paper and cardstock custom handmade
Hi Everyone!
Well I was invited, Thank you, to send something about the paper Icarus I drew and printed out as a paper model here.
pictures speak a thousand words, I will just show the assembly pic.
Suffice it to say that I drew the idea out in MS Paint and then refined
it over and over. Figuring out the angles and printing out tests to cut
out and testfit and re-design. The result is a pretty good model that
is most efficient for assembly. I sold the one in the picture for 15
bucks, and that aint bad!!!! I have loved "The planet of the Apes" from
day one when I was a little kid. I hope you like this walk thru if you
have any questions, please email me at 8thman@att.net.
Thank you all,
Jim Sapp
Questions or comments? Email ANSANAUT