Some of the fiercest and most destructive fighting of the Last War took place in the sprawling technological population centers of Neurope and later during the pacification / rebellion that occurred on the shores of the United American continent. Artificial mazes of streets, alleyways, towering conapts, industrial sectors, business sectors, and elaborate underground hydraulic (sewer / water, power) designs all complicated combat and generated their own special form of tactics. Specialized equipment and training were developed as the need to take and hold the massive urban sprawls became apparent to all participants in the conflict.
Urban sprawls were the great equalizer.
Heavy armor and fast GEVs that reigned supreme on the open fields of Neurope were at a severe disadvantage in the debris clogged ruins of Neurope. The twisted debris and wreckage filled streets slowed the GEVs down to a crawl and the debris played hell with their intake systems. Their great speed became their biggest handicap in the tight streets and dead ends of the wrecked urban sprawls. The heavy armor, while able to bull doze its way through most light wreckage, was in danger from its own slow speed and the tight confines of the sprawl designs which allowed a lighter, faster enemy to outmaneuver the lumbering hulks. Without their superior maneuverability and with the enemy easily able to exploit known soft spots and weaknesses in designs from a variety of angles, blind spots and ridiculously close ranges, the urban sprawls became littered with the wreckage of otherwise 'superior' battlefield units. Lightly armored infantry owned the cities, and digging the MI out was next to impossible, even with shelling and long range artillery. Specially trained infantry organized into dedicated urban combat teams made a mockery of conventional warfare by using every nook, cranny, sewer, wreck, and building fascia as a stable point to launch an attack or set up an ambush.
(optional / expanded rules section)
There are two types of Town and City hexes ... normal and "ruins".
All vehicular units, unless otherwise specified, move at a rate of 1 hex per turn maximum in any town or city hexes which are stated as being "ruins."
All units stop movement immediately when they enter a ruined Town or ruined City hex. The next turn and following turns, they may move up to one hex into any other adjacent hex of Ruins subject to the above movement rules. All armor units and OGREs treat Ruins as "swamp" hexes.
Any vehicle or armor unit which becomes "stuck" in a "Ruins" hex does not remain permanently stuck. This simulates the encountering of debris, wreckage, temporarily impassable or totally impassable (to the unit) terrain, vehicle traps set up by current or previous combatants, or some other bad luck which will require the vehicle to either spend some time bludgeoning its way through the obstacle or require the vehicle to renegotiate its way through the hex all of which might cause the vehicle and its crew to pause long enough for an enemy unit to gain an advantage. For each turn that a tracked, wheeled, or hover unit spends in a hex, roll a single die. On a roll of 1-2, the unit is still stuck , any other roll and the unit functions normally. If a unit of Engineers are available to help the vehicle that turn the roll becomes 1-5. Units recover from being disabled as per normal rules on disabling and recovery of vehicles.
All roads that pass through Town or City hexes that are stated to be ruins are considered "cut" and do not add a road bonus to movement. The maximum speed of any unit using a road through any ruins is 1 as this represents having to drive around hulks and burned out wrecks, wreckage, debris, damage to the road itself, etc.
GEVs (of any kind) in a Town or City hex move at a rate of one hex per turn maximum during the first GEV movement phase and one hex per turn maximum during the second GEV movement phase. GEVs within ruins move one hex per turn maximum during the first GEV movement phase and do not move at all during the second GEV movement phase.
Infantry movement is unaffected by Town or City hexes, even if those hexes are ruins.
Any train tracks ("rails") that pass through a Town hex or city hex that is considered ruined are also considered to be ruined or cut. The rails that exist through a Town or city hex may or may not be destroyed per agreement between all players in the scenario or by prior scenario conditions. If no other conditions exist and a set of rails pass through a Town hex or city hex that is considered 'ruins' then the rails are also considered to be ruined or cut.
Rails that are cut as part of the ruins may not be entered by the train. Any train that enters a ruined Town or city hex with cut rails is destroyed (derailed). Trains may enter a ruined Town or city hex normally at no penalty ONLY if the rail that runs through those hexes is either intact or has been repaired as part of the scenario.