely 7 seconds to the next red light and waited another oh...half hour for him and his boyfriend to catch up. As he pulled up and tried to ignore me, I say, "Can't do that on a Harley!" "BITCH!" And the light turned green again... Bottom line, I'm tired of these brainless sheep trying to show off how much blood leaves their heads and goes straight to their nuts when they see a motorcycle. You're website hit my feelings about "good ol' Milwaukee" right on the head. I certainly hope Willie G. and his boys take heed of what you've pointed out about their product(s). Cuz they really need a hit on the head as well. -MarcG VRCC# 13051
Great site! Although I do ride an old Harley, I agree totally on your ravings! I hate to say it but at times I am ashamed to be found in any vicinity of these posers! Once Harley riders were actually "feared" but now.........???? I had a few even ask me what I was doin while I kicked my bike over!!!! Unreal!!! And of course they were wearing everything they could to "FIT IN" to the outlaw biker look! Hell, if these posers ever really saw a true outlaw they would pee in there Designer Trademark pants! My Bro in law rides a Valkyerie and after I rode it and I felt my old shovel was like riding a steam engine! Keep it up! I am lookin for a new bike myself! Maybe I will just build one!! -Big Nasty
how about a VALKYRIE, not as fast as a sport bike but comfort out the wazoo http://www.valkyrieriders.com/ I hang around this site alot, I'm sure you've heard of it, since I found my way here from there. :) you crack me up buddy, keep up the good work. with people like you out there it gives me hope that we can break the dogma psyche that Harley holds over the populace. Regards TomRWhat a great site! Your comments are mostly right on, except Americans can build a great bike. They do it right in Maryville, Ohio at the Honda plant. American workers build them and the Valkyrie has more American content than the Softtail Classic. I'm sure most people have heard how you can stand a nickel up on it's edge on a Valkyrie valve cover and rev the bike up to redline without the nickel falling over. It's too bad that Harley has the world convinced the only bike out there is the Vtwin. Valkyrie owners like to tell the Hardly crowd, "You're right, it's not about speed, but we can go SLOW too!" -RussH
I hate those overpriced culture whoring rattletraps! Great site! It is about time someone told it like it was though I doubt that you wake up any sheep, as you call it. Harley riders are a bunch of idiots, why else would you pay so much for so little just to say that you own something that everyone else does? The jealousy part kills me too, I own a '96 CBR, a '98 ZX-9R, and a '01 Valkyrie. I could have all three of these bikes in my garage, or I could have one rattletrap piece of shit Harley. Which do you think I'm going to spend my money on? Keep up the great work! -JohnD.
Don't kick those harley riders in their ass! You'll cause brain damage! Love the site, man! -PaulB
OMG! I laughed so hard I think I bruised a rib. My sides hurt for a day after my friend and I found your site! The part about that guy "Blake" needing a harley to get ass is so typical. Harley riders usually have really small cocks, I should know, I used to date one. -JillM.
I personally believe that the whole harley owning mentality is an advanced form of societal mental retardation, or at least a sure sign that as this country gets older, we're getting dumber. I guess in fifty years, horses and carts will be all the rage for the yupps. Should make Milwaukee mad when the center of production for the new poser fad moves from there to Amish land. -ScottA
Your website is one of the greatest I have ever stumbled across. I hope you don't give the right idea to too many of these idiots, then the laws of supply and demand will come into play and none of us REAL bike riders will be able to afford an import because all the yuppies will be buying them instead! So, "Shhhhhhhhh!" - BillS
I thought I was the only one left who didn't subscribe to the "American Dream" of owning a retro-retarded rolling sofa. Your site made me laugh and I almost choked to death on Domino's pizza while reading your replies to these "hill scoggins"! I've learned a new word and I'm going to use it! Your site should come with a health warning on it! -RogerL
You have a lot of fans in my riding group over here in the UK. Keep up the good work spanking the wankers in old Milwawk around! -EdwinH
LOVE your site!!! Well it's Memorial Day Weekend here in Washington DC. Like an idiot I forgot to get out of town. Yes, it's Rolling Thunder weekend -- 100,000 tools on their POS, but loud as a jackhammer, "bikes" invade the Nation's Capitol. Fortunately, with the weather man calling for angry storms and hail, this parade of losers will be rained on. Robes
Love your site, it is so refreshing. I ride a VMAX and probably would not pay any attention to harley's (just a hunk of chromed World War II technology), but the harley attitude absolutely amazes me. How could these people be so out of touch. I guess I have to give hd credit for their marketing genius, they certaingly sold a bill of goods to many many ignorant fools. Tell me how an absolute piece of crap like the new VMAX clone (the vrod) gets major press in the Wall Street Journal and Time magazine, an R6 would absolutely blow it away in every way shape or form and costs 1/3 the price. Go to Daytona Bike Week and witness the sea of harley's, if you don't want to stand out and must blend into the crowd, ride a Harley. "So much noise, so little power". "Harley Davidson is the #1 choice of motorcycle for accountants and dentists". -Mark
Cool site. Me and my bros (haha) had a lot of laughs! GregR
Well done! DougS
Support from the UK! Man yer site is great ... ! ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!! -Gi
I love it!!! Talk about hitting the nail squarely on the head! This weekend I rode my 20 year old Yamaha XJ1100 Maxim along with a friend on his new Harley and two other Hardley guys. All of them are less than a year old and none of them had ridden anything in decades before buying into the chrome thang. When we got to our destination they all dismounted and stood there staring at their overpriced under techno'd chromed POS's. Not for a short while either - it was for the long term. I gave up and walked inside. Amazing - the mental state of these folks. Sound and shiny - unimpeded by progress of any sort. That's the well selling myth. Me - I'm eyeing that 2003 FJR1300..... Thanks for the laugh, Deano K. (82 XJ 95HP walk any HD any time)
Hey blackecho. You tell it like it is. I love it! I live in Bismarck, ND and ride a 2000 ZX-12R. There are tons of Harleys(John-Deere) around here. I wave at every bike I come across. Guess which ones don't wave back? The Harley riders. Why they think they are superior to you, I'll never know. The bike gets the bad name and reputation from the riders. They hop on their hogs and they think they are kings of the streets. Sad isn't it? I'm just hoping one of them is stupid enough to ask me if I want to race. That'll make my day. Keep up the good work. -LarryS, ZX-12R
Youre funny and intelligent. Did I spell that right?? I never laughed my ass off so hard and yet what you were saying is soo true !! I own 2002 ZX-12R and and can't even begin to explain to the ( YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND CLUB ) Now I know that I am not the only person who was luckily not aborted ! -Chris I found your web site on www.zx12-r.org, i can't believe you're a police officer as smart as your writing sounds. I am really impressed (not that you care), by your intelligence, I wish I could sound 1/2 as smart as you. What really impresses me is that you're not just bashing harley, your actually challenging them to improve their product, and make America build the machines they are capable of building. If more people thought like you America would be a different place. I almost see the stagnation you spoke of Harley possessing in several aspects of this country. It's almost like we have changed, lost our work ethic, pride, and have lost our sense of adventure or challenge. thanks for a great site, I know you could crush this e-mail, I can't articulate my thoughts as well as you, but I would like you to know your site is more than just about harleys and i am impressed. To try and be clear, I admire your effort. Skeeter1277 GREAT SITE ! I`ve never got a headache before from laughing so hard . I thought I was the only one that thought Harley Davidson was treating the American public like circus elephants ( trunk-to-tail ) in a single file line to become one of the mindless sheep. Anyway I could go o about the mindless, I do live in Ohio and we have a bunch of them out here! love the site! .ohh B.T.W, I ride a 2000 kawasaki zx-12r. and my favorite thing to do is to ride into a pack of wannabees and show them what a REAL bike looks and sounds like !...............jeremyS I found a good use for (HD) dealer T shirts! This particular dealer in London is near the City. You should see the fools buying a life on Saturdays. They pay £12k for a bike then buy £4k of accessories before they've even ridden it. Bunch of faggots. The new model? Cattle prod or whatever they want to call it, what a waste of effort, all that engine in a shit bike and the new Buell gets a made over Sportster engine! That Direbolt won't sell in any numbers this side of the pond. Great site! -TimH.I own and operate one of the more popular Harley Sportster sites on the web, http://www.mklsportster.com/ As an avid Harley Sportster enthusiast, let me congratulate you on your brilliant rants, which "echo" many of my own feelings almost identically. There is nothing more sickening than a flock of silly sheep masquerading as individualists - and that goes for bikers or any other group. I plan to put a link to your page from mine. Excellent work - keep it up! And keep the rubber side down.... -MosheL
I stumbled across your site earlier tonite, and just spent the last 45 minutes laughing my ass off! As a life-Long Honda owner, (Currently I own a '02 VTX Retro) AND as a retired Police Officer, I find myself identifying with everything you say and do. Keep up the good work, stay safe and remember : Front-sight...PRESS! LMAO! Chris D
I think I wet myself. I have never in my life laughed so hard. I have never owned Harley, but I've ridden and been around more than a few. Everything you state regarding the attitude of their owners is spot on. I had ridden a '81 CB750K for nearly ten years, it was what I could afford, and it did everything I wanted, daily rider, long distance trips, (1000 mile plus rides, with never even a hiccup) But some of the Harley owners I know were always giving me sheet about "upgrading to a Harley" When I finally did save enough to upgrade, it was to a ZRX 1100 Kawasaki. They all gave me hell for not "buying American" and "you shoulda gone for Harley... twice the torque" 'Twice the torque?' I just laughed...and they got strangely quiet about speed and performance after I let them talk me into a drag race with a "modified" Harley...the numbers they threw at me were ridiculous, "It's putting out 94 foot-pounds of torque and 167 horse power...your gonna lose.." MY Z-Rex not only out ran it, but we had to use it as a tow vehicle to get his Harley back to the bar after the second run...because the first time he.."missed a gear" the second time..the engine in his 25k dollar, modified, suped up Harley went boom. Funny...my unpatriotic, rice burning, $3200.00 dollar, completely stock jap bike is still running fine. -RedJohn
Dude, You definitely brightened my otherwise drab day........... Your site is friggin funny and quite well thought out. I stumbled across this site by accident, and wanted you to know that in all of my years of riding and teaching, I have never had such a good laugh. Robert J. I. II Great site. I laughed and laughed as I read it. I'm a forensic psychologist and I think you have much better diagnostic skills with at least one (maybe more????) disorders than I. Keep it up (by the way, I ride an 86 intruder. I keep trying to find a bike old as me but those steam powered jobs are pretty expensive). Thanks again for all the laughs. -Dan D. You have driven the final stake in my Motorcycle nightmare. Riding a 16 year old GL 1000 with a group that included one Harley with about 18 months on it was the penultimate stake. We got passed, on an upgrade, by a tractor trailer rig, and the five cars following it. The ride was to a barbecue and motorcycle show. The Hog Owner came home with the same intestinal gas as the rest of us, and the first place trophy from the show. I'm still trying to figure out how a security guard earned enough money to buy a dressed Harley. But I don't generally investigate my friends finances. Now that I have had his low speed explained I will quit thinking it was just cause he did not want to leave the old guy on the Goldwing behind. -B10Four. Just forwarded your site to some of the HD 'wannabes' I know in my area. I've been calling them "BAAAAD Boys' for years. Bought one of them an inflatable sheep at the XXX book store and the dumb ass didn't know what to do with it! They don't like my 'rice burner' and I don't like the fact that they're too stupid to know what a 'good' motorcycle is. Good site, good info, and great presentation! cjay I LOVE your site! I've been riding since I was 17 in 1987, a yamaha, a Beemer, now a Suzuku sv650, and have the misfortune of living in Milwaukee. Honestly, about 90% of the cycles on the road are harleys. And the flack I get here is unending. People who've never ever ridden a cycle, like someone's gradma, will see my helmet or jacket, and say "do you have a motorcycle?", then ask "is it a harley?" and when I tell them what it is, they say "I (or my husband or such) only likes harleys." and walk away. A roaring herd of individuals, all deep-throating a crappy trademark and begging for more, plastered head to toe with that stupid logo. -Mr.B Great Website, You are right on about Harley posers. I was at the Daytona Supercross this year which unfortunately is the same time as bike week. Actually motorcycle racing used to be the main focus for bike week. I went just for the day to watch the races. What a miserable experience once you get outside the Daytona speedway. On the way there traffic sucked because all the Harley riders drive well below the speed limit so the can be seen and pose. There were a few cool people but for the most part the majority were just peacocks strutting their feathers. The winners are guys hauling their Harleys on trailers behind their SUVs, then sitting on them in parking lots. What a joke. Good job on the site. -MikeE Howdy, nice web site! I hope you piss off a lot of flag waving yuppie harley "h.o.g." riders. Very entertaining. I personally like to ride shitty old Japanese or Italian bikes that are on the verge of being rat bikes to the local "Hells Angels" bar. I get there at 6am when it is still dark and raining and drink with the bartender. Usually I build my own wire harnesses and I always wrench on them myself. The faggot Harley yuppies show up at the bar on some Saturday or Sunday afternoon after a big poker run. Phuk them! I do nut ride for phun! I ride a bike because I can't afford a car. I got goddam oil cans and tools strapped to my cycle (pitch fork, shovel, saws ) and I got to drive it to landscape jobs. I want to strap a lawnmower on it sometimew. Well at least the bartender laughs inside when the Harley pee ople show up. I tell them to go buy a new Ford Explorer, their cheaper. They get pissed off, but they never get into a fight. Well, my brother and I are working on Motoretard site under Yahoo clubs. Best of luck, watch your back for the leather boy h-d owners with their sleeves rolled up and their fists caked in axle grease.... DanF Regarding your thoughts about Harleys and motorcycles in general: The only reason I think why HD is still in business is because the owners of the company sold their souls to Satan. -RobertL I wont apologize for owning a Harley Davidson but as a long time Harley owner I do find your site frickin hilarious. I have the upmost respect for police officers and you of course are entitled to your own opinion. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off because some of what you say is so true. I hate the Harley (Wanna Fucking Be) bad ass poser fucks myself. I ride a Harley cause I like the look of the bike, the sound, and the ride. I have owned other bikes, Honda, Suzuki, etc and just didnt find them comfortable. Thanks for the Laughs! -KasSI agree with your views on HD with the exception of your views on German engineering. Yes, HD could go to the Japs for help building a real bike but the Germans are not slugs in the engine building department. I spent a total of 11 years in Germany (4 tours while in the Army) and used to drive German made cars. My "company car" was a VW Jetta and would easily hit 110 MPH on the freeway (the famous Autobahn). That was in the slow lane. I don't know how fast my 20 year old Audi 100 would go because I was chicken to drive faster than 130 MPH. Porche's, BMW's, Mercedes and other Audi's would regularly pass me like I was standing still. So, what the hell, If HD needs help, let them go to the Germans for help. It sure beats what they have now which is nothing. No, I wouldn't own a Harley either. My current bike is a Suzuki 800 which I putt around on. I don't have any colors on my leathers and I wear a full coverage helmet instead of a rag on my head. I don't know if my Suzuki would outrun a Harley but thats OK because I'n not in competition with them. I have been riding (off and on) for 29 years and when I am on the road, I feel like I am 20 again, even though I am retired and slightly chubby (AKA getting fat in my old age) So, go ahead and bash Harley but try to keep an open mind on what the car ads call German Enginering. It really is good. Ernest W
A friend of mine emailed me your site . I Love it it is great. BobCAs a proud Harley owner, I gotta say I found your site to be offensive, hurtful, and ignorant. I loved it! (Although I didn't care for the Christopher Reeve shot). Having said that, keep it up! Entertainment can be found in many places... The first thing I did was forward the link to my Kawasaki loving Brother in Law. Although even he admits he envies my new V-Rod... All the Best! MichaelB
Black Echo, Hail the Harley Bashing Hero! You Rock dude! You
don't know how many times I've wanted to tell the "flock"
to stick their snob assitude where their loud pipes go but I like breathing so I just
smirk and ride by on my 1100cc shaft drive, maintenance free, $8000, just get on and ride
Shadow Sabre. I'm not into the sportbike thing, I like relaxing a bit and just cruising
down the highway enjoying the sights and smells of the open road. I looked at Hardly
Ablesons when the bike bug bit me, and I have to admit that they are beautiful (looking)
machines. But I could not afford a Hardly and heard bad things about reliability and I
sure as hell would not pay that much for a name. American cars by the way, aren't much
better so I drive import too because I HATE fixing vehicles. Maintenance..no problem.
Upgrades and improvements..no problem. Having to repair something that I just laid good
money out on because some C-average engineer managed to slip something crappy by the
marketing and/or QC departments...PROBLEM! I thought I would be settling when I got my
Sabre because I had my eye on the Road Kill...oops, King...but I love it and gain real
pride knowing that I got a better bike for 1/2 the price and I don't have to "fit
in". Long live Original Thinkers. -California Rider
You, sir, are a rare breed. You are outside the flock and don't subscribe to the dated old norms of society. You are also the super hot spark that generates similar minded individuals to rise up and shake off the dust of stagnant society, to form counter cultures and to ride in different circles than the rest. You are the fire that Harley Davidson once had but which they have let smolder and die long, long ago. Bravo and respect to you, "Black Echo". You might be just what this country needs; a wake up call from Hell! -RobH
nice site BUT please don't pick on sheep even they're smart enough not to associate themselves with anyone who rides a HD! -Don
I own a 1990 Yamaha Radian (600cc, inline 4). It's amazing how Harley riders always display an attitude of superiority. My very friendly, very humble neighbor sold his Honda Interceptor 500 and bought a Harley. He totally went overboard and completely Harley'ed himself out, complete with leather apparel and lifestyle to match. Bandana-covered, shaved head and all ("butt pirate" nazi style). It was amazing and hilarious. Though we remained good friends, I noticed his attitude immediately change to "Jap bikes suck", even though his brand new Sporty was always breaking down on him and his 1983 Honda ran like a champ with zero problems. My personal take on this is that the reason they don't wave to other bikers is because they're too busy fixing their bikes on the side of the road and too pissed off to wave at a person who owns a bike that ALWAYS RUNS. BTW, he had to sell the Harley because it never ran right, and he got himself an SUV instead - so we see that there is hope that these lost sheep can be converted back to reality and intelligent lifestyles. To this day, I've never met a Harley owner who's garage had not been converted into a full-blown maintenance and support shop for the bike out of NECESSITY. If you own a Harley, it will FORCE you to become a professional mechanic. You can tell a Harley owner before you even walk into the garage because of all the oily hand print stains all over the garage and fridge (cheap beer) doors. And worst of all: Look at the pure losers HD's attract. They are scum magnets. BobTouche, that is some funny shit and unfortunately all too accurate for the seeming majority of h-d riders these days. I've been riding British bikes, Indians, and h-d's for more than thirty years and really wish the yuppies would find some new fad to sink their cash into. Until they do, please keep whipping them with their own fringe. Lee P
Hi, my name is Sjaak S from Holland, and must tell you that I've just had the best laugh in days. The officially licensed stuff was a real shocker, too, even if I knew it was out there. Well, let me get it out; I ride my sportster and am, and was since at school deeply in love with it, and ride the piss out of it, day in, day out. Looks like shit to a Harley poser, looks great to me. Rides like shit honestly, but I love every shimmy, wobble, spitback and what have you. Wanta say that you are obviously right about a lot of things pertaining to HD's and their oftentimes very stupid, rude owners, who ask me when I get a real one, and tell me not to dispair: they also started out on one like that, and "that my time will come..". When I think of the last time the Official Dealer thought I would pay $15 for the 2002 catalog, I get deeply depressed or a rush of white anger, depending on my mood. Still, what I would like to share with you besides the above, is my concern for motorcycling as a whole, when I talk to other motorcyclists. I find an equal number of non-bikers riding non-Harleys as do Harleys, and I can mirror every description from you regarding stupid Harley riders on to riders in general. Jeez, look at them, on their new shiny CBR's or Milles; new, but dried out already leather, gassing their bikes,( talking about noise from a race can), smirking at the Sportster. The smell easy pray. A moderately well ridden bike like that would stay ahead of me in second gear with one hand on the bars, but not those people, and knowing a poser when I see one, actually leave him in the curves, can you imagine that? Talking to those people is even worse, friendlyness is awnsered with harshness and just rolling in the gas station is met with studied indifference. Rode my 2.25 gallon tank ( very unpractical but gives me pornographically lustfull view of engine) dry and started pushin', and NO ONE stops to ask what gives, Harley or other alike. After 22 years on the road on bikes, for the last ten years I have turned away from the rest of the biking community, hardcore Harley; no reasonable conversation possible, or others riders; good ones too few to bother, and Harley posers; worst of all. Thanks for listening, Regards Sjaak S, Holland. Good job! You have aired out the stupidity of harley owners for all of us! Man, I just love it! I ride a Suzuki VL1500LC because it is the best bang for the buck for the style of machine I like. Just the engineering alone in the Suzuki V-Twin, makes Harley just like Clinton, something America should be ashamed of and bury as soon as possible. I love to ride and the Japanese have it down pat. So far I have logged 25K on my 1999 and no problems at all. The only problem was that I installed a jet kit (made in America?) that had abrasive needles that trashed the Carbs. I love the V-Twin, and this Suzuki Twin has been just a dream. Hydraulic lifter's, no oil leaks and lot's of chrome on the engine stock. I make the Fat Boy look like a Little Boy when I park my LC next to one :) Thanks, PaulI found your site most entertaining. You have some very creative descriptions of Harley riders. It's unfortunate that there are a lot of HD owners out there who live up to your description. Walter
Good site ..............too funny and too true KeepItSimple789
OK, Black Echo (any story behind that name?) I have three words for you... Fan F'ing Tastic! If I were to build a website on this topic, I dare say it would closely resemble EXACTLY what you have here! If I only had a way to proliferate this URL to oh, I don't know, EVERYONE who rides a Harley! I know of exactly one person who rides a Harley (and it's a 1985 sportster, so who really cares?) and is not a complete snob/derelict/prick/idiot. Other than that, it's hands-down the dumbest, most insecure and egotistical group of hypocrites I've ever had the misfortune of riding by. The stupid sons of bitches don't even wave back! What's that garbage all about?!? Well, I'm sure I've told you all of the things you already knew. But I had to take a moment and commend you on your work and the eloquence with which you have articulated your perspective. Nicely done! JohnA
I agree with much if not all of your views, its a pity really, had Harley Davidson devoted as much of their resources to development.... real development, not just installing a new widget or two on an old design, as they had devoted to creating "boutiques" dedicated to stamping the HD logo on everything except condoms it might actually be a worthwhile ride, I'm a fan of the classic styling but not the mechanics or the marketing strategy....or the price, lets see, buy a Harley...or put a down payment on a home, hmmmm......what to do~ Nice site, ride safe! regards -Kevin H. -P.S. They make a comfortable pair of jeans though, maybe they should change over to just making jeans, but I guess they'd want 150$ a pair and would only last a month or two~
I really enjoyed your site. I actually got it from a buddy of mine (who rides a Magna). I admit that I actually do own a Harley, but part of the reason I purchased the bike was because of the points you hit on. Not really the image aspect of it, but because there's so many people out there that are willing to pay the sticker price on a used bike. I wanted a cruiser bike to casually ride around (I have a modified Mustang to satisfy my performance and power needs). I'm also stingy with my money and it just made more sense to spend the extra money on a Harley, get me kicks out of it, and then sell it for the price I paid for it then to go out and buy an import cruiser and watch the value depricate as soon as I drove it off the lot. Sure, I could go out and get a Valkrie, but I'd never get the money I put into it after 2 years like would with a Harley. Can you image what it'd be like to buy a car like that? A car that never depricates in value, holy shit why can't there be a car company like that. Anyhow, I just wanted to pay my respects to the very well developed and thoughtful website that you've put together. Excellent job! later, Kessens
I ride a HD and have for years. I must say that although I do not agree with your opinion of the bike I find your site funny as hell keep up the good work. p.s I agree with the self policing part. -PeterG
Hey, love your site. I'm a sportrider, ride a GSX-R750, and I enjoy dusting off the Harley morons who try to drag race me at traffic lights. I wouldn't trade my "rice burner" for 100 Hardly Abelsons. Keep up the good work. I've attached a logo that may appeal to my fellow crotch rocketeers. Rubber side down! FrankM
I haven't laughed so hard in years...your site brought tears to my eyes. Great job....you are a voice of sanity in the wilderness. You have a great wit...love the HD logo crap gallery....amazing what people will buy. Well...enough of the brown nosing.....hehe. Just wanted to say I enjoyed the site and will return often. By the way...had a '72 HD Super Glide....now ride a VFR....'nuf said. One thing, though....I am, sad to say, a NASCAR junkie....guess I am a 4 tooth scoggin. One extra tooth for my VFR If I see ya on the road...you definately will get a wave... Cheers, RickB
I have to admit that, even being a card-carrying Harley owner (HOG is the term), I was practically rolling on the floor laughing as I read your diatribe. I agree that some of the Harley-worship reaches the point of being kind of absurd. I'm sure that I have done things that, if I looked at it objectively, I'd think were silly. SteveH I wanted to be angry with you, and totally disagree with everything you said. But in the end, I just couldn't because frankly...a lot of what you say it true. And, you do have a way with words that I found really humorous. I found the Milwaukee Burger thing a hoot! That being said, I am still going to keep working on my Sportster. I guess that sort of makes me a "lemming", but I still just want one. Like you say though, Harley's have become so expensive and semi-exclusive, that an outright purchase is impossible. I am purchasing my Sporty one piece at a time off ebay. I figure I will know this bike really well by the time I'm finished! Lol I do like other bikes though. I really like the BMW Cruiser bikes. I've also been interested in the Chinese knock offs of the old BMW bikes. My sergeant (I'm a cop too) has a v-twin Suzuki that looks and sounds really cool. So while I may not agree with everything you say, you did give me a chuckle and food for thought. Stay safe, and keep it shiny side up. JohnH Ew. BAHHHHHHHHH BAHHHHHHHHHH Kittsharley Let sleeping sheep lie... We don't want them riding bikes that have acceleration or dependability. Let them spend their money on stupid crap... let them stimulate our economy and our laughter. There's nothing more hilarious than watching these redneck dingo's thinking there part of something cool! I own three bikes combined I paid less than the custom paint job on the RUB cruiser next door. I would take anyone of them against a Harley any day! Don't wake up to many sheep. The wolves need something to hunt! Paul Hi there, Your site was linked from a letter to the YAM650 list; as you ask for comments: Thanks for providing a most amusing site, I really do understand that your tongue is in your cheek, but as Sun Tzu (or was it Musashi?) said:- "To overcome your attacker you must become him." Ride safe, FredH. Hey bro, if you get a chance just to glimpse this email i will be happy. i'm writing this even before i get through half of your web site. just reading your code of ethics made me want to write to you. I love what you've done. it takes an honest look at HD and most(not all) of their owners. I myself don't believe in HD either. I have a Honda valkyrie myself. please keep up the great work and the fact that you're a cop just makes it that much better. take care and have fun tearing new assholes in those stuck up snobbish HD owners who's bike is less American than my valk. I think the most American HD is the fatboy at 76%. my valk is 84% built in the US. just has the Jap name. keep flaming them. -rob in NJONLY PEOPLE WHO BUY THAT CRAP IS YUPPIE SCUM NOT SQOOTER TRAMPS! -LTHERNLACE8
A friend just turned me on to your web site. Allow me to compliment you on your command of the English language. Very well written and fun to read. A shop I used to work in was cursed with the presence of a H-D owner/rider. He couldn't utter a single sentence without the word "Harley" in it somewhere. I got fed up one day and yelled across the shop to another Harley hater, "Hey, Ben! Do you know why they invented Harleys?" He said, "No, Why?" I replied, "So that guys with little, tiny dicks would have something to brag about." Unfortunately, we only got about 5 minutes of silence out of it, but it was worth it. Keep up the good work. PaulE, motorcyclist on my third Goldwing. A friend of mine rides a KY-OICU812 (or whatever the model name is) Heritage Softail - I'm sad to report, with windshield, tassels and ... wait for it! ... a Harley FLAG sticking up on a flag-pole out the back. His wife has also recently bought a 1200 Sportster too, so they have well and truly bought into the image. What I find highly amusing is that he privately admitted to me that the Intruder was not only better looking, it was also a damn sight more comfortable! -NickS As an owner of a Yamaha-Road Star, I totally agree as your statements was right on the money-regarding H-D of tricking the (moron) public ,that their product is superior. The answer is =THEY HAVE ONE HELL OF A PROPAGANDA MACHINE!!!!! where as Japan gives conviction in their machinery as proof by test and endurance through time and error to achieve perfection./and quality. Brower ...bashing son of a gun. I just spent a good hour outta my taxpayer funded day perusing your web site. I had never plumbed the depths of my reasoning for not wanting to ride a Harley, but I have seen all the arguments I have superficially considered explained in crystalline clarity. I ride a Valkyrie. Not the sporty type bike you ride, but I chose it after long-term deliberations as to what I wanted in a bike...performance, reliability, and it's unique character. I am writing to say that I laughed my a$$ off for a good hour reading your rants, the replies you get, and your response to them. You make sense. I run into a lot of HD owners, and I occasionally encounter the brain dead "trend humping" HD owners with something derogatory to say about my "rice burner" (made in Ohio). My usual response is to show them my taillights as I pull away from them. I am pretty much a 'to each his own' kinda guy, and rarely make comments about other bikes. I have ridden a bunch, six in all, all different types. I ride the bike that suits me at the time. Never found much use for a Harley...since whatever I was looking for at the time in a motorcycle I found in better quality/quantity in other bikes. My Ninja outperformed any HD made, My Intruder 1400 was a better quality V-Twin, My V-Max was a better muscle cruiser, and My Valk runs better than any HD made on long tours. I have had others, and never looked at a Harley rider with any envy. I like your site. Its vehement, witty, smart smackdowns of the lemming mentality so prevalent among HD riders is right on target. You put a fair amount of thought into it. Next time I get some flak about my Valkerie, I will have a little more to say. Thanks for the fun. Good web site. Sergeant First Class Billy Scott This is the first time I have seen your site. If you are truly a H D hater, I would like to know why. If this is intended as a humorous site you have done well, and I will be returning. Having owned more than a few bikes (foreign and domestic) I have no real allegiance to one manufacturer. If you feel the need to "take me apart" go ahead as I have a lot of miles and could use a rebuild any way. ;-) -NJThomas Love your site! Coming from Canada, we suffer the same Harley 'attitude' and we don't even have an indigenous motorcycle industry here! No patriotism involved in the purchase and loyalty to any particular brand, just the typical marketing brainwashing, but it exists here too. Even Sonny Barger, the prototypical biker, in his autobiography 'Hell's Angel' said he would have ridden Jap bikes instead of Harleys if it was acceptable to his 'brothers'! I ride Japanese because they are cheaper and better built than H-D. However, I do own shares of Harley-Davidson and have gotten an excellent return on my investment thanks to the lemmings! BrianK. Wanted to say that I really enjoyed your 'angst' site. Very provocative and funny stuff. I forwarded the link to several of my riding friends Harley and non.. I'm not at all surprised at the passionate (and poorly written) replies you've gotten from the HD zealots. Blasphemy in the eyes of the Harley faithful :) -