Jeffrey Christner writes
son and I have been involved in the aviation archaeology hobby (Note 1)
since 2007 and we’ve been to and found several forgotten locations were
aviation accidents took place, many of which took place in WWII. We
will document what is left at the site and will often place small
memorials or american flags there too to remember those lost. I also
happen to be a big Planet of the Apes fan and I’ve spent quite a bit of
time reading your web site.
reading about them filming some of the Forbidden Zone scenes from
Beneath the Planet of the Apes in Red Rock Canyon State Park in
California, I decided to combine my interests and attempt to locate the
location where the Liberty 2 (Note 2) spaceship crashed, or rather, the
location where the crash site was filmed for the movie and see if
anything was left after filming. I’m sure you’re aware that there are
lots of videos and web sites that detail filming locations for the
Planet of the Apes movies, including several videos and such of the
Malibu Creek State Park (Fox Ranch) and the areas of the beach at the
end of the first PotA movie.
my research I only found one person who documented several movies
filmed in the Red Rock Canyon State Park, but they only used one photo
of the crash site, and they apparently didn’t even look to see if
anything was left behind after filming, and while their photo is on
Flickr, it’s not something that I’ve seen posted/talked about much. I
know we’re not the first ones to find this location, but I don’t know
why more information isn’t out there about it? Maybe people haven’t
been looking to see if anything was left after the filming was
completed? Even though the site has been located before, I believe that
my son and I located where the long shot of the crash site was filmed
from, something which I hadn’t seen before.
In the end we used simple aviation archaeology techniques to pinpoint the filming location and you can see our results here.
also believe we located several pieces that were probably part of the
set of the crash site, including some burned pieces and a piece of
tubing painted black and a piece of metal that may have been black at
one time.
not sure if this is something interesting for your web site or not or
if you’d just like to check out the photos we took and the items we
found. They are all at the link above. Keep in mind that my write up is
half tongue in cheek as though the crash really happened and half
factual talking about where parts of the movie were filmed.
Anyway your site is amazing! Great, great work!
Jeff Christner
(Note 1) You can see our other crash site visits here.
(Note 2) I realize this is a name coined by the somewhat new Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes book.
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