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Well, we're looking at a 33% casualty ratio here right from the start.  Jones, far left, is dead on impact.  Notice the layout of the spacecraft, the handhold near the door, and a small ladder for getting out of or down into the spacecraft.  Those gauges behind the astronauts must display some information, perhaps for the main drive?   There is no passage or hatch in the rear bulkhead behind the astronauts, so perhaps this spacecraft is designed for short duration flights which might mean it was fitted to some kind of faster than light drive (FTL).

For more on that discussion, see this link.

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Farrow enters the spacecraft cautiously, using the ladder below the entrance...

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WHAT are all of those GAUGES and DIALS for?  Most of the lights are still blinking on and off, meaning that at least some components of this spacecraft are still functional and operating even after the landing.

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Farrow checks Jones to see if he is alive.  Notice the position of the neck and the glassy eyed deadman's stare.  One interesting thing to note also... notice how bright and crisp the ANSA patches are, with each astronaut's name tag above that.

Notice how dull and faded the USA flag is.  Strange.

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Checking Jones for a heartbeat... there is none.

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Next in line.

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Farrow checks Virdon for a heartbeat...

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Farrow is pleased that this human is still alive.

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Checking Burke for signs of life.

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There is a heartbeat!  Burke is alive!

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Jones is very obviously dead.  However, this shot gives an excellent view of the safety harnesses (notice that you pull up on the straps to tighten them) as well as the uniform, the seat, and some of the controls.  And yes, these astronauts are part of ANSA as evidenced by the patch on the right breast of the uniform.

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Virdon's empty seat...

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Burke's empty flight control seat.  Notice Farrow is pulling Virdon's limp body out of the spacecraft hatch.  Also, there appears to be some type of recording data bank or reel-to-reel recorder under the entrance ladder as well as protected by the tube frame.

Look for this aspect of the interior in later shots to follow.  It is an interesting bit of engineering...

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A somewhat better picture of the 'recorder bank' with its reels under a protective clear (glass or plastic) cover. Notice the tube frame of the entrance / exit ladder, the padding on the wall, and the pull bar to the very upper right. Is that blood on the back of Burke's headrest?

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Farrow does a fireman's carry of Virdon away from the spacecraft.  Here we get an excellent rear profile angle shot.  Notice how THICK the hull is between the interior and exterior!  It must be six inches to a foot thick!  Well insulated!  You can also see the hatch remote release button situated on the back of the main wing spar, the little white square with the black dot in it.

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A rear shot showing the detail of the spacecraft's slideout landing maneuver.  Why it 'turned' is anyone's guess.  A controlled slideout?  Did the ship's computers 'steer' it into the clearing.  Logically, it would have gone straight, as I see nothing in the path to divert it.

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Another shot of Farrow carrying Virdon away from the down spacecraft


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