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+ADw-p align+AD0-center style+AD0-'text-align:center'+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4APA-br+AD4-
+ADw-/span+AD4APA-b+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-size:24.0pt+ADs-font-family:Arial'+AD4-TECHNICAL DATA+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/b+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p align+AD0-center style+AD0-'text-align:center'+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:
Arial'+AD4-SCOUT- SERIES 1200 MODEL 80 TYPE 4A+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p align+AD0-center style+AD0-'text-align:center'+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-Advanced models of the Seeker were
developed for use as a scout / surveillance / recon / and ELINT unit, but the
reworked unit was not a success. Failures in the capabilities and
maneuverability of the small aerodyne lifting body appeared when combined with
a relatively heavy electronic surveillance package (the bare minimum of
electronics that SKYNET deemed necessary in order to fulfill the role it was
designed for). The result made the Seeker based Scout a easy target for
Resistance units and not an effective use of materials or resources since the
destruction rate of the ELINT variant Seeker was far higher than the amount of
ELINT it gathered. +ADw-span style+AD0-'mso-spacerun:yes'+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADsAPA-/span+AD4-SKYNET solved
this problem by designing a new ELINT scout platform, from scratch, using the
knowledge it had, the lessons it had learned and the technology it understood.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-The Series 1200 Scout was the main
component of SKYNET's advanced ELINT (+ADw-u+AD4-EL+ADw-/u+AD4-ectronic +ADw-u+AD4-INT+ADw-/u+AD4-elligence)
network. The Scout was designed from a totally inhuman and utterly logical
method. No aesthetics were employed, resulting in a very simple design and high
bench mark effectiveness.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-Resembling a knobby cylinder some 2
meters in height and half a meter in diameter, the Series 1200+ACY-nbsp+ADs-was powered
by a five kilogram high capacity internal micro-reactor with a operational life
of six months between refueling.+ACY-nbsp+ADs- Enhanced maneuverability was provided by
a centrally mounted, core displaced, compact, high lift aerodyne fan turning on
frictionless bearings thus reducing noise levels to only slightly more than a
human whisper.+ACY-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- Thrust was vectored through baffled nozzles along
the body line and could be angled in such as way as to provide lift along any
axis.+ACY-nbsp+ADs- The Scout could hover in position at altitudes of up to 2km or
maintain level, stable flight at this ceiling at speeds in excess of 120 kph.
Although incapable of moving on the ground, the Scout was built with a
retractable tripod claw foot landing gear assembly that allowed the scout to
land and remain stationary, albeit in an area that was threat free. Weight was kept
to a minimum in order to afford maximum effectiveness and agility, translating
into very thin armor plating unable to sustain damage from small arms fire
greater in level than 5.56mm NATO standard caliber. Explosive weapons could
also disrupt the scout with a 'near-miss' which could scramble the delicate, unarmored
electronics resulting in an effective combat loss for the unit. This was
considered an acceptable trade-off given the speed and quietness of the unit as
well as its outstanding capabilities as it was never intended to be a main line
combat unit.+ACY-nbsp+ADs- The Series 1200 was simply a logical stop gap between the
failed experiment of the Type 1000 ELINT Seeker and a newer, more powerful
ELINT unit that would be coming soon.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4AJg-nbsp+ADs- +ADw-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-The main capabilities of the Series
1200 Scout included advanced sound and visual detection and identification of
known and suspected Resistance gatherings. A sensor / scanner suite with a 360
degree frictionless rotation collar housed the high resolution, high
definition, micro-processor controlled liquid optic visual sensors and the
broad band frequency audio sensors. The liquid optics extended into the high
definition infra-red spectrum as well as low-light, digital thermographic,
enhanced televisual, and flash / laser range finding capabilities. Audio was
based upon parabolic detection and amplified wave enhancements resulting in a
very discriminating audio range capable of hearing a human heartbeat at 10
meters in unopposed terrain. Directional range finders could pinpoint targets
based on either visual or audio detection to within two centimeters mean range.
Direct up-link via tight beam laser communicator and micro-wave relays was also
included with secure links to orbiting SKYNET Project satellites and even other
operational units / HKs in direct line of sight. Backup scrambler equipped
radio was installed as well as extensive data storage media. The physical
antenna for the various radio bandwidths and ranges were housed internally, and
were extended only when required to transmit data and then retracted back into
the main body.+ACY-nbsp+ADs- Later models of the Series 1200 employed hardpoints for
the carrying and deployment of up to eight Type 5 recon microdrones.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-To keep the profile of the Scout as
low as possible, the unit was built vertically rather than horizontally. A
special non-reflective gray paint scheme made the Scout almost invisible when
it was hovering or after it had landed.+ACY-nbsp+ADsAJg-nbsp+ADs- During operation, many of
the Scout's primary sensors and scanners were supplemented with auxiliary units
mounted on fold out arrays which deployed from the body of the unit.+ACY-nbsp+ADs- Many
Resistance units have referred to the Scout unit as the +ACY-quot+ADs-flying
broomstick+ACY-quot+ADs- or just simply as +ACY-quot+ADs-broomsticks+ACY-quot+ADs- due to their rather
unique shape. The name and correlation is being analyzed by SKYNET for
significance. The first Scouts ran into a unique problem. Resistance units were
capturing Scouts by physically wrestling the units to the ground or using nets
to entangle the units. The Scout's data and hard coded files were then
dissected by Resistance Tech Coms, who were able to gather a great deal of info
about SKYNET's construction techniques and some key base locations. This
problem was remedied by the addition of the installation of a two point eight
kilogram pre-fragmented alloy rod core explosive charge designed to be
triggered in the event of microprocessor damage or if the unit was too damaged
to continue operations. The charge was located in and around the main data
storage and microprocessor assembly areas, insuring an almost 100+ACU-
disintegration result of important technical / data details.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4APA-strong+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4-The unit carried no armament and no
models were ever produced that were armed, though a common rumor among the
Resistance units states the contrary.+ADw-/span+AD4APA-/strong+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p align+AD0-center style+AD0-'text-align:center'+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBf-+AF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8AXwBfAF8APA-/span+AD4APA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p align+AD0-center style+AD0-'text-align:center'+AD4APA-b+AD4APA-span style+AD0-'font-family:Arial'+AD4APA-a