A Combine OGRE is heading back from the front line, damaged and low on ammo but its mission complete ... behind the lumbering metal giant is a small force of angry Paneuropean armor units in desperate pursuit ... seeking revenge for their dead commrades, a dead sector general and a brewed up CP all about forty klicks behind them.  This scenario uses the optional rule of "Limited Supplies" and assumes that both the Combine OGRE and a handful of Paneuropean combat units survived the basic OGRE scenario leading to this scenario.

Optional Rules - "Limited Supplies", "Disabling OGRE Weapons", "Disabling OGRE Treads".

Setup - Use Maps G1 and G2, place them either horizontally (next to each other) or vertically (one above the other).  

Players - There are two players; the Combine player and the Paneuropean player.  The Combine player gets a single damaged Mark III OGRE.  The Paneuropean player gets 7 armor units and 11 strength points of infantry.  The Paneuropean units represent not only the survivors of the CP but some reinforcements that arrived too late but managed to join up with the survivors and head after the OGRE.

Make an OGRE record sheet or use a pre-printed OGRE record sheet.  The Combine Mark III OGRE is damaged and low on ammunition.  To simulate this situation ...

OGRE Weapons

Guns - For each Main, Secondary or Anti-Personnel Battery on the OGRE, roll a 1:1 attack against the weapon.  If the weapon receives an "X" result, mark the weapon as destroyed.  If the weapon receives a "D" result, the weapon is currently disabled (but may recover per normal rules for disabled OGRE components).  If the weapon receives a "NE" result, the weapon is undamaged but has limited ammo ("Limited Supplies").

Missiles - A Mark III will have NO missiles left.  If the OGRE is a Mark V, roll a (1d6 -2) to see how many missiles remain (negative numbers are treated as "0").  If the OGRE has missile racks and internal missile storage, roll to determine the condition of each rack.  For each set of 5 missiles stored internally, roll (1d6 -1) to see how many missiles remain in that group (treat negative numbers as "0").  For each missile rack that is determined to be destroyed, one missile is also considered destroyed.  Determine the number of missile racks remaining and the total number of missiles available before dividing up the remaining missiles into groups of 5 missiles each (as evenly as possible) and determining how many internal missiles remain.

Treads - Roll 1d6 for the number of tread groups (5 treads per group) that are damaged from the previous combat.  For each group of treads unit that is affected, determine if the tread group is disabled or destroyed.  Roll 1d6 per tread group; on an even number (2, 4, 6), the treads in that group are destroyed; mark the treads off on the record sheet.  On an odd number (1, 3, 5), the treads in that group are disabled but may recover.  The result of this damage determination will affect the movement rate of the Combine OGRE.  Starting off, the OGRE may have a lower movement rate due to disabled tread groups but may increase in speed if the recovery of those disabled tread units results in speed being restored.  Disabled treads may recover normally from being disabled, like any other disabled OGRE component.  Destroyed treads are simply lost and marked off before the scenario starts.

Reinforcements - Neither side receives reinforcements during this scenario.

A Good Headstart - The Combine OGRE has a good headstart on its pursuers, leaving shock, awe and confusion in its wake.  If the maps are stacked vertically, the Combine OGRE will enter from the very bottom.  If the maps are stacked horizontally, the Combine OGRE will enter from the right.  Roll 3d6 and place the Combine OGRE this many hexes "up" or "left" onto the map.  This represents how far ahead the Combine OGRE is of the pursuing force.

Turn Sequence - The Combine player goes first.  After determining the initial headstart of the OGRE, the Combine player may move the OGRE normally, up to its current movement allowance (taking into account any damage to the treads).  Give the OGRE a phase to recover from its disabled components (if any).  There will be no Paneuropean forces on the map during the OGRE's first turn.  Once the OGRE has moved and has attempted to recover from any disabled components, the Combine player's turn ends and the Paneuropean player may begin their turn.  The Paneuropean forces may setup at any hex at either the bottom or left side of the map, depending on the orientation of the maps.  As soon as the Paneuropean forces are placed, they may start to move and the Paneuropean player's turn is resolved.  After that, each turn is handled nor________________________