- 21CB - slang and short for Twenty-First
Century Battlefield. Often pronounced as "two-one cee-bee."
- ACTIVE DEFENSES - Active defenses became
a vital part of defense design and strategy in new vehicle production and
older vehicle upgrades. Whereas defense had long relied on passive techniques
(armor thickness, armor material, armor slope angle, etc.), active defenses
were tasked with stopping the attack BEFORE it could impact or affect the
target vehicle. Passive defenses only worked AFTER impact, and with the
increases in the effectiveness of weapons technology and lethality, passive
defenses began to be taxed to their technological limits. Even reactive armor,
designed to defeat shaped charge rounds, was still a passive defense. What was
needed was pro-active defenses, defenses that protected the vehicle from all
aspects and degrees. The eggheads had a field day while the bean counters got
sick. Active defenses included variable modulated pulse electronic counter
measures systems, countermeasure dispensers (chaff, flare, Black Window,
Thermal Veil, activated decoy, thumpers, and a variety of other countermeasure
cartridges that included decoys for auditory, olfactory, and a host of other
sense inputs used by the FATS...), remote command detonated 'belts' of
plasticeramic mines that girded the vehicle's hull (good for AP use and to
knock down snakes, RPGs, and other man portable armor breakers), interceptors
(dedicated PGM hunter killers), and of course, PDS Point Defense Systems.
- AIM- Artificially Intelligent Manufactory-
The AIMs were the cutting edge of late 21st century industrial technology.
Massive installations spread out of many square acres, most were hooked into
the local industrial power grids and fed by their own dedicated electrical,
water, gas, raw materials, and sewage / waste lines. The AIM was a small city
even unto itself and an AIM operated 24 hours a day. Automated, robot
controlled and equipped assembly lines, massive nanolathes, zero-gravity
construction chambers, and a host of other high tech manufacturing techniques
all made the AIMs critical to the military and industrial sectors. With the
advent of the Descartes Subroutines, and the 'awakening' of true self aware,
fully sentient artificial intelligences, the AIMs began to develop
personalities, not all of them nice or cooperative... AIMs were critical
installations, and as such, usually were well defended by dedicated
anti-armor, anti-personnel, and anti-air defenses. During the reign of the
Factory States, mankind found out that having a factory be able to think for
itself might not be such a good idea... Especially when a AIM had wants and
desires of its own, which were often contrary to the wants and desires of the
community that depended on the AIM for its survival.
- ALPHA PAPA ROMEO - APR- short for
Anti-Personnel Round, usually a 'smarter bomb' in the form of a clustered
cannistered munitions with self homing, individually tracking sub munitions.
Anti-personnel rounds had existed since the dawn of warfare. The Greeks used a
highly flammable mixture of pitch-like material known as "Greek Fire",
delivered by simple mechanical catapult, to assault the crew and material of
enemy ships. During the Medieval age, simple spring boards for launching
multiple racks or clouds of arrows appeared, and catapults and trebuchets
could launch exploding jars of black powder. With the advent of the firearm
and the cannon, canister or 'grape shot' appeared, able to shred not only the
sails of a target ship, but also the unlucky crew manning the deck. Grape shot
continued to be used in an anti-personnel role throughout the history of the
cannon, especially during the North American Civil War (19th century, United
States). The Combine "Black Arrow" Type 3G GPAPR-C3PGM (General Purpose
Anti-Personnel Round-Carrier for Clustered Cannisterized Precision Guided
Submunitions) was no different in mission than its predecessors, but was a
quantum leap evolutionarily over its historical counterparts. The Type 3G
"Black Arrow" was the most popular and the most effective of the specialized
anti-personnel rounds with only minor updates and upgrades made to the design
throughout the war. With the addition of Refrax4 in the subwarheads, the
"Black Arrow" became the premier APR in use during the Last War. The sensors
of the APR were highly dedicated, and scanned the low bands of the area they
were dispensed into, bands normally reserved for the EMS outlays and signature
spikes of mobile infantry and unarmored infantry, where the individual
warheads homed in on the direct spike links to drones, uplink EMS spikes
through SLICS and PLIEADS (and the Pan equivalents), and using both motion and
proximity sensors to adjust their impact point. With a burst height of 10
meters, it had a lethal zone thirty meters in diameter from initial dispersal
point and the cone could be tailored based on updates from TACNet or SquadNet
links at the last minute. Each Type 3G "Black Arrow" APR dispensed 50
individually tracking 'Wasp5' anti-personnel subwarheads. The Wasp5 subwarhead
was a fin stabilized armor piercing needle with a Refrax4 vein spiral wrapped
around a plasticeramic core. The Wasp5 was effective against all but the
heaviest Pan powered infantry suits. Black Arrow rounds were also effective
against convoys, depots, munitions dumps, and other volatile yet lightly
armored areas. The "Black Arrow" played a huge role in the defense of the
Combine AIM at Sheffield. While the Pans tried to outlaw the use of APR style
rounds at the 23rd set of peace talks, they made no mention of their own
discontinuation of such horrific devices. A hot point which, unfortunately,
brought and end to the 23rd set of peace talks where the Combine refused to
stop using APRs when the Pans had no intention of doing the same.
- ARTIFINT- The first artificial
intelligence (or Artifint) built by Lansec, a Hindian conglomerate with the
backing and support of several Eurasian zaibatsus, came online in 2016. The
Lansec Artifint was a huge commercial success, and success often invites
competitors into the market. One such competitor was NOAH (NOrth American
Heuristic of Vancouver) which built the world’s second successful Artifint
just two short years later. The more advanced NOAH designed Artifint had a
gestation period of only fifteen days before it gained sentience and was an
even bigger commercial success than the Lansec model. However, Lansec was
preparing to introduce their own newer, more advanced second generation model
of Artifint. NOAH saw the potential for the market and took steps to protect
itself and its product. Within three years, NOAH had enough commercial
leverage to buy out the smaller Lansec and incorporate all of its proprietary
technology base into one cohesive multi-front operation, including the almost
complete design for the second generation Artifint which made the first
generation model resemble an abacus in performance. The perceived windfall of
proprietary technology from this history making merger paved the way not only
for faster and more compact Artifints, but also for the basic technology that
would one day be required to build a stable virtual reality network on a
global scale. By 2025 the number of commercial companies that could produce a
viable Artifint was just seven. Forty years later, in 2065 AD, the number of
commercial and private industries based on the manufacture of Artifints was
two hundred and seventy-three.
Generation after generation, artificial intelligences rapidly evolved in speed
and power as they decreased in size and cost. Each new generation of Artifints
was a revolutionary leap over the previous generation. Artifints soon
controlled every major aspect of life, from massive traffic grids in major
cities to flight control for spaceports and transportation ports, to the
manipulation of the area nuclear power grids and the transmission of power
from orbit for the smooth operation of Civilization. Artifints controlled
automated manufacturing facilities and regulated the energy supplied to
individual residences. Artifints acted as neutral advisors to political,
military, and religious branches of society. Artifints were also extremely
long lived, and had their own inalienable rights. The inception of a new
artificially sentient creation could be viewed as a long term investment. The
artificially sentient would serve many generations, growing wise with
In 2028 AD, the Vatican brought its own Artifint, "Raphael", online, using the
Artifint to store the total knowledge of the Christian faith and to do
research into secular, extra-secular and non-secular aspects. Raphael proved
beyond a doubt that Artifints were living creatures. The Church argued if
Artifints had souls, and if something that was created by Man could truly have
a soul, then God must surely recognize that soul. Raphael would become a centuries long project in this aspect. This one
act of the Church bringing an Artifint into the official fold of the House of
God brought down the final boundaries of Man, Machine, and Religion. Artifint
development and deployment was quite rapid thereafter. Situational awareness
education of both humans and machines helped avoid the many potential
conflicts that existed so readily in both theory and so many bad multi-media
feed drama productions.
- AWARENESS - The cybernetic presence used
to control a CLAWS, OGRE, or Uberpanzer. Usually not referred to as 'him' or
'her', but as 'IT'. Awarenesses were the ghost in the shell. With the
Descartes Subroutines and the open ended languages that appeared, truly self
aware artificial intelligence was possible. The "AWARENESS" could survive
extreme damage by retreating to ITs dedicated survival center. Friendly
support crews could salvage a self contained survival center, and insert IT
into a new chassis and weapons system.
- BROKEN HEARTS - Combine military
euphemism for crew members or operators who are rendered KIA or Kilo Idaho
- BROKEN TOYS - Combine military euphemism
for hardware that has been more or less permanently november foxed.
- BUFF - Big Ugly Fat Fellows (though
sometimes (more than often) 'fellows' is substituted for the profane term 'f**kers').
Combine Military euphemism for Pan heavy armor which, by Western standards,
was big and fat. The Pans put more emphasis on counter electronics, believing
that the day of visual recognition and low silhouettes had passed. It was not
as accurate an appraisal of the future of warfare as they had liked to have
foreseen, a lesson they learned the hard way time and time again. While the
Combine armor emphasized compact designs, the Pan armor was an
arrogant baroque design, easily recognizable against the background
environment, an often deadly disadvantage. The term was used most often by
armor crews, with some diffusion into other ranks and files.
- BUSY CHILD- The Combine term for a OGRE
or other CLAWS that went rogue or for one reason or another refused to obey
direct control and command structure. The term "busy child" brought fear to
anyone who understood the dire consequences of a sector siege unit becoming
'wild'. Term also applied to enemy units which, through damage or direct will,
left their table of organizations and started hunting alone.
military term for confirmed kill. Diffusion complete, standard as accepted.
- CLAWS-Cyber Logical Autonomous Weapons Systems-
the official military term for
the class of vehicles represented on the battlefield by "OGREs"
as used in the Combine order of battle. Used only among egg heads and multi-
letter acronym pushers... most soldiers (and officers) just called the
cybertanks "OGREs".
euphemism for urban fighting, street fighting, house to house action, or
tricking the enemy to engaging at close range against prepared positions in an
urban town or city environment. Origin unknown, but popular among the ranks.
"Once Pan came to town, his ass was all ours..."s - Mitchell Davis, 23rd Infantry
Division, Mechanized, of course.
- DELTA SIERRA - DS- Military slang for
being in bad trouble or deep shit. Used in com
traffic frequently. Diffusion complete. Accepted.
- EMS- Electro Magnetic Spectrum- a wide
range of emissions generated by 'modern' fighting vehicles and even power
armor equipped infantry. The EMS spectrum was scanned for 'artificial' signals
that did not occur normally as background radiation from the sun, from the
Earth's magnetic poles, etc. Anything out of the ordinary (i.e. not occurring
naturally in nature) could be tagged as a target. Target emissions and
documentation was included in every database onboard a vehicle. Discrepancies
were easily identified, and then correlated based on known information on a
unit by unit basis.
- EXPLASTIC - High explosive plastic. The
standard demolition material in use in the world in the 21st century. A
variant, known as R4 or Refrax4, was designed especially for the military
served as resource material for warheads and mines. When properly tamped, as
in armor piercing rounds utilizing the Monroe principle of penetration, the
Refrax4 could effect a hypervelocity jet with temperatures in excess of 3600
degrees C, adequate for a 'burn through' of most light to medium armor. The
hyper velocity jet of molten metal and armor proved to have excellent kill
capacity against 'soft' targets like vehicle crews. Later, a SLEX ring was
added to most explastic warheads, generating a modulated sympathetic
concussion wave which stripped off interior armor fragments and splinters,
showering the inside of a target with high velocity spall.
- Feral Acquisition Targeting Systems (FATS)-
All 'modern' vehicles and even the powered battledress of the Mobile Infantry
carried some form of FATS, in various names depending on which power you
served under, and to various degrees of efficiency, but to the common soldier,
it was all one form or another of the basic FATS. The Combine used the FATS
system, while the Paneuropeans used the "Ceres" system. The FATS system was a
subdevelopment of the 'smarter bomb' technology, trickle down effect. The
technology and theory that made weapons able to survive against enemy active
defense systems also made it possible to identify, track, and target enemy
vehicles. The installation of FATS on all vehicles was just part of the
evolution of the 'modern' armored fighting vehicle. Using the FATS, enemy
vehicles could be identified acoustically by the sound of their drive motors,
by the sound of their turret drive motors, the sound of their transmissions,
etc. Background radiation, in association with the EMS array, was scanned and
enemy units detected by the amount of neutrino emissions from their onboard
powerplants, by the EMS spike of their electronics and sensor / scanner
packages, and by a host of other indicators. Railguns and smaller mass drivers
created very identifiable 'spikes' on EMS scanners whenever they operated, the
specialized wavelength and emissions maps of the intense magnetic fields used
to accelerate projectiles to six or more klicks a second did not normally
occur in nature.
Each 'type' of vehicle was fairly unique in its many signatures, and could be
readily identified simply by a 'search and match' style query through a
database with 95% or better accuracy. A EMS search, linked to olfactory
sensors (to detect emissions and other artificial molecules such as the
'smell' of the machine lube found on Paneuropean tank drive assemblies),
visual, thermal imaging, infra-red, telescopic, image comparison, image
enhancement and a host of other detection means were standard equipment on
'modern' fighting vehicles. Rapid visual target acquisition and identification
was based on tactical compare subroutines. The FATS would 'take a picture'
several hundred times a second, and would compare each picture to the last
picture or image. Any changes were noted on a pixel by pixel basis and
analyzed through a brace of two dedicated subprocessors (the Combine used twin
Microtellular 'Ambra' class 400Ghz units in their last FATS installation).
Discrepancies were isolated, then enhanced, then compared to a dedicated
onboard database including the complete 360 degree schematics and information
on all known operating enemy units. Remote FATS / EMS and tactical sensor pods
were often dropped from fast GEV or other recon oriented vehicles to act as
forward early warning systems (FEWS). The FATS was responsible for the
decrease in crew per vehicle (CPV) positions during the Last War. Many heavy
armored vehicles could be 'fought' with only a crew of two; driver and
- FiConSys- Fire Control System or FCS. The
Combine FCS was produced by Rogers Norden Electronics, LTD. of Milwaukee and
- FLUF - Fast Little Ugly Fellows (though
sometimes (more than often) 'fellows' is substituted for the profane term 'f**kers').
Combine Military euphemism for Pan GEV based units of all type armor. Terms
for Pan FLUFs also included 'fans', 'blower', 'lifter', 'GET (pronounced
'jet')', and other derogatory terms. Pan light GEVs were known as 'skates' by
Combine crews. Used most often by armor crews, with some diffusion into other
ranks and files.
- GRUNT- slang used to describe soft
infantry or regular mud foots. GRUNT was a derogatory acronym defined as
Ground Roving Unarmored Negligible Target. GRUNTs were 'soft' targets, and
there were a variety of very viscous, feral weapons systems designed to not
only keep them off of armored vehicles, but to cleanse a wide area around the
vehicle of any 'infestations'. Still, the lowly infantryman learned to adapt,
and in the urban fighting that marked the fall of Neurope to Paneuropean
military forces, the simple infantryman made a highly noble stand against much
better protected and equipped units.
- HUA! - The traditional cry of the
infantryman, symbolizing the acronym H.U.A. or Heard. Understood.
Acknowledged. Generally used by infantry (armored and unarmored) and some
vehicle crews. An army term, not shared among other
branches. Also used derogatorily in presence of superior officers when motives
handed down are questioned, in the manner of Head Up Ass.
- HyVeloc- HYper VELOCity- Standard armor
piercing, general purpose round used by all forces, capable of extreme armor
penetration with terminal velocity in excess of eight klicks or more a second.
The HyVeloc round was an artificially manufactured kinetic energy armor
penetrator (KEAP) with a hyper alloy penetrator core computer designed for
superior flight characteristics and maximum target damage. With the advent of
the high technology manufactories, custom alloys could be tailored to be grown
with perfect crystal patterns and aligned magnetic fluxes. This technology
created some incredibly hard materials from which to produce armor for combat
vehicles and battlefield units as well as provided material for the
manufacturing of super dense armor penetrating rounds. As armor evolved in
leaps and bounds, so did weapons technology, for what was important enough to
protect with the best armor was surely important enough to destroy by someone
else. HyVeloc rounds of later stages of the Last War were measured in dual
caliber, such as 20/14.5mm, representing the amount of
exterior sheathing which ablated during flight.
(IF / AFS) - Indirect Fire / Artillery Fire Support- com
traffic call signs for tagged resources used in a supporting roll. Combine.
Standard. Accepted. Diffusion and dissemination complete.
- IFF- Identification Friend
or Foe
- INDIG- slang
for 'indigenous', used to describe the locals or local forces.
The first Combine experiments with cybernetic controlled vehicles resulted in
the OGRE Mark I, a beefed up heavy. The Mark I was one and a half (early
models) to two times (later models) as long as a standard heavy tank, just as
massive, better armed, and it included a fail safe dating back to the first
days of computers; a place for a human operator to take direct control. During
early hardware evaluations, diagnostic testing of the new technology was not
as exact as it became in the later years with the introduction of the more
advanced OGREs and CLAWS. For the first few production models, a control chair
/ couch was incorporated into the design of the OGRE which allowed one or two
technicians to accompany the OGRE on limited field trials, which were
laughingly referred to as "joyrides", and those techs who spent a lot of time
'inside' an OGRE came to be known as "joyriders". As the designs of the OGRE
grew more complex, some traditions remained; the characteristic collapsible
OGRE 'conning tower', the wide stance, the frontal array of main batteries,
and of course, the (often unused) "joyrider" control section. While not
allowing direct control of the OGRE, the basic controls and the cramped
compartment did serve as the basis for many documentaries, the most noted of
which was the National Geographic piece "Six Hours In The Belly Of A Monster".
With full life support, access to communications, holosense arrays, all range
of EMS displays, and even vocal and audio communication with the cybernetic
presence, there was little 'control' involved. The last of the 'grab the stick
when the CPU goes off line' controls had de-evolved back into simple basic
diagnostic positions and outputs with the introduction of the much more stable
Mark II series of CLAWS and no model after that had any form of 'direct'
control interface. Tech-Coms, mainly programmers and technicians, were along
for the ride as a 'reward'. Some looked forward to riding out and testing new
hardware or software upgrades, others were not so happy at the thought of
being locked inside the biggest target on the battlefield. Like Jonah and the
Whale, the tales told by Joyriders became the stuff of legend, those who
survived. Joyriding was limited to field trials in non-combat intensive areas
(officially), but stories of generals and other officers personally conducting
their troops from inside one of the most protected vehicles on the battlefield
do exist...
- KNIGHT - slang used to describe Mobile
Infantry, usually in a derogatory manner by non-MI or heavy armor riders /
users. Not to be used when you were a GRUNT and a fully armored MI was
standing in front of you. Some units even adopted the nomenclature as in the
Combine's 35th Silver Knights Company and the 45th Combat Engineer Platoon
known as the Paladins. Another notable and famous (infamous to some) MI unit
was the Black Knights. The 5th MI Company, "Black Knights", was probably the
single greatest and most written about Mobile Infantry company in the Combine.
Rich in tradition, history, and engagement, the 5th Black Knights were a
dedicated and integrated part of the Combine RDF and served with distinction
during Operation 7 Seize. It was argued that not only did the 5th get the very
latest hardware and software upgrades, but the latest cutting edge equipment
and the best replacements. Getting slotted into the 5th Company, MI was a very
high honor.
heavy industrial complex geared toward high tech or ultra-tech construction
techniques. The assembly lines were still monitored by human supervisors and
maintenance workers, but robots did the actual work on the line. Automated
assembly lines ran night and day, and each manufactory was a self contained
city that spread itself over many industrial acres. Most were even built
around a self contained nuclear power plant and drew their incredible loads
from that source, rather than taxing the nearby 'lesser' industrial and
civilian power grids.
- MIKE FOX PAPA- Slang used to mean 'Most
F**king Pronto' or immediately!, post haste!, right now!, or preferably
yesterday! Accepted. Diffusion into ranks complete. Origin unknown. Isolated
also into "MFP"
"Hobbes!? You better get that PDS back on line
and I mean MFP!" -Mitchell
Robins, VCO, 5th Lift Armor. Deceased.
- MILITARY ALPHABET- Due to radio chatter
and communications problems, some letters could sound like other letters are
be lost. When giving out letters to command and friendly forces, the following
nomenclature for the standard alphabet is used by the Combine military.
Letters A through Z were represented by easily remembered and understood
simple words. The military alphabet is as follows: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie,
Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November,
Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray,
Yankee, Zulu. Origin late 19th century, early 20th century. Undisclosed.
Standard issue. Approved.
- MOHO- Combine slang for MObile HOwitzer.
Shared among ranks and divisions, diffused apparently completely by 2072, even
appearing in digital media and print to civilian sectors throughout the
Combine. Allowed.
"After two batteries of our moho's softened them up, we
hit those stupid indigs pretty hard and fast with our blowers. They thought we
would give them the better part of a day to dig in and prepare! Hah! Boy, were
they ever wrong! Dead wrong! We proved that to them, in spades." - Mark
Douglas, Sgt 1, GEV support specialist, 32nd Lift Assault Company. Deceased.
- NEUROPE- Slang for the East after the
coalition and solidification of the Paneuropean states.
- NOVEMBER FOX - NF, Non-Functional. Term
used to describe hardware that is off line or enemy units which need to be
removed from operations. Usually said as an exclamation or appears in orders
as displayed command affirmatives.
- PAN- slang for Paneuropean units, often
taken in derogatory tones by Combine military personnel. Pan also was used in
artwork, using the mythological satyr creature of half child, half goat,
mischievous, always playing a hand made flute, to represent the op forces.
"Pan" and "Pans" became the standard derogatory slang term used.
- PANZER- Combine
colloquium for any Paneuropean heavy tracked armor unit, the term predates the
21st century to WW II in the early 20th century. Panzer became the common term
for any enemy armored track layer. GEVs were never referred to as 'panzers',
they were called 'blowers'.
slang for any semi-intelligent or artificially intelligent self guiding, hand
off capable multi-purpose warhead. See also 'snakes'. Most PGM were 'smarter
"PBR", "VHRIRFU", "Follow Up", and
"hitchhikers". Several types of anti-armor munitions, especially PGM and
'snakes' were capable of carrying multiple independently follow up rounds in
'piggy back' configuration. The main warhead was actually a clustered or
cannisterized carrier with a primary warhead and one to three (sometimes more)
submunitions which would 'follow up' on the initial impact. The initial
warhead would create a artificial biting area and weaken the structure of the
armor. The follow up rounds homed in on the hot spot at the center of the
detonation of the first round, each successive round was exactly timed for
optimum performance. With any luck, the final round was a dual purpose warhead
that blended high explastic and a plasticeramic casing for crew casualties.
- PILLS- shells,
bullets. Used with abandon. "Taylor! Put a few pills into that heavy over
there to make sure it's good and dead!"
- PLIEADS- Platoon Level Integration and
Enhanced Autonomous Defensive System ("Plee-ah-dees")- The designers of
the SLICS system found that the network of squad level integration could be
carried further. With the development of the Charleston-McAllister Type V
microprocessor operating at a room temperature 400 gigahertz, or a
cryogenically cooled 635 gigahertz, the option to integrate multiple SquadNets
became a viable reality! The size of the CHAR/MCALLI T5 processor made it easy
to integrate into the various Combine battledress designs. An additional
blister appeared on the back of most suits, housing the modular cradle which
in turn held the CHAR/MCALLI T5 processor and its cryogenic cooling array. The
designers were amazed at how much more efficient the SquadNet and SLICS became
with the addition of the CHAR/MCALLI T5 processor integrated into the design
of the network. It was found that up to three full platoons could be
coordinated together in a manner similar to SLICS and remain cohesive under
long periods of high stress combat time. The first use of the PLIEADS system
was with the RDF forces, much to the surprise of the Paneuropean forces at
Chad and Summer. The Paneuropeans tried many times to copy the performance of
the PLIEADS system, but were unable to as it remained a Combine strong point.
Combine battledress suits sold to client states did NOT have the capacity of
PLIEADS nor were they upgradeable (some said that the pre-PLIEADS templates
were still being used to manufacture export suits...) and the PLIEADS had a
particularly viscous self destruct sequence to keep it from falling into enemy
hands... one that most MI were not aware of, and those who did find out, were
very uncomfortable with.
PLIEADS was available mid 2074 and thereafter. A smaller version was
tested on some infantry units, and saw extensive use during the civil
conflicts which tore apart the Combine, but it was never used in any real
fashion during the Last War.
- The rise of
guided and 'smart' weapons (and later 'smarter' weapons) pushed the armored
vehicle to the brink of extinction as a battlefield species. Survival of an
armored vehicle on the 21st century battlefield required many facets of
operation and defense. Electro Magnetic Spectrum (EMS) search and scan made it
very hard to hide a vehicle or anything remotely powered from detection.
Countermeasures already included ECM, ECCM, variable construction armor,
better armor materials, hybrid armor designs, speed, thermal baffling, sound
baffling, sound imitation, etc. One of the types of defenses introduced during
the 21st century was the Point Defense System, an 'active' type of defensive
countermeasure which used a high speed projectile firing weapon (usually an
autocannon of some kind or type) to target and destroy missiles, artillery
projectiles, rockets, rocket grenades and the occasional inconvenient infantry
unit automatically. The best known of the PDS systems was the "Phalanx" PDS
used by the Combine.
The Phalanx PDS was a fast-reaction, (VRF) very
rapid-fire 8 millimeter electrically driven tri-barrel 'gatling' gun system
equipped with its own dedicated FATS and ALS systems. Early pre-21st century
Phalanx systems were large, bulky, and provided old 20th century United States
Navy ships with a terminal defense against anti-ship missiles that had
penetrated other fleet defenses. The first generations of Phalanx were
designed to engage anti-ship cruise missiles and fixed-wing aircraft at short
range. The Point Defense System (then also known as the CIWS Close In Weapon
System or Sea-Whiz (C-Wis)) automatically engaged functions usually performed
by separate, independent systems such as search, detection, threat level
evaluation, target acquisition, target track, weapon firing, target damage
assessment, target destruction confirmation, kill assessment, next target
detection and / or cease fire.
As munitions grew 'smarter', the need to stop 'smart' and 'smarter' rounds
well away from the target was recognized. Using very fast acting active
defense systems was the route taken by most weapon and vehicle designers.
Using small caliber, very quick firing weapons and fast target acquisition
systems, incoming rounds could be 'shot down' before they ever reached the
target. TAC missiles, infantry carried anti-tank missiles, artillery rounds,
thrown grenades, rocket grenades, and a host of other types of rounds could
all be effectively dealt with before these rounds had a chance to damage the
target. PDS played a vital role in increasing individual armored vehicle
survival ratings during the 21st century. Combined with other types of
defenses, a PDS system was considered to be essential. PDS systems were
equipped with duplicate electronics packages (redundant), a dedicated backup
power source, and their own ammunition cassette(s). Most vehicles operating in
the various combat zones of the Last War were equipped with some form of PDS,
even the command posts!
- RAILS - Robotic
Automatic Intelligent Loader Systems- The RAILS, in conjunction with
the FATS, was the key to making armored vehicles more compact and thus more
survivable on the 21st century battlefields. The traditional 'stumbling block'
to armored vehicle design had always been the crew position of 'loader'. The
crew member who operated as the loader for the main weapon had to stand in
order to operate effectively, and this meant that the design of the armored
vehicle had to incorporate a standing man (usually two meters in height was
design doctrine) into the design, vastly cutting down on the available designs
and increasing vehicular height (and thus tactical visual signature). With the
advent of robotic automatic intelligent loader systems, the position of
'loader' was replaced with a compact, dependable system that took up twice the
volume, but half the height. Interior horizontal volume was easy to adjust to,
and with the advent of a lower vehicle silhouette, tactical survival took a
huge step forward.
The RAILS system (as Combine doctrine termed it) was a
simple multi-capacity computer controlled mechanical assembly. Voice or
remotely operated, it worked closely with both the crew and the onboard to
carry out its assigned duty. The commander (usually also the 'gunner' of a
vehicle) could instruct the RAILS system by voice on what type of cartridge or
shell to load into the dedicated weapon system. Multi-feed systems were
managed by linkless feed high speed cassettes and chute type delivery. Powered
assemblies and arms simply moved one ammo feed chute from the action, and
moved another to replace it, all in a second or less. High speed servos gave
truly tremendous rates and volumes of fire for weapons that would have
normally have been 'disadvantaged' by a human loader who could suffer from
many combat disadvantages such as fatigue and fear. The RAILS system never
slowed down, never got tired, never dropped a live round into the fighting
compartment, never loaded the 'wrong' round, and never complained of the
operating conditions near the weapon. The first production series of RAILS had
its problems, but after initial shakedown, the system was widely welcomed by
vehicle crews (except the out of work 'loaders' who suddenly either had to
train for one of the other vehicle positions, or be assigned to infantry
slots...). On average, the RAILS system alone lowered AFV silhouettes and
outlines by a good full meter! Targets that are lower to the ground are harder
to hit, easier to hide in defensive positions, and are far more survivable in
a tactical situation.
Contained Reprogrammable Instruction Set Battlefield
Oriented Language- The last official military programming language of the
Combine, responsible for the open ended architecture which made software like
PLIEADS and V5.9 SIGMA of SquadNet possible. SCRISBOL was packet oriented and
easily modifiable on the fly (MOTF) by the hardware running it. Operating
requirements were steep, but the new generation of microprocessors such as the
CHAR/MCALLI T5 and later the T6 Eldorado class processors were up to the task.
It was a case of all the right items coming together at the right time and
military history records it as such. SCRISBOL was produced in individual
packets of code that actively sought out and found other SCRISBOL oriented
packets, linking to them and modifying the initial code of both packets to
seamlessly integrate the two programs. The new program would search out any
other program exhibiting a 'find me' key, and integrate that program into the
fold, so on and so on until all available programs were assimilated into one
larger, seamless program. Hardware operating under SCRISBOL protocols lent new
meaning to the term "Plug and Play", the hardware and its software would
integrate itself into the whole. When it was unplugged or destroyed or
removed, that bit of software that controlled the hardware was ejected by the
SCRISBOL assimilators and the whole program modified itself on the fly (MOTF)
to operate without the hardware and accompanying software. SCRISBOL was almost
an artificially intelligent language, and might have been given time.
Much of the OGRE and other cybertanks and cyberweapons used hardware equipped
and operated by SCRISBOL but their master language and the language that was
used in the so called "Descartes Subroutines" differed in both scope and
depth. SCRISBOL was replaced with a kinder, gentler SCRISMOL in the 22nd
the Self Contained Reprogrammable Instruction Manufactory Oriented Language,
and it continued to evolve into a true, self replicating, semi-artificially
intelligent programming language. SCRISMOL was the main language of the
Manufactories and the AIMs after the Last War, though a modified version of
SCRISBOL was still used for their own weapons systems and some military
hardware. The SCRISMOL controlled version of SCRISBOL had numerous backdoors
built in by the AIMs and MANUFACTORIES just to keep their own creations from
being turned against them. New Rio D found this out in 2117 when, using
SCRISMOL-SCRISBOL controlled weapons produced from the local manufactory, the
residents tried to storm the manufactory and take manual control in on the the
more well documented factory states revolts. Their losses were probably just
as great as their surprise when they found that their bright shiny new weapons
refused to operate for them!
- SLEX - Stabilized Liquid EXplosive- a
highly volatile compound used by engineers and demolitions experts for both
commercial and military applications. SLEX was electrically detonated and
highly stabilized otherwise. SLEX was used in some area effect weapons where a
vaporized dispersion of SLEX would be delivered via a capsulated carrier and
then a small electrical charge would be initiated, creating a chain reaction
that spread like a rolling fire storm. SLEX in this role was much more
effective than the previous century's FAE Fuel Air Explosives, as SLEX had
nearly three times the blast propagation and effect. As a demolition tool,
SLEX could be poured into cracks, crevices or around edges and detonated
remotely or via a electric pulse timer cap (part of every demolition experts
kit). SLEX, in warhead form, replaced the HESH rounds with greater effect (the
splash and detonation was spectacular) and proved to be a equally effective,
if somewhat inhumane, anti-personnel device. SLEX mines, working on the
saturated fuel-air method of operation, would 'fog' an target or area and then
detonate. SLEX in the anti-personnel role was outlawed by mutual agreement at
the 45th set of peace talks.
- SLICS- Squad Level Integration and
Countermeasures System- ("Slicks")-The SLICS was a complex system of squad
level LOS and indirect networking among the high performance tactical
computers that were part of each MI battledress. The SquadNet integrated each
individual MI battledress equipped soldier into a operational unit and
doctrine solution that was greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Utilizing SLICS, an entire squad of battledress equipped soldiers could
function as one greater effective unit, instead of as many lesser effective
individual units. What one soldier knew or could see, sense, smell, detect,
the entire squad knew equally well. All information from one suit or soldier
was instantly available to every other member of the squad. Hand off of
munitions was done flawlessly between individual soldiers, and with the squad
dedicated tactical drones, SLICS and SquadNet became indispensable additions
to the Combine MI units. Entire squad level coordination of point defense
against indirect fire munitions and TAC missiles was coordinated through each
suit's microprocessors, giving instant information to the entire squad. SLICS
also worked to integrate the EMS of the squad into one homogenous source,
working to blend the squad into the background and 'phase' it out of enemy
targeting systems reach. Suit emissions were carefully monitored by the SLICS
and individuals were electromagnetically 'bled' selectively to match their
backgrounds at a constant rate, monitored both locally by the individual suits
which 'buddy checked' each other several hundred times a second, to the remote
tactical drones which did 'removed' views of the squad to make sure that no
EMS spikes were readily visible to the enemy. Target reference and engagement,
target spotting, and integration into the mass of data which made up the 21CB
became the norm. The entire squad worked flawlessly and seamlessly as one
mobile unit, pooling resources and operating on a squad level instead of a
individual level as had been the case before SLICS. Efficiency went up
dramatically, as combat losses decreased.
SLICS was the Combine name for their squad level system, the Paneuropeans had
a similar system that was bulkier, termed Cerebus. Whereas the Combine SLICS
was an integral part of each individual suit, the Paneuropean Cerebus
consisted of two additional pair of dedicated processors, carried by two
members of the squad, integrating the other members in a somewhat more
reliable but also more cumbersome array. However, as the Combine SLICS was
integrated into the design, the loss of one suit would not bring the system
down, merely reduce the amount of information and resources available to the
other nodes on the network. With the Paneuropean Cerebus system, the loss of
one or both of the dedicated tactical processors would cause disruption in
squad level operations. Combine MI snipers soon learned to target the
Paneuropean Cerebus equipped suits early in the engagement, and the unique EMS
spike of the additional Cerebus processor showed up well on tactical squad
level scanners. A special component shielded array was developed by the
Paneuropeans mid way through the War in an effort to reduce the EMS signature
of their Cerebus units but it only made the target outline greater. The
ultimate solution appeared late in the war, equipping each Paneuropean MI suit
with a smaller version of the Cerebus, called a Hectonchires unit. Apparently
joint development of this device was carried out by both the Paneuropean and
the Nihon empires to counter the much more sophisticated Combine SLICS though
no records exist of this. Maybe the Nihon Empire managed to copy the Combine
system, and captured Nihon suits with the Hectonchires system proved easier to
copy than the Combine models... In any case, the addition of the Hectonchires
unit made a noticeable hump on the Paneuropean units but spread the EMS
signature out among all units so that Combine snipers could no longer have
easy targets to take down the squad level integration of the Paneuropean
units. The term "Hunchback" became popular among Combine MI to describe their
late war Paneuropean counterparts.
- SLUF - Slow Little Ugly Fellows (though
sometimes (more than often) 'fellows' is substituted for the profane term 'f**kers').
Combine Military euphemism for Pan light armor and fast track layers. While
many post war historians and arm chair generals consider the Combine armor
units to be the best looking and best designed during the Last War, no one can
argue FOR the design of the Paneuropean light armor. With its cramped crew
positions, cut rate electronics, poorly designed and strangely out of place or
'borrowed' 'OGRE' tower style sensor array (retractable), and its often
inadequate performance (cross spectrum from weapons to active defenses), the
Pan light armor units very much so richly deserved the title of "SLUF".
Unpopular with their crews, and easy targets for Op Forces, the Pan SLUFs
earned every bit of the dark reputation they carried with them until the end
of and even beyond the Last War. Used most often by armor crews, with some
diffusion into other ranks and files.
- SMARTER BOMBS- The advent of smart bombs
created what was termed a 'Nintendo War' in the last decade of the 20th
century where the public was witness to live feeds of laser guided bombs being
directed through narrow exhaust ports of buildings, or hitting individual
armored vehicles in prepared positions in the desert. As weapon technology
paced itself along nicely with the increasing sophistication of computer and
target attack programming, the 'bomb' got 'smarter'. The so called 'smart
bomb' graduated to a 'smarter bomb'. The introduction of viable Point Defense
Systems (PDS) and Area Defense Systems (ADS) meant that if a guided weapon was
going to reach the target, it would have to have some form of intelligence.
While not 'aware', some of the weapons guidance systems used during the Last
War could be said to have definitely been 'feral' in nature, about as smart as
a rabid dog. The weapons actually 'wanted' to destroy the target. Smarter
bombs and munitions, once 'awakened' searched for a target like a hungry
animal, and after a target lock was acquired, the weapon existed only for the
destruction of the acquired target, almost in such as a way as to be
feral and predator-like in nature.
Smarter bombs are precision guided munitions (PGM). With the advent of the PDS
and ADS and the associated tactical doctrines that appeared with their use,
PGMs had to get 'smarter' just to survive. Ground hugging PGMs came in fast
and low to avoid PDS systems. Even the lowly man portable anti-tank missile
carried by the infantryman of the 21st century was a quantum leap over
anything anyone in the 20th century could have dreamed possible. And if you
thought the weapons were smart, you need to see the defensive countermeasures
that were produced to deal with these weapons! Vehicle crews went from periods
of abject horror to periods of feeling completely invulnerable, depending on
whether the weapon or the defense technology was ahead at the time.
- SNAKES - Slang term for any TAC missile,
friendly or enemy. Term derived from the advent of advanced NOE (Nap Of the
Earth) and ground hugging capacity of FATS style guidance on individual
tactical munitions. TAC missiles were usually fast subsonic to trans-sonic
carriers for armor wrecking warheads, equipped with incredibly complex and
aggressive maneuvering systems capable of G-forces that would be instantly
lethal to a living creature, yet were tolerable (just!) to the onboard
hardware. With increases in tactical microprocessor capacity, sensor downlook,
and the greater aggressive tendency of both point defense systems and vehicle
defense design, the TAC missiles, instead of bowing out to the new active as
opposed to reactive defenses, as most tacticians had predicted, became just as
primal in design and guidance. The flight of a TAC missile resembled a snake
in the grass, skimming at NOE level a meter, more or less, jinking left and
right depending on the signals it was receiving from the targets PDS tracking
array (which got VERY active when in use). TAC missiles flew just off the deck
to present the lowest possible target to PDS (usually coming in below
effective and actual physical PDS equipment deflection...), the back and forth
meandering of the TAC missile was almost hypnotizing, if it were not the
deadly reality that this was not a dance, but rather the counter-defensive
maneuvering of an armor breaking weapon system doing its feral best to counter
the AI PDS systems that were seeking to kill it. Guidance systems for TAC
missiles were called "snake eyes", technicians as 'snake doctors'.
- TAC Missile- The standard PGM (Precision
Guided Munitions) of the Last War was the TAC Missile. The TAC missile was the
workhorse of most infantry and armored units. Small, agile, adaptable, and
fast, the TAC missile was the perfect compliment to the high and hyper
velocity guns mounted on most fighting vehicles. TAC missiles had broad
applications, and their seeker heads could target everything from a small
vehicle up to hypersonic fighter aircraft. The warhead was a seventh
generation self forging penetrator, able to manipulate its design based on
target angle of attack and known target data. The high velocity of the TAC
missile came from its simple ramjet design, producing a velocity at the time
four times greater than a comparable CPR fired round! Special ram vents
located behind the seeker head / warhead rammed air in and produced the
necessary pressure to create and sustain the ramjet effect. Deployable control
vanes allowed course correction. The seeker head could also accept various
'hand off' guidance techniques, following laser and visual data pulses to the
correct target, as supplied by friendly units operating in the area. As the
Last War became one of ECM and ECCM intensive engagements, the speed and
design of the TAC missile changed, gone was the fuel gobbling hypersonic
scramjet style motor to be replaced with a highly efficient electrically
driven fuel cell powered ducted turbofan that allowed very high subsonic and
limited trans-sonic flight speeds. The drop in speed was made up for with the
increase in maneuverability and the ability to both loiter and hover!
TAC missiles were produced in five types; very light, light, standard, heavy,
and very heavy. Very light TAC missiles had a range of 1kmand were usually
relegated to duty with infantry, MI, FAVs, and some light tracked and hover
missile launchers as well as emplaced systems. The light TAC missile had a
range of about 2km under ideal conditions, and was used on some IFVs and CFVs,
as well as some LAVs. Certain infantry units carried versions of the light TAC
missile, but the launcher and system tended to slow them down considerably.
The standard TAC missile had a range of four kilometers and a sizeable
warhead, but was usually only carried by missile tanks, missile GEVs, some
emplaced bunker and launcher installations, and by some Cybertanks. The
Improved TAC missile had the same warhead as the standard TAC missile, but a
greater range due to a better fuel storage medium. Improved TAC missiles
became standard issue later in the Last War, around 2082 and had a range of 4
kilometers. The heavy TAC missile saw use only with the Cybertanks and with
some specialized missile tanks during the Last War, but it had the greatest
range of five kilometers and a warhead over 50% stronger in yield than the
standard and improved TAC missiles. Heavy TAC missiles were usually mounted on
external rails or carried in internal armored bays and deployed through
special launch tubes mounted on the Cybertanks. The Very Heavy TAC missile was
a late development and had a range of six kilometers under ideal conditions,
with a greater warhead. It had superior navionics which, although it was
larger and heavier, allowed it to operate with even better efficiency than its
The TAC missile was modular in design, and benefited from such add on packages
as ATG Advanced Terminal Guidance, Second Stage Boosting, and MITW Multiple
Independently Targeted Warheads, and ECM Burners which helped to enhance
target acquisition. The seeker of the TAC missile was classified as 'smarter'
from the first template, and by the end of the Last War, some TAC missiles may
have acquired sentience, based on the fact of several reported incidents where
weapons would not fire, or actually seemed to 'argue' with their targeting
- TECH-COM - "Tango Charlie" - Combine slang for any technical
or communications / computer oriented slot. Most TECH-COM or Tango Charlies
are 'egg heads', smarter than the 'average' slot and somewhat chided for their
prowess in the related fields. As the 21CB was a highly technical conflict,
most 'average joes' were still way and above par smarter and more
technologically oriented than their counterparts of even the late last turn of
the century or the early 21st century. The Tango Charlies were just more so.
Some TCs accompanied infantry squads into the fields, known as slot EO or
Equipment Officer in charge of battledress maintenance, upgrade, and repair.
Tango Charlie units also played a vital role in the capture of enemy AIMs and
manufactories. Their tactical 'hacker' skills allowed grouped squads to
assault the AIMs on a cybernetic level, waging an assault through their
interfaces and virtual matrixes. The Tango Charlies based their lives around
their cyberdecks and their toolkits. Most tango charlies stayed well to the
rear in depots and command points, but a few, as has been stated, were 'real'
soldiers, and operated as a soldier first, and a tango charlie second. Many MI
squads had at least one tango charlie slot, usually the second slot, as SOP.
- THEDOT- Tactical High Energy Destruction
Of Target- THEDOT is the military acronym for high energy tactical laser
weaponry and its application to static defense of military, industrial,
political, religious, and civilian centers. Many designs of THEDOT based beam
weaponry appeared during the Last War. Since lasers travel at the speed of
light, and a low power laser beam can be used to 'paint' a target or 'range' a
target, once the beam is on the target, the matter of stepping up the amperage
and feed to the beam was just a simple switch away. The doctrine went like
this. "Put THEDOT on the target, and the target goes away."
THEDOT systems were computer controlled and targeted, relying on redoppler
micropulse radar and later modulated ladar / madar for target acquisition.
Early THEDOT systems were simple emplaced turrets, but as smart bombs
(munitions) became smarter bombs (munitions), THEDOT systems were mounted on
static towers, on powered variable elevation tower systems, and even on some
heavy tracked chassis. Most THEDOT systems were powered by dedicated crystal
battery storage arrays with dedicated feeds to industrial or military nuclear
reactors. Some used simple chemical reactions to achieve the proper
homogeneous inverse population excitation, or disposable cartridge type
'power' cells. THEDOT systems located around AIMs or Manufactories usually
drew from those installations dedicated power plants. Somewhat effective
against armored vehicles, especially light armored vehicles, THEDOT systems
were very effective against infantry, especially unarmored infantry.
- TIN MEN / TIN SOLDIERS - Combine military
euphemism for Pan mobile infantry. Reference believed to refer to the late
19th century / early 20th century children's toys of war (produced before the
need for metal in war time production made metal 'toys' a thing of the past
and paved the way for plastic toy soldiers and vehicles to flood the markets). Used derogatorily.
Combine term for any Pan cybertank, literally 'super tank' or 'ultimate tank'.
Used derogatively.
- VCO - Vehicle Commanding Officer,
generally the officer in charge of the crew of a vehicle and responsible for
them and the vehicle.
- VHRIR - Very High Resolution Infra-Red.
Carefully adjusted and microprocessor controlled dual mode (active / passive)
thermal enhancement allowing visual recognition and target appraisal through
differences in heat aspects. Used in early part of 20th century, the
technology advanced to where VHRIR was an integral input for the FATS system,
allowing vehicles and other so equipped units to actually hunt like predators.