"Effortlessly ridiculing and
thoroughly demeaning the plethora of flag slathered retards and trend humping fashion lemmings as well
as the noisy self-propelled dildo yachts that these Luddite posers worship.
Additionally, I occasionally find the time to easily put to rest blatant pop
cultural ignorance, long standing hillbilly myths, cleverly spun marketing lies,
acts of rampant flock behavior and other cringe-worthy societal stupidity as
found deeply imbedded in and on display throughout America's largest home-grown
trailer park spawned cheap white trash oriented wannabe pagan religion; Harley
Davidson (as taught in its official think-by-numbers catechism;
the Milwaukee
Orthodoxy)." - Christopher T. Shields (Black Echo)
"A skittish
motorbike with a touch of blood in it is better than all the riding animals on
-T.E. Lawrence

Keeping the loyal visitor current with all the latest changes
and additions to the site
The much anticipated update of
June 1, 2019

- After
14 years of owning her since she was brand new I sold the 2004 Honda
CBR600RR (to a young preacher of all people) and went back to my
cruiser roots with a rare 1988 Honda VF750C V45 Super Magna. The
V45 Super Magna is powered by a 45 cubic inch (748cc) liquid cooled,
DOHC, 16-valve V4 (slightly detuned Interceptor engine) backed by a six
speed transmission and a shaft drive. When the V65 Magna appeared
in 1983 it was the fastest motorcycle in the world and the Magna
created a new genre known as the "power cruiser" which, within a few
years, had competition from Yamaha's V-MAX. The Super Magna is an
amazing bike that I originally fell in love with way back when I saw my
first Super Magna parked outside the University library at USM in the
fall of 1990 (when I was a college student).
going to chopper
the '88 out within the next year or so because I've always had a
fondness for choppers and cruisers, especially powerful choppers and
cruisers like the Magna and V-Max. I'm going for a radical 18
degree rake on the front with 10 inch oversized forks / tubes and some
aesthetic touches. The front mag wheel and the rear solid disc
wheel are
staying but the rear disc wheel is going to get powdercoated black and
maybe some designs added to it in order to make it not so ...
plain. I thought about doing some custom fenders but I think I'll
leave the stock ones on for now. A newer LED high intensity
headlight and maybe a pair of driving lights with a lightbar is in the
stages, might mount the auxillary lights way down low near the wheel on
the front fork. In
a year or so, I'll have an old-school chopper capable of, stock,
running mid to high 11's in the quarter. A liquid cooled, V4
chopper, one of very few, an elite genre of riders. The engine,
like all Honda V4s, is liquid smooth and the exhaust note from those
FOUR mufflers is incredible. Of course, when I pull up in traffic
and people see those four mufflers, it causes heads to turn. I
like to drive and ride things that no one else has ... or at least
drive and ride things that you don't see five to ten times coming and
going each way when you travel. I've always wanted to build a
chopper and building an import chopper, let alone a V4 powered chopper,
really has me stoked.
"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate copy of someone else…"
-Talon, of the girl-band "Kitty"