Hi there!
I am a British fan/collector of Planet of the apes and have many original props/costumes
from the series - I recently had my Icarus model built and painted by one of the uks top
modellers to the sum of $600 in total.
The ship is encased for prosperity and looks fantastic you have to see it for real to take
in all the details including the re-entry burns etc.
Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to use them on your great site!
Best wishes.
Les Hemstock
The model on its original MIM base, sealed in the protective display.
With the case removed and closeup of the detail inherent in this 1/35th scale model kit.
Detail of the rear bulkhead and hatch
Closeup of cockpit windows and interior
Closeup of cockpit interior with Taylor's recording station / position in view.
Closeup of cockpit interior with the forward escape hatch shown.
Closeup of top surface detail and the
mysterious panel that explodes outwards from the ship
when Dodge blows the escape hatch.
Questions or comments? Email ANSANAUT