Cowles Buildup of the
Models "Icarus" 1/48 scale kit
This is Wilco's Icarus built pretty much right out of
the box with the exception of some extra detail on the rear bulkhead. I
wasn't able to find a lot of definitive or consistent guidance on what this
area should look like so I took some liberties and just made it look
"sensible" I guess.
I also added panel lines to break up the hull area a bit
and give it some character.
Since I wasn't going to have an interior, I blocked the
viewports, painted them black and then filled them with clear resin epoxy.
This blacks them out but also gives them some depth as well.
The "United States" markings that came with the model I
believe are the wrong font and there was only one for the top whereas I saw a
drawing that had one on top and one on the bottom which I really liked. I
went to the NASA web site (UET Design Guidelines page) and was able to find
out that they use Sans Serif or Serif font so I made two decals in this font
for the bottom and top of the nose.
I downloaded the ANSA logo and mission patch to add to
the stand for some character.
I would picture this model sitting in a place of honor
on the ANSA Head Administrator's desk having originally been presented during
the press conference announcing the mission but now serving as a memorial to
the lost crew of the Icarus.
Thanks for being willing to post my work, it's an honor
to be among all the other great modelers on your site. All of their work
served as inspiration and guidance and I'm thankful to them.
Best regards,
Doug Cowles

aft view

The display stand
featuring ANSA patch and mission patch

Dorsal view

Rear bulkhead and
hatch detail

Completed model on
display stand with mission patch and ANSA patch

Forward canard detail
with nozzle jet

Side view of model
with illustrated display stand

Closeup of cockpit

Closeup of aft engine
nozzles and main wing nozzles

Another view of the
aft bulkhead, nozzles, and hatch.

Starboard rear detail

On the display stand,
photographed from below
Questions or comments? Email ANSANAUT