“Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.”
- Laurence J. Peter
Tom Corsi tcorsi@sdsdocs.com
Subject: Where do I even start?
Date: July
17, 2008
First off let me just say that I find your humor funny as hell and it has been
quite enjoyable these past days reading the tongue lashings coming in & going
out on your website. I am a biker. I have been riding, building, fixing, &
enjoying riding motorcycles of all types for over 25 years.
I have owned many different kinds of bikes over the years & have never been a
Harley snob but more to the point a motorcycle enthusiast with a preference for
Harley Davidson motorcycles. I ride with anyone that I consider a good person
and safe rider no matter what kind of bike they ride. The insane ramblings of
your disdain for Harley Davidson motorcycles is laughable and supposedly comes
from 2 times in your life when Harley people said "when you gonna get a real
bike" wait wait wait, I know there is more to it than that but I am over
simplifying so you can understand what I am going to tell you Jethro because if
anyone spent so much time & energy as you have based upon "fool me once shame on
you, fool me twice shame on me" due to what someone said about his/her
motorcycle, they should be baker acted.
First off, indulge me a moment and let me address the cop from Mississippi
stereotype for a moment because that is just begging to be made fun of. I've
been to Mississippi, know people from Mississippi and get a laugh out of that
Mississippi southern drawl that makes people sound just a bit more intelligent
than a box of rocks ( which I know is just opinion & not fact as I am sure there
are many smart people that come from Mississippi that don’t have sex with family
members that have contributed to our great country somewhere along the line). I
have seen the picture you posted on your website and let me just tell you I
laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants. If I need to explain further, you
will just never get it anyway you really are a goofy looking putz. Talk about
"hill scoggin"… You must be the fucking mayor. Now all that nonsense is just my
opinion, I am entitled to it because you put yourself out there as some bad ass
verbal terminator/crusader helping all us dumb bastards to see the light about
Harley Davidson motorcycles just like I am sure you will give your opinion in
the form of a verbal thrashing when/if you respond to this email which will be
directed at me because I challenged you.
Let me tell you Chris, I ride a Harley because I choose to, not because I want
to be cool. I'm not cool, I don’t even know what that means! I just love the
ride I get from the bike you love to bash that’s all there is to it. Stay with
me here Chris I promise I will make my point. Your whole retarded tirade of
Harley Davidson is not because you are stupid, from Mississippi, or a cop. It's
because you are a control freak (ALL COPS ARE…. Its OK) , You've formed an
opinion that you are entitled to but you behave like a pissed off woman that got
dumped by her man. You know…. All that stuff about a woman scorned… My parallel
is the Harley guys giving you shit "get a real bike" just in case you didn’t
understand bozo. So couple the scorned woman & the control freak and you get
officer Chris T. Shields "Mississippi's finest" (now if that’s not a comedic
contradiction in terms what is?) that NEEDS to tell everyone how shitty Harley
Davidson is cause he likes speed so he rides a "Rice Rocket" cause they are
technologically more advanced, lighter, faster… blah blah blah…. You're the
worst kind of control freak because you wont be happy until everyone in your
world feels the way you do. You bash everyone else, you're not an elitist,
you’re a jerk off.
And let's go over the "rice" slur I made a moment ago. Yeah Yeah Yeah, I know
Harley Davidson does have Japanese parts on their "American" motorcycle It's
called buying in a world economy. But Harley Davidson is an AMERICAN company
Honda is a foreign company that does business in the USA. Don’t give me that
Honda USA bullshit, employing Americans crap. Like I said, It's a world economy.
Anyone who says they don’t buy anything Japanese is a fucking moron…. You can't
help it.
Once, Harley Davidson was ALL made in America, now it's not, GET OVER IT. That
has a lot more to do with our government than you would probably care to admit
but we will breeze over that for a moment so I don’t confuse you.
Lets not forget officer control freak, Harley Davidson made motorcycles for our
troops that were utilized in a World War so they could be more agile and quicker
to help defeat the enemy so shitheads like you could sleep like a baby at night
and not be forced to speak German or Japanese. No they weren't soldiers but they
aided in the war & hold a place in history as a 105 year old company and you
bash the same company that produced a motorcycle to aid our troops against the
very same fuckers that own the company of the motorcycle you ride. I know, I
know its not the same group of people, I get it. But it's like the blacks of
today that want "slave reparations" My father nor my grandfather owned slaves so
I don’t owe them anything other than respect if you should be a person of color
that deserves it based upon the content of your character.
Lets touch on the clothing & Harley Davidson moniker that you incessantly
bombard with more 30 I.Q. insults, which, by the way makes you look even more
like a scorned woman. Look Chris, I am not going to buy Harley Davidson coffee
either cause it comes in a box or can that has a Harley emblem on it. Why would
I pay $17.00 for coffee I can buy at the grocery store for $5 unless I like the
flavor or I like the Harley Davidson can it comes in and I choose to buy it
because I can afford it. Harley Davidson is the fucking KING of "brand
awareness" if you don’t know what that means you can look it up on wikipedia.
You just love to lump everyone that rides a Harley into the same category which
speaks volumes of your ignorant Mississippi limited gene pool existence.
Chris, I must admit right now I own MANY Harley Davidson t-shirts from the many
places around the world I have been to and I even own Harley Davidson blue jeans
which by the way are designed with a bit more room so when you are in a sitting
position to be comfortable on your bike without crushing your nut sack but I'm
sure you never had that problem anyway….. Oh wait, in one of your other
ramblings you told us how you and your wife get such a laugh out of that but I'm
sure you've been getting laughed at that by women for years until you
consummated with the lovely Mrs. Shields. By the way does she have her own
opinion about anything or do you make her have yours??? Does any other company
manufacture that same cut pant for less money & the same quality…. I'm sure the
answer is yes but then again it comes down to the opinion you hold that if you
like Harley Davidson anything you are a complete "hill scoggin" I'm so glad that
whatever powers that be decided you should be the President of what's right &
wrong, good & evil etc…
All you hold is an opinion based upon the limited views of you mediocre rice
rocket riding Mississippi officer douche bag life.
Look Chris, I defend your right to say & post this crap, this is America but
lets not forget what America is about. You do remember freedom & free will. The
ability to choose what you want and don’t want…. right ? So what I am saying is
that you may be educated & write very well along with having a sharp sense of
humor & verbal wit, but are the very "hill scoggin" you detest not based upon
your opinions but based upon that anyone else that holds a different opinion is
a moron.
Thanks for allowing me a forum to tell you what an asshole you are. Someone
should take you behind the V.F.W. and kick the shit out of you.
Tom Corsi (yes that's my real name)
To which I replied
“Where do I even start?”
Of course that was a rhetorical question on Tom’s part but
I chuckled at that introduction to his email because it’s a really damn good
question for me to ask myself in replying to him as well. Tom’s email is
painfully tedious to read and right off I could tell it was sent by what amounts
to a blithering idiot whose only education must have been
from his mother mobile home schooling him. The task of
reading his email starts off kind of like the onset of a really bad seizure;
there’s a polite little introduction to the forthcoming event where your eyes
kind of twitch and you start to get this little tremor up your spine then a
spasm or two wracks your brain just before the really violent thrashing and
spastic contorting begins. Tom’s email finally ends up as little more than a
Grand Mal example of complete ignorance and utter stupidity the likes of which
you very well could choke on if someone isn’t around to help you when you read
his rather vapid electronic rendition of late-term aborted English.
Sadly, Tom has made many very serious mistakes in his email ranging from his
erroneous assumptions, his juvenile and ineffectual use of personal insults, his
pungent lack of punctuation and grammar, his glaring lack of knowledge of the
history of the country he proudly calls home, his comical lack of knowledge of
the history of the bike company he worships and supports, his incessant need to
draw from urban myth rather than use well established historical fact and even
his having to rely heavily on nine different verses of text ( 2, 8, 17, 23, 26,
30, 35, 36, & 44) taken directly from the Milwaukee Orthodoxy to reinforce his
preprogrammed lemming point of view … Yes, all of these are Tom Corsi’s
many personal
failings. However, the biggest mistake of all that he made was …
Can anyone guess?
(insert the “Jeopardy” theme)
Oh, come on!
It’s right there at the very beginning of his email to me!
Now you see it, don’t you?
Yes, Tom committed the one cardinal sin that you never, never, never, never,
ever, ever, ever, ever do when you send a really badly worded, foul language
sprinkled hate filled email to someone that you don't like
and that is that Tom somehow thought it
was the grandest of ideas to send this
digital example of his personal mental
retardation from his corporate business email account at his very own place of
What this legally implies, of course, is that the people Tom
works for also share his dimwitted views and that he sent this email with the
full permission, faith and backing of the owners and coworkers of the company
that employs him. That is why, today, most companies which have email also have
the foresight to put a rather broad disclaimer automatically inserted into the
end of all of their outgoing emails in order to shield their selves, legally,
from the possibility that the kind of employee generated spontaneous stupidity
like Tom’s email represents might land them in a whole lot of trouble. Tom’s
greatest failing yet is that he sent his email from his place of employment.
No, he
didn’t send this email from a business that he owns but rather
from the place that he
Yes, I think that I could actually hear the collective gasp from my readers as
the obvious implications sink in. That’s right! The name “Tom” and the word
“duh” both have three letters in them. Is that a coincidence? Probably not
because Tom really goes out of his way in his email to prove that he is dumb and
I think that the super nice thing about that is he does so right from the very start.
For those of you who are curious about Tom and what he does for a living, you
can put a “www” in front of his “@” email address and it takes you right to his
place of employment. Now, I have to admit that I didn’t know what “SDS” stood
for or what kind of product that this company offered … but I had a few ideas.
The first thing that came to mind was that “SDS” might be some form of intimate
feminine hygiene product targeted to the market that included female
Harley riders. Perhaps “SDS” stood for “Scoggin Deodorant Spray” and if it did
then you can bet it would have to be available in super extra pro-industrial
strength if the look of the typical skanks on the back of your average Harley
are any indication of their level of personal hygiene (or notable lack thereof).
So, here is what popped into my mind when I learned that Tom worked for a
company called “SDS.” Perhaps the company that he worked for made this Harley
oriented intimate feminine hygiene product:
can also
be used as an engine
degreaser / carburetor cleaner / starter fluid
“Strong enough for a Sasquatch in heat
but made for
a Harley riding, cheap white trash, lot lizard wannabe."
Full set of teeth and / or high school equivalent education
not required for
product use but may help with opening of product package after purchase.
Sadly, “SDS” doesn’t
make feminine hygiene products targeted to either horny Sasquatches or
slovenly inbred hillbilly women
with odious personal hygiene habits. No, “SDS” stands for
Southeastern Document Services and apparently they
specialize in, well, document services for
prestigious law firms, doctors’ offices, and the like. What this means is that
“SDS” is kind of like “Kinko’s” only probably a lot pricier and with a far more
select clientele.
“SDS” has an okay website that’s fairly easy to navigate but not very
informative (or deep in content). The fact that there are only two office
locations listed in Florida might lend the website visitor to believe that “SDS” is a small
family owned company. The fact that a
small company like "SDS" is willing to employ someone like Tom clearly
indicates that they still have a lot to learn about hiring qualified workers let
alone what to look for in potential job applicants.
After all, given the content of his email (and the fact that he sent it from his
work place), it's rather evident that Tom wasn't hired based on his IQ.
Perhaps the human resource department at “SDS” should, in the future, ask each
potential job applicant for an IQ score (or at least require a valid high school
education (not just a GED)) before considering the potential applicant for any
advertised position. However, I'd like to save the good
people at the "SDS" HR department a
lot of trouble, effort and time in the future and share with them my sincere belief that if the applicant rides a
Harley, has a HD tattoo or walks in wearing a HD T-shirt
then it's a pretty safe bet to say that "SDS" can already file that
person's resume / application in the garbage and move
on to interviewing the next applicant in line. In other words, nothing says
“... I am a total failure as a human being and a habitual loser whose woefully pathetic existence revolves solely around a make-believe commercially pandered prepackaged fairy-tale lifestyle because I'm too stupid to figure out how to have a life of my very own ...”
than owning or riding
a Harley Davidson and what company can really afford to hire and employ such
obvious pre-existing miscarriages of intellect like Tom these days in the modern
competitive marketplace? After all,
the reason that it is called “payroll” is
the same reason that it is not
called “charity” and in Tom’s case, given the
intellectual content of his email, you can
pretty much understand that the only reason he
actually is currently employed with “SDS” is because
someone there took pity on him and / or simply felt sorry for him.
The nice thing about the “SDS” website is that if you look under the ubiquitous
“Contact Us” tab, you will discover that Tom Corsi is indeed verified as
an employee of “SDS” and that he is listed as being their Sales Manager.
contact information (as well as the contact information for all of his coworkers
from the bottom of the corporate ladder all the way to the very tippy top) is
also clearly posted on the site.
Having a few free minutes of time, I was able to browse through the Florida
based corporation’s website and soon discovered that “SDS” currently has a
career opening for an “Account Manager” on their “Career Opportunities” page.
Now, if Tom’s bosses (and the company owners), the McKee brothers, ever get a
chance to read this email that was sent using corporate owned resources by one
of their less than genius employees then that corporate webpage in particular may
just be updated rather shortly as well.
Let me explain why …
I have a very good idea that when the two McKee brothers hear about the
existence of this page and they read what one of their employees transcribed to
me then their first thought is going to be that Tom really should have been
doing far more important things on paid company time than surfing the
looking for Harley Davidson websites, browsing shiny accessories for his silly
little chrome plated “potato-potato” mewling Milwaukee built
copy of a Sybian, somehow
discovering my website by accident or through a forum link and then spending hour
upon hour reading through all of the material on my site (while learning
absolutely nothing at all from the mistakes of
the idiots who came before him). The McKee
brothers will then wonder (and rightly so) why Tom thought it would be a
tremendously great
idea to send a badly worded, grammar and punctuation poor, profanity and hate
filled email to a complete stranger on their dollar (especially when that email
was encapsulated within a corporate sponsored, corporation representing,
corporate owned dedicated digital open communication vehicle like the “SDS”
addressed email server and carried their good company name
and reputation along with it).
My second thought is that when the McKee brothers get finished picking their
individual jaws up off of their rich mahogany crafted managerial desktops that
there might just be a “Sales Manager” position coming open as well and a whole
lot sooner than you might think. Yes, get those resumes ready, mateys and be
sure to keep checking the SDS “career opportunities” page because there’s a good
chance of employment ahoy for those who have a background in sales and would be
willing to relocate to Southeastern Document Services’ Tampa
or Saint
Petersburg corporate offices down
in sunny old Florida.
If you hurry, why, Tom may even leave the
seat still warm for you.
You just can’t beat Harley owners for being dumb, folks and Tom here is as about
as dumb as a drag chute on a tampon.
Now, with all of that prefaced, let me explain that I normally don’t enjoy
getting emails from vacuous skulled, knuckle dragging, odious lard-tard, butt
muppets like Tom because it clearly indicates that the decline of our once great
society is not only continuing unabated but that the decline may actually be
accelerating as well and people like Tom are clearly the catalysts for that
unwelcome change. People like Tom are human sponges for stupidity; they soak
stupidity up in one place then go and wring it out in another. Tom likes to
think that he is a unique individual with original thoughts all of his own as
well as a personal motorcycle preference that is based on years of self-claimed
so-called riding experience but his email quickly proves that just the opposite
is true in regards to the pretend life that he leads.
Most of Tom’s email is composed of silly yet ineffectual personal attacks
carried out on about a fifth grade level and applied in a haphazard manner.
He uses personal attacks for the same reason that any
Harley owner uses personal attacks and insults; he has no facts to back up his
arguments and he can't refute history or the proven facts that I present. Tom
substitutes emotion for logic, fantasy for fact and intersperses his
personal attacks
with instances of easily refutable dealer-installed
pagan logic
taken right from the Milwaukee Orthodoxy. Now, if we strip all of those personal
attacks off we’re left with a few good chunks of comedic content to sort
through. Not many good chunks of comedic content but a few so let’s see what we
have to work with. In essence we’re panning for stupidity and Tom’s email pretty
much guarantees that we’ll find gold in short order … fool’s gold but gold
Let’s begin wading through this Harley owning redneck’s easily refutable yet deliciously ridiculous ranting, shall we?
First off let me just say that I find
your humor funny as hell and it has been quite enjoyable these past days reading
the tongue lashings coming in & going out on your website.
We call that “damning with faint praise”, folks. It’s the
windup before the pitch for Tom’s sucker ball.
I am a biker. I have been riding, building, fixing, & enjoying riding
motorcycles of all types for over 25 years.
I hate to tell Tom this but I’ve got a good four years
more motorcycling experience on tap than he does and I’m still counting. Of
course, if Tom had spent all of that time that he claims to have spent riding
quality built motorcycles instead of the chrome plated
fashion driven
dildo yachts that Milwaukee sells
then he probably could have left out the “building and fixing” part altogether
and would therefore have had a lot more time to spend on the “enjoying
riding” aspect of motorcycling. My first motorcycle
was a Honda. My current motorcycle is a Honda. In 29 years, I have
owned four Hondas and not one of them ever left me stranded on the side of the
road, had a part fall off while I was riding or required anything other than
regular scheduled maintenance.
I doubt if Tom can claim the same
record of performance on the bikes that he's owned.
I have owned many different kinds of bikes over the years & have never been a
Harley snob but more to the point a motorcycle enthusiast with a preference for
Harley Davidson motorcycles.
In hindsight, I find the two opening paragraphs of
email both disturbing and humorous at the same time and let me explain that
unique clarity for you, dear reader. What I find disturbing is that in over a
quarter of a century of riding experience on what he calls “many different kinds
of bikes” Tom still doesn’t seem to be able to discern the difference between
high quality and utter crap which, of course, is why he is not
only drawn to but also owns and rides a Harley Davidson. What I find humorous is
that he claims that he is a
"motorcycle enthusiast with a
preference for Harley Davidson motorcycles"
but then that’s tantamount to Tom claiming to be a highly experienced
with a preference for banging mentally retarded, paraplegic women.
I ride with anyone that I consider a good person and safe rider no matter
what kind of bike they ride.
I ride alone.
Always have, always will.
Riding alone is just a regular part of the natural born loner / deep misanthropic nature of my character. I go where I want, when I want with no one to answer to or wait on when I do. I find it makes for the best motorcycle experiences. After all, freedom is a trait of stalwart individuals not a pre-arranged group activity.
For me, one’s company and two’s a crowd.
Always has been, always will be.
The insane ramblings of your disdain for Harley Davidson motorcycles is
laughable and supposedly comes from 2 times in your life when Harley people said
"when you gonna get a real bike" wait wait wait, I know there is more to it than
that but I am over simplifying so you can understand what I am going to tell you
Jethro because if anyone spent so much time & energy as you have based upon
"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" due to what someone said
about his/her motorcycle, they should be baker acted.
Tom thinks that he is oversimplifying but what he is
really doing is just getting it all wrong right from the start and in doing so
it becomes rather obvious that reading comprehension just isn’t one of Mr. Corsi’s superpowers. My website is not about what some
ignorant hillbilly once said about my
import sport bike (though that curious
bit of stumpfuck logic is what initially got me
interested in researching and investigating the pop culture myth
that surrounds Harley Davidson) … No, my website exists only to
humorously document the many
historical failures of America’s so-called “greatest” motorcycle manufacturer, the
subsequent failures of the pre-programmed brand worshipping
automatons who follow the
sad pagan religion that HD has become and to have a whole
galaxy of fun in doing so.
Once you look past the ludicrous fairytale that Harley Davidson has craftily
spun about itself (especially in the last three decades) all
in order to stay alive,
it quickly becomes apparent just what a tremendous (and sad) joke
The Motor Company
really is and what a bunch of self-made subscription based
losers its customer base actually consists of. Overall,
my website is a hobby and a rather entertaining one at that because
it allows me to study and research so many subjects which I hold dear;
geography, American and world history, mechanics, motorcycles,
engineering, world class
competition, technology, science, philosophy and psychology.
Tom further erroneously believes that I devote a lot of energy and time to my
website. Now, I know it’s hard for someone of Tom’s severely stunted intellect
to read more than a paragraph or two at a time (let alone to
actually comprehend what he reads) but let me explain it again for the
bazillionth time… while it may take a
retard like Tom hours on end of nose picking, head
scratching, furrowed brow concentration to read a few pages of one of my replies it does
not necessarily take me hours on end to compose one of my replies to such a
premeditated retard like Tom.
First off, indulge me a moment and let me address the cop from Mississippi
stereotype for a moment because that is just begging to be made fun of. I've
been to Mississippi, know people from Mississippi and get a laugh out of that
Mississippi southern drawl that makes people sound just a bit more intelligent
than a box of rocks ( which I know is just opinion & not fact as I am sure there
are many smart people that come from Mississippi that don’t have sex with family
members that have contributed to our great country somewhere along the line).
It’s sad when someone like Tom bases his opinions of Southern law enforcement officials solely on what he’s seen on television shows
like “In the Heat of the Night,”
"The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo," and "The Dukes of
Hazzard." Yes, what the rest of the human race calls
“entertainment” Tom is oft to think of as a “documentary”. It’s even sadder when
Tom has failed to realize that law enforcement isn’t my primary profession but
then it would probably shock him to learn that I’m smart enough to be a career
IT professional and tough enough to be a cop all in the same life.
During the
day, I effortlessly work with technology that would make Tom’s head swim. At night, when I
wear a badge, I effortlessly deal with
sub-par malcontent cretins like Tom.
Tom quickly launches into a blistering (blithering?) fusillade of ineffectual
but nonetheless increasingly humorous personal attacks which include my physical
appearance, the state I live in, how the good people of my state talk, and even
how the good people of my state supposedly choose to reproduce. He also admits
that while he does understand that somewhere along the line Mississippians did
contribute something or other significant to American history he can’t really
tell us what those contributions might be. It’s not that Tom is forgetful of
Mississippi’s many great contributions to the fabric of American history so much
so as he is just completely ignorant of those many great contributions, as most
uneducated people like Tom usually are.
Tom's choice in motorcycles coupled with his knowledge of my
profession and the state where I live quickly shows you that Tom not only
doesn't think very much for himself but that he's quite happy to let other
people tell him what to think. Tom further
claims that he’s been to Mississippi before but it’s rather evident that he
didn’t stay very long let alone learn anything while he was
What is really interesting is that someone from the state of Florida thinks that
they can make fun of the great state of Mississippi or the many fine people who
live here and in regard to that silly notion I’ve got just two words for Tom:
Election 2000. Yes, folks, the year 2000 was when the sunny state of Florida held not only the
rest of the country (and subsequently the world) needlessly waiting on the
outcome of that all too important election but it was the time when the people
of Florida proved that they were clearly too stupid to ever be included in
something as complicated as punching a hole in the correct
place on a piece of paper or anything as important as electing the leader of the greatest, most powerful
nation on the planet.
I have seen the picture you posted on your website and let me just tell you I
laughed so hard I almost peed in my pants. If I need to explain further, you
will just never get it anyway you really are a goofy looking putz. Talk about
"hill scoggin"… You must be the fucking mayor. Now all that nonsense is just my
opinion, I am entitled to it because you put yourself out there as some bad ass
verbal terminator/crusader helping all us dumb bastards to see the light about
Harley Davidson motorcycles just like I am sure you will give your opinion in
the form of a verbal thrashing when/if you respond to this email which will be
directed at me because I challenged you.
I was unaware that whether I was right or wrong about Harley Davidson depended
so much upon what I physically looked like
but then, unlike Tom here, I actually live in a world that is driven by facts
rather than image. Why would Tom make fun of my
appearance rather than argue the facts that I present? That's an easy
question to answer. Tom really can’t refute the
facts and figures that I post about his beloved moped company so the best retort
that he
can come up with is “Oh yeah? Well … you may be completely right about Harley
Davidson but you’re funny looking so there, Mr. I Hate Harley Davidson Smarty
Pants Dumb Ass Cop. Neh neh nee neh neh.”
Now, if I remember correctly, the picture of me that Tom is referring to was
posted probably about three years ago pre-Hurricane Katrina. At that time, when
I posted the picture, I included the caption with the picture that if I got any
uglier, I would have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.
I believe that I also compared my butt ugly, full beard and close
cropped hair mug shot to that of Hasbro's
classic 12" G.I. Joe figure line from the 1970's, even going so far as to
joke that I grew up to look just like my favorite childhood toy. Since then,
I have completely shaved my head (dry shave, twice daily) and shorn my
once full length beard down to
a simple close cropped goatee. If you thought I was ugly looking before … sheesh.
Take a look at this scary pic! Why, I've gone from looking like a 1974 Hasbro 12" "G. I. Joe" Adventure Team doll to looking like Sid Haig ... !!!
T. Shields
aka The
Dark One
Creator, Host and Guide of
American Angst
The fact is, folks, that I’m so
ugly now that I actually have to pay my wife to have sex with me
and that's saying something since I'm the first to admit that I went and married
me a some kind of powerful ugly old swamp witch who would probably leave me the
first chance she got if I hadn't had the foresight to take the spark plug out of her broomstick and
hide it in a place where she can't find it.
You see, folks, you can’t say stuff like that about yourself if you aren’t
completely comfortable with who you are, what you look like and how you live
your life.
One of the things that people find amazing
about me is how confident I am in who I am and what I am. The amount of
self confidence that I exude surprises people because they've never met someone
as strongly independent, self confident or as strong willed as I am. When people like Tom try to insult me for my physical appearance,
when they try to insult my professions, my family, my state, or whatever it is that they
think they can attack me with then they
have about as much chance of hurting my feelings or making me
angry as they do of hurting an M1A1
Abrams main battle tank with a pink feather duster. It’s a waste of their time
and energy on their part to be sure but it does make me laugh when they do it because their
easily predictable
behavior only goes to further illustrate the irrefutable proof that when you’re
dealing with the typical HD owner you really are dealing with
someone operating on about a fifth grade mindset and
level of maturity ... at best. It also goes to
prove that when it comes to Harley Davidson, image is everything (even truth).
Now, there are two funny parts to this particular section of Tom’s email
as well. The
first funny part is where Tom thinks that my website exists to enlighten,
perhaps even to somehow reform wayward Harley owners … to clearly show them the
many errors of their ways or to otherwise save them in the nick of time from
their technological ignorance and certain, pending financial doom.
Perish the thought because such nonsense couldn’t be farther from the truth! My
website doesn’t exist to help or rehabilitate existing Harley owners. Hell, if
you’re stupid enough to own a Harley in the first place then that automatically
makes you one of the dumbest things to ever fall completely uninvited out of a
vagina. No, my website exists to make fun of Harley owners
and the Motor Company at every opportunity
that they frequently give me and to proudly show the world just how dumb and
gullible fecal robbing rectum
burglars like Tom really are.
thinks that I'm trying to come off as some "bad ass verbal terminator /
crusader" but nothing could be further from the truth. If I'm anything
then I'm a teacher and a rather patient, understanding one at that (unless, of
course, you're an idiot like Tom then I have no patience whatsoever with idiots
either in my email or in real life). I don't want to beat my opinion into
your skull, I want to present facts and figures and do so in a way that is both
entertaining and enlightening. What you do with the information and facts
that I provide is entirely up to you.
The second funny part is when Tom actually thinks that he has somehow challenged
me to
address you directly and to be as succinct as I
possibly can about this Mr. Corsi; you haven’t
challenged me, you aren’t challenging me and you never will be able to challenge
me simply because you completely lack the raw mental horsepower
and intellectual torque to ever do so. It’s
quite evident from your email that when your parents had you circumcised at
birth that the doctor obviously removed and casually
discarded the smartest part.
Let me tell you Chris, I ride a Harley because I choose to, not because I
want to be cool. I'm not cool, I don’t even know what that means! I just love
the ride I get from the bike you love to bash that’s all there is to it. Stay
with me here Chris I promise I will make my point. Your whole retarded tirade of
Harley Davidson is not because you are stupid, from Mississippi, or a cop. It's
because you are a control freak (ALL COPS ARE…. Its OK) , You've formed an
opinion that you are entitled to but you behave like a pissed off woman that got
dumped by her man. You know…. All that stuff about a woman scorned… My parallel
is the Harley guys giving you shit "get a real bike" just in case you didn’t
understand bozo. So couple the scorned woman & the control freak and you get
officer Chris T. Shields "Mississippi's finest" (now if that’s not a comedic
contradiction in terms what is?) that NEEDS to tell everyone how shitty Harley
Davidson is cause he likes speed so he rides a "Rice Rocket" cause they are
technologically more advanced, lighter, faster… blah blah blah…. You're the
worst kind of control freak because you wont be happy until everyone in your
world feels the way you do. You bash everyone else, you're not an elitist,
you’re a jerk off.
In the above paragraph of his email, we quickly learn that
punctuation and grammar are concepts totally unknown to Tom and that the only
thing that has more runs-on than his Harley when he shuts it off is his sentence
structure when he composes email.
Tom says that he rides a Harley because he chooses to and not because he wants
to be cool. He further explains that he isn’t cool and that he doesn’t even know
what cool means which is rather obvious because, after all, Tom rides a Harley
Davidson. It is apparent that Tom can’t generate any coolness of his own so he
has to rent what little cool he can espouse
directly from Milwaukee and
that he is willing to rent that artificially generated
cool at a premium price. It should also be
noted that claiming to love the ride he gets from his Harley Davidson is kind of
like Tom claiming to love the feeling he gets from his proctologist’s middle
finger. I've ridden Harley Davidsons before, folks and
let me tell you what ... riding a Harley Davidson for any amount of time is like
a combination of arm wrestling a paint shaker and getting buggered by a cinder
block. The reason they're called "hard tails" is because of all the
calluses and layers of scar tissue that have built up from years of riding a HD.
Most people in the world are smart enough to shy away from discomfort.
People like Tom are actually dumb enough to pay for the privilege of
experiencing it.
The truth is that Tom rides a Harley Davidson because he has to and because he
needs to, not because he wants to or because he chooses to. In that regard the
only person that Tom is fooling really is himself. Without his Harley a
person like Tom, with such obvious intellectual, educational and deep
rooted charisma based shortcomings, would never get noticed at all by the rest
of the more enlightened, more educated human race. Without his Harley Davidson, Tom really is nothing and isn’t
worth noticing at all.
Tom also states that I am a control freak but we've already discussed how I am more of a patient teacher than an opinion tyrant. Oh! And just to set the record straight, I don't NEED to tell everyone how shitty Harley Davidson is because that much is evident to anyone with an fifth grade or higher equivalent education. You see, I fully understand how shitty Harley Davidson is and I have a lot of fun replying to idiots like Tom not for their benefit but so that the rest of the world can laugh at Tom and those like him as much as I do. Whether HD survives or not is of no consequence to me since I'm not a slave to that particular brand and I don't have to worry about ever buying any of their ridiculous lackluster products. If Harley Davidson goes out of business right this instant then it won't affect my ability to ride my Honda in any way, shape, or form. I say good riddance to bad rubbish ... The only really bad thing about HD ever going out of business that I can see is that I would miss having these wonderfully one sided intellectual kung fu matches with ass headed Luddites like Tom. What Tom has failed to understand (among a great many other things) is that there are only two kinds of riders in the world; those who own Harley Davidsons and those who are smart enough not to.
give you two guesses which group Tom belongs to and the first guess doesn't
And let's go over the "rice" slur I made a moment ago.
Educated people understand that slurs are merely the
crutches of bigots.
Tom and those like him often refer to import bikes as “rice burners” in the same
way that ignorant people of his low education and mediocre intelligence refer to
black people as “niggers,” Orientals as “chinks” and people of Middle-Eastern
descent as “camel jockeys.” Slurs give people like Tom something definitive to
hang their ignorance upon and give focus to the simple minded hatred that they
hide behind to disguise their own inadequacies. People like Tom have to slander
the things that are better than they are all in order to give their own pathetic
life some form of meaning and worth. People like Tom have to pull the greater
things above them way down to their pathetic level in order to elevate what they
are and what they own to levels it and they could never attain on their own
collective merits. We know that import bikes don’t burn “rice” any more than
Harleys run on moonshine and banjo music but that doesn’t stop people like Tom
from referring to import bikes as such. Slurs give small minds like Tom’s a
convenient hook to hang their ignorant prejudices on, nothing more.
Now, in regard to the “rice” comment, Tom’s already well established and
self-proven ignorance allows me to forgive his rice slur comment quite easily,
after all, people like Tom just don’t know any better and certainly don’t have
the required proper education, class or upright character to act differently
even if they did.
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I know Harley Davidson does have Japanese parts on their
"American" motorcycle It's called buying in a world economy. But Harley Davidson
is an AMERICAN company Honda is a foreign company that does business in the USA.
Don’t give me that Honda USA bullshit, employing Americans crap. Like I said,
It's a world economy. Anyone who says they don’t buy anything Japanese is a
fucking moron…. You can't help it.
During this part of his email, Tom humorously tries to
explain Harley’s method of production operations as “buying in a world economy.”
Wrong. What Tom is referring to isn’t called “buying in a world economy,” no,
it’s called “misleading the uneducated, gullible, image driven, short memory span riddled,
sheep-like mentality cursed consumer in order to perpetuate a pseudo-patriotic, guilt based
marketing fantasy and support a highly profitable make-believe, prepackaged
lifestyle when the company that the sheepeople worship
discovers that it simply cannot build a product that can match let alone compete
with the products from other similar manufacturers.”
I smiled at the way that Tom begins to stammer when he tries to explain that
Harley Davidson is an
AMERICAN company and that
Honda of America is a foreign company that does business in
the USA. I honestly didn’t think it was possible to stammer in an email
but Tom manages to do that very thing quite nicely
which makes it all the more humorous and interesting
to witness. I like the part where he claims that Harley Davidson is an
AMERICAN company (note the
use of ALL CAPS) and that Honda is a foreign company
doing business in America. I’m surprised that he didn’t put a
tiny little trademark
symbol behind the word “AMERICAN” (just as I’m surprised that Harley
Davidson hasn’t tried to legally do the same thing in the past two decades as well).
So, HD is an AMERICAN company and Honda is a foreign company
doing business in the USA?
I stand in utter fucking, mind numbing, jaw dropping awe at the grossly staggering amount of sheer intelligence it took Tom to make that factual statement. In fact, that particular statement might just be the smartest and most intelligent thing that Tom has said in his whole email ... which leads me to believe that he might have had more than a little covert help from his long ago discarded foreskin (or perhaps someone else's foreskin) when composing that bit of his argument as he has yet to prove to us that he and he alone could have ever come up with something that brilliant on his own.
Honestly when you look at HD and Honda, you have to ask yourself which company is better overall for America? Which company has consistently been better for America overall?
On one hand you
have a progressive, innovative, technology based company that employs a whole lot of American workers, produces a myriad
of high quality consumer desired, society needed products across a wide range of market segments,
introduces new technology and advanced new
methods of engineering (brought
about through direct competition with their immediate peers) and continues to
not only refine its products year after year but also branches out into other
more powerful technologies (like aeronautics and robotics). This
constant advancement of both engineering and technology will in turn require more
and more workers in the future and require newer, larger,
more complex and more sophisticated production plants to be built here in
America. The production of these plants will result in
the need to hire even more highly educated American workers to staff those plants
in order to produce the company's ever expanding line of technology and direct
competition driven engineering based consumer products.
On the other hand, you have Harley Davidson ... which really
hasn't changed all that much in the last 58 years of its laughably miserable
Just because you’re a (home grown) American company doesn’t
automatically mean that you’re
inherently good for America nor does it automatically mean that you’re worth doing business
with (Harley Davidson is clearly neither). Harley Davidson may be an American company
but it doesn’t represent America at all, or rather it doesn’t represent any of
the good traits or classic aspects of America. If Tom wants to compare
the two manufacturing companies, Honda
of America has done far more for this country than Harley Davidson ever has or
ever will and he can’t prove otherwise. Honda of America employs more American
workers, uses more American purchased supplies, pays more American taxes, pays
out more employee benefits and sends more income back out into the local
communities than Harley Davidson ever has or ever will. If you want to talk
about being good for America, then Honda of America is far better for
this country
than Harley Davidson of Milwaukee ever could be or ever will be because Honda is
progressive and HD is stagnant. Honda is a technology
provider. Harley Davidson is a fashion provider. Honda has grown and continues to grow year after
year. Harley Davidson simply makes copies of the
same old bikes that it always has.
Let’s try to put the situation into mathematical perspective, shall we?
Recently, Harley Davidson had revenue of
$8.8 billion dollars and employed 9,700 employees. Honda (worldwide) had revenue
of $94.24 billion dollars and employed 167,231 workers, of which a
little over 19,000 of those workers (about 11% of
Honda's total work force) were in the United States
alone (even more and a larger percentage if you count Canada and Mexico
in that equation as well). Honda of America employs
almost twice the number of Americans that Harley Davidson does. Knuckle-dragging
mongoloids like Tom like to think (and foolishly believe) that Harley Davidson
is some great and enduring all-American company that has stood strongly through
the tests of time and that The Motor Company represents the true ideals and beliefs of America. Sadly,
he (and everyone like him) couldn’t be more wrong. Harley Davidson is an
utter and complete
failure and a repeat utter and
complete failure at that. I can't imagine what
kind of human being would be so pathetic that they would look up to Harley
Davidson as some kind of role model.
If Tom really wants to throw blame at Honda of America (and the other import
manufacturers) for being here in the first place then all he has to do is look
eastward to Milwaukee and Harley Davidson. The real reason why the Japanese are
so entrenched in America is because Harley Davidson opened the door for them and
invited them in through the results of HD’s vehement yet
mostly ineffectual anti-import actions. Do you know why
Honda builds motorcycles in America (and sells more motorcycles in America than
Harley Davidson does)? It’s because of Harley Davidson’s inherent greed, their
long running lack of foresight and their own recurring upper level managerial
Harley once punished, needlessly, the Japanese motorcycle manufacturers with an
unnecessary trade tariff all in order to cover up their own gross management
incompetence and the fact that their stagnation in product design (leading them
to be two to three decades behind the rest of the world in technology and
engineering) had almost put them into their much deserved grave. Harley Davidson
was stuck selling 30 year old designs in a market that was being flooded with
new, modern engineered, technology and competition driven
designs. Did Harley Davidson change their design and introduce new, modern
HD blamed the Japanese for HD’s inability to compete in the (then) current motorcycle market. In order to prevent such a silly punishment from ever being brought against the Japanese manufacturers again, Japan responded by building motorcycle manufacturing plants in America. You can’t put a trade tariff on products made inside this country and thanks to Harley Davidson’s recurring short term business vision and incurable long term stupidity, you can see that Honda and the other top Japanese companies now not only have a major foothold in this country but consistently outsell “America’s Finest” year after year after year in this country alone not to mention the rest of the world as a whole. In fact, thanks to Harley Davidson's business ignorance, it is now the number three retailer of motorcycles in America coming in solidly at that position behind Suzuki (#2) and Honda (#1). Number three in its own country of origin ... now that clearly shows that HD suffers not only from an outdated design that is targeted to a very narrow market segment but also that its business leaders redefine the term "incompetent."
So, the next time you see a Honda with the “Made in USA” logo on the
seat, you can thank your good pal, Harley Davidson (and their laughable though
recurring “mean old imports” victim mentality) for that. In fact, Harley
Davidson should be praised for creating so many brand new jobs for decent, hard
working Americans across this great country over the last three decades … the
only problem is that those new jobs were high paying positions with the arriving
and expanding import companies moving over here to take advantage of our local
economies and these jobs were not positions with the Harley Davidson Motor
Company itself.
I stand corrected … maybe HD did do something good for America. After all … they
certainly brought to our shores a lot of high paying jobs
with great benefits and for that even I
have to thank the hillbillies in Milwaukee. It wasn’t what Harley Davidson
intended to do but I guess even monumental stupidity can have a silver lining,
that is, if you’re on the other side of that monumental
stupidity when it happens and you’re not the
one actually creating it.
Once, Harley Davidson was ALL made in America, now it's not, GET OVER IT.
That has a lot more to do with our government than you would probably care to
admit but we will breeze over that for a moment so I don’t confuse you.
Tom, you really, really, really don’t want to get into a
debate or discussion on how American politics and / or economics apply to the
history and development of Harley Davidson as a corporation. We’re not breezing
over this topic for my benefit, Tom, but rather because, once again, you simply
don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re hoping to the good Lord Almighty
that I won’t call you out on the carpet for your glaring ignorance.
The difference is that I understand the real history of Harley Davidson, not the
market spin history that you reference or the brainwashing that you
revisit frequently in your email. I’ve researched the company; I’ve lived
through its worst years and even watched in abject amazement as Harley Davidson
transformed itself from a failed manufacturer of American motorcycles into a
hugely successful white trash oriented fashion empire. Harley Davidson died
Great Death; they became what they once despised.
The irony is that in order to survive, Harley Davidson sold out to those
who had once ridiculed them and in doing so they
alienated the very people who had once supported them. When Harley Davidson did this, they became a joke,
invalidating all that they had once stood for and in doing so
they became a sad parody of
what they once were.
Lets not forget officer control freak, Harley Davidson made motorcycles for
our troops that were utilized in a World War so they could be more agile and
quicker to help defeat the enemy so shitheads like you could sleep like a baby
at night and not be forced to speak German or Japanese. No they weren't soldiers
but they aided in the war & hold a place in history as a 105 year old company
and you bash the same company that produced a motorcycle to aid our troops
against the very same fuckers that own the company of the motorcycle you ride.
Oh, goody gumdrops!
Apparently, Tom also wants to drop some patriotic World War II pseudo-historical
make-believe gibberish into the discussion by reminding me that Harley Davidson
once made bikes for the US military. Of course in this instance when Tom says
“once” he actually means “a very long time ago” and it should be noted that
“once” also means “hasn’t done it ever since.”
Let’s discuss the utter failure of Harley Davidson during World War II because
you can’t really view Harley Davidson’s participation in that historical
in any other real light. Yes, Harley Davidson produced the WL series of motorcycles
for the military and called it the WLA (“A” standing for “Army”) and they also
produced the WLC (the “C” standing for “Canada” where the WLC was used
by Canadian allied forces) but we’re going to concentrate on the WLA for this part of
the discussion. The HD made bikes really weren’t that great and they served in a
far less glorious capacity than Tom has been misled to believe. As he says,
these bikes were not soldiers mainly because they weren’t even armed or armored
nor were they very good on anything but open or flat terrain. Yes, the riders
carried sidearms (mainly .45 semiautomatic pistols) and either .30 M1 carbines
or .45 Thompson SMGs but these were carried in holsters, not mounted to the
bikes and using them required that the rider usually pull over and dismount
before engaging in any actual combat.
The WLA series was not a fighting vehicle rather it was a courier and messenger
tool and was used for convoy escort in non-combat areas. Occasionally the WLA
served as a light recon unit but that was really, really pushing its abilities
to the max.
I liked this part of Tom’s email in particular:
“… Harley Davidson made motorcycles for our troops that were utilized in a
World War so they could be more agile and quicker to help defeat the enemy so
shitheads like you could sleep like a baby at night and not be forced to speak
German or Japanese. No they weren't soldiers but they aided in the war & hold a
place in history as a 105 year old company and you bash the same company that
produced a motorcycle to aid our troops against the very same fuckers that own
the company of the motorcycle you ride.”
Oh for the love of Willie G.’s hairy bloated vulva … !
Yes, deep rooted ignorance like Tom’s finally ceases to be amusing after a while
and I think we’ve just about reached that turning point now with the collection
of words he submitted above. Not only does Tom know nothing about the company he
supports but he also doesn’t know anything about the great country that he lives
in or the many great and historic wars that his country has fought (and won).
Harley Davidson made motorcycles for our troops that were utilized in a World
Try TWO World Wars, Tom ... two as in the number of times
that you repeated the fifth grade in elementary school.
Harley Davidson produced bikes for the United States
armed forces in both World War I and World War II and they even produced bikes
for use by American forces during the Korean War. After that, even the US armed
forces realized that Harley Davidson was both a joke and outdated which is why
you don’t see HD military bikes used in any capacity in any
American armed conflict after Korea. Harley
Davidson failed to keep up with the times and the US government wasn’t about to
trust the lives of our soldiers to such ridiculous pieces of junk as HD was
likely to turn out under government contract. Honestly,
when you are the United States and you're fielding equipment like the F-117
Stealth fighter, the M1A2 Abrams tank and RPVs then the last thing you want in
your motor pool is a copy of a 50 year old design of a motorcycle.
Harleys were not used so that our soldiers could be “more agile and quicker”;
there were no huge
platoons of Harley riding soldiers roaring into combat to
heroically turn the tide of
battle against the Nazis just in the nick of time. The truth is that the WLA was, by and large, an
utter piece of crap, cheaply made and poorly built even by 1940’s standards. The
fact that Harley Davidson built gazoogles of WLAs clearly shows that the US
government considered these particular pieces of junk to be readily expendable if not
completely disposable. Most often, GIs would drop their rattle-trap WLAs and
take up riding captured German BMW R71s at the first
opportunity they got. History shows that the air cooled shaft
driven German built BMW R71 was much better
engineered and much better built than the air cooled HD WLA. In fact, the BMW
R71 was such a superior bike to the mostly inadequate Harley Davidson WLA that the
United States Army specifically asked HD to copy, yes, directly copy the BMW R71
as an American bike for use by American troops (I guess the powers that be got
tired of seeing American troops riding around on gray bikes with black Nazi
swastikas painted on the sides).
So, when Harley Davidson had produced a gazoogle of American built WLAs and the
military asked HD to build a bike that was exactly like the German built BMW
R71, it must have really have been a slap in the face to Milwaukee, huh, Tom? In
essence, Uncle Sam said
“Hey! Thanks for all of these cheap ass scooters but do
you think you banjo playing, moonshine swilling inbred
country bumpkins can build the United States Army a real
motorcycle? How about an American motorcycle that at least performs as well as the
motorcycle that the guys who are trying to kill us ride? Quit making that WLA
crap and make a real bike ... a great bike like the BMW R71. K. Thx. Bye.”
When Uncle Sam asked HD to copy the BMW R71, what did Harley Davidson do? Did
they learn from their mistakes and improve the WLA to match or better yet exceed
the performance of the BMW R71?
Did they study the foreign designed R71, reverse engineer its better design, its
higher standard of engineering and its superior technology, then turn around and
produce American technology that was the equivalent or better of the German
When Harley Davidson was asked to copy the German BMW R71 then Harley Davidson
did exactly what it was told to do (and the only thing that they could do when
faced with going head to head against a superior product from another country).
When told to produce a bike that was the equal or better of the BMW R71, Harley
Davidson merely copied the BMW R71 (you see, copying other manufacturers wasn’t
exactly a new concept for Harley Davidson even way back then). The result of
this reproduction of superior German engineering was a new model of Harley
Davidson identified by the designation of “XA.” Milwaukee copied the
German-built BMW R71 so closely that the “XA” remains the only shaft-driven
Harley Davidson ever mass produced (HD even copied the German drive train
configuration). Fortunately, the XA didn’t enter production in large numbers nor
did it see very much active service because by the time that the XA was ready
for deployment, the use of motorcycles in warfare had been pretty much surpassed
by another multi-purpose and far more capable military vehicle entirely; the
ubiquitous Jeep. Unlike the WLA and the XA, the Jeep offered some protection to
its occupants, could go places that the “WLA” and “XA” could not and could even
be armed with a variety of machineguns (and later anti-tank weapons such as a
recoilless rifle). If any Allied vehicle produced during World War II deserves
the title of “the vehicle that won the war for the Allies” then it is the Jeep
rather than anything
produced by Harley Davidson during that era. Once again, historic facts
mercilessly euthanize (with glee) widespread rampant hillbilly fantasy and
trailer park hear-say.
Oh, and before you foolishly talk about Harley Davidson somehow laughably saving
us singlehandedly from having to speak German maybe you should understand that
Harley has been in bed with the Germans and learning to speak German quite well
since the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Where do you think that the Revolution
engine in the V-Rod came from, Tom? It wasn’t invented by the hillbillies in
Milwaukee, that’s for sure because they aren’t smart enough to design something
as complex as that on their own. Hell, they’re lucky to understand indoor
plumbing … barely.
No, the V-Rod’s engine came from Porsche and Porsche is a … (gasp) German
company. Harley has been speaking German for nearly forty years now but it’s
only been in the last decade that Harley actually got around to fulfilling any
of the proposed joint ventures with the Germans. So, you see … the company that
you claim worked so hard to protect us from having to speak German in turn knows
how to speak German quite well. What’s even funnier is that Harley Davidson has
been speaking Japanese since the mid 1980’s when they realized that in order to
survive as a business (not necessarily as a motorcycle manufacturer, mind you)
that they would have to adopt not only highly successful Japanese management
philosophies but also tried and true Japanese production techniques. It’s a
great example of the philosophy of “if you can’t beat them … join them.”
This much is historic fact, Tom.
I loved the part where you mention that Harley Davidson is a 105 year old
company but what you don’t understand is that just because you’ve lasted 105
years doesn’t automatically mean that you’ve done anything really worth
remembering or respecting in that hundred and a nickel years time nor does it automatically
mean that you’re a great company. A hundred and five years is a long time to be a
chronic loser and Harley Davidson has
made a century and a nickel of doing nothing but losing and playing hind tit to
the rest of the world. Harley Davidson copied Indian for the first thirty years
of their history, copied Germany during the next ten years, copied Europe during
the next ten years then after two decades of poor decisions and bad management
(Holiday Rambler), Harley had to resort to copying the Japanese during their
eighth decade all in order to both win sales back from the Far East and to
finally clean up their own muddled house in regards to management and
production. I can’t help but laugh at Harley Davidson and just how inept of a
company it really is. What did Harley Davidson do for
the last two and a half decades? They spent those years copying Avon and
Amway and morphing from a total failure as a small time motorcycle manufacturer
into a full blown tacky fashion retailer and make-believe lifestyle provider.
Harley Davidson is not a great company, Tom. They have a long history of failure
and a long history of having to be bailed out time and time again either from
other companies, other individuals or from Uncle Sam. Harley Davidson may be 105 years old but it
didn’t survive that long because it was a well managed, well run, highly
profitable company with a great product that lead the rest of the world in its
particular commercial market. No, HD survived for 105 years because when the
chips were down all it knew how to do was to beg for mercy and hope for the
best. All Harley Davidson has ever known how to do is to copy other
manufacturers, to play the victim and to put the blame for their situation on
anyone but their own selves. Harley never, ever pulled its own self out of the
trouble that it had made for itself. No, it always got handouts and buyouts and
government trade protection.
I also find it interesting when Tom says: “and you bash the same
company that produced a motorcycle to aid our troops against the very same
fuckers that own the company of the motorcycle you ride.”
Honda wasn’t founded until 1948, Tom. That’s three years
after the end of World War II and three years after we vaporized two of Japan’s
largest cities; Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan attacked our naval base at Pearl
Harbor, a valid military target, and in doing so they sank some old ships and
killed a bunch of our sailors and soldiers who were stationed there.
Yes, it was a very bad and tragic event but the attack
on Pearl Harbor was far less effective than Japan would have liked since they didn’t damage or sink
any of our aircraft carriers (like the Coral Sea, the Yorktown, and
We dropped our first two primitive atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hirsohima
instantly vaporizing tens of thousands of Japanese men, women, babies, boys, girls,
teenagers, children, the young, the old, the elderly, and the crippled. We
vaporized both military personnel and civilians, we vaporized cats, dogs, birds,
bees, fish, butterflies, flowers, trees and who knows what else in the blink of an eye
while the legacy of those two atomic bombs was felt for decades afterwards by
the inhabitants of Japan. I don’t know how you feel about that point in time but
for me, I consider the war account that Japan opened at Pearl Harbor paid back
in full, with many much interest.
You claim that Harley Davidson produced motorcycles to aid our troops against
the very same fuckers that own the company of the motorcycle that I ride but I
ride a Japanese motorcycle, Tom, and not a German motorcycle. Hmmm. Now, care as
I to recall I don’t remember there being a whole lot of Harley Davidson
motorcycles used in the Pacific theater of operations mainly because Harleys
need good solid land to run on and the Pacific theater was full of, well, the
Pacific Ocean (and a whole bunch of islands). You do understand, Tom, that the
Pacific theater is where we fought the Japanese, right? You do understand that
we didn’t engage any Japanese forces in Europe, right, Tom? You do understand
that we fought the Japanese on a whole lot of tropical islands in the South Pacific and
that the typical Pacific island just didn’t have very much Harley Davidson WLA
friendly terrain, now did it?
When it came to fighting the Japanese jungle island by jungle island, I doubt if
the WLA was up to that task or that it got used for very much other than running
cold beer and letters from mail call around the already leveled and established
grounds of a Navy or Marine base. Remember, the “A” in “WLA” stood for “Army”
and “Navy” starts with an “N.” Harley Davidson never really built any “WLN”
models to my knowledge. If the Navy used WLAs in World War II then they probably
used them as spare anchors for their ships when the real anchors broke away
during storms or were lost in combat and in that case I’m sure that the WLA
performed admirably if not flawlessly in its well suited if unintentional role.
Maybe I was wrong, maybe the American Navy did order some “WLA” models from
Harley Davidson and if they did, then the “A” in “WLA” probably stood for
“Anchor” and if the Navy used the "WLA" series as replacement
anchors then the "WLA" was put to a far better use than the "WLA" was in Europe.
No, Tom, I bash a company that produced a motorcycle to aid our troops against
the very same fuckers that own the company that produces the engine that powers
the most powerful contemporary Harley Davidson, the V-Rod. I bash a company that
produced a motorcycle to aid our troops against the very same fuckers that the
company that produces your bike is shacked up with and has been shacked up with
for almost 40 years now. People like you seem to really have a hatred for the
Japanese due to their part in World War II but you’re quick to completely
forgive the Germans and the part that they played in World War II. Oh, I’m sure
you’ll cite something silly like “Remember Pearl Harbor!” even though you
probably weren’t even born back then and I’d just reply with “Remember Normandy,
Dunkirk and the Battle of the Bulge!”
Let's use a bit of logic here, Tom, using, of course, your retarded logic as a basis for argument ...
If my sport bike, the Honda CBR600RR ... |
... is built by these fuckers. |
![]() ... then the VRSC V-Rod's Porsche built engine ... |
... is built by these fuckers |
Let me give folks like Tom a little history lesson here. Porsche had a fine history of serving the Nazis during World War II. In fact, Porsche sold their designs under the trade name of "Volkswagen" long before they ever put a "Porsche" badge on any of their designs. In doing so, during World War II, Volkswagen (under the astute leadership of Ferdinand Porsche) turned to producing a military vehicle, the Kubelwagen and they produced 52,000 or more of these "bucket seat cars" for the German army (both Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS) to use against the Allies. Volkswagen also produced the Schwimmwagen ("floating / swimming car") for use by the German army as well. It should also be noted that while Porsche lost the contract to build a tank for the Nazis, they did, however, work extensively on the design of the Tiger series of German tanks as well as the Elefant tank, two Axis weapons that proved exceedingly difficult for the Allies to counter let alone overcome. After the war, Ferdinand Porsche was arrested for war crimes against the Allies and while never tried, he did serve 20 months in prison for his part in helping the German war machine.
You do realize that it was Germany that we were fighting in World War II, right, Tom? Speaking of the Germans and their involvement in World War II, I’d like to remind you of a powerful film a few years back, one that was very graphic in nature. Did you ever see “Saving Private Ryan”, Tom?
If you did, then I might remind you
that the first few minutes of that film show graphic images of American soldiers
getting cut to pieces by machinegun and artillery fire as they bravely storm the
beaches of Normandy on D-Day. Those bullets and cannon shells that you see
aren’t being fired by Japanese gunners, Tom. They’re being fired by German
gunners, the great grandfathers of the people who your beloved company is
partnered with and has been partnered with for decades now.
Let me remind people like Tom that during World War II, America and the Allies
faced the Axis powers and those three enemy combatant nations were composed of
Germany, Italy and Japan. History shows that Harley Davidson has been
giving head to
the Germans for decades now and recently Harley Davidson even bought MV Agusta,
an Italian motorcycle company.
Holy flaming poo poo!
Do you realize what that means, Tom?
Your patriotic company that builds bikes to protect us from really evil fuckers
is itself in bed with two out of three of the really evil fuckers that tried to
conquer us during World War II, you know, the ancient global conflict that you like to relate back
(all in
order to attempt to justify your pathetic argument on quasi-patriotic heritage). Can it be
too many years from now before Harley Davidson starts offering Japanese built
engines in their bikes? Probably not and that would just complete Harley
Davidson selling out totally and completely, that is, if it really could sell
out any more than it already has. When it comes to
patriotism and America, Harley Davidson is far more like Jane Fonda than it ever
will be like George S. Patton. Harley Davidson survives any way it can and
most of the time it survives by dropping to its knees and opening its mouth wide.
So you think that Japan is somehow evil and that it always
has been and always will be? Let me put it this way, Tom. When
America went to war against terrorism, it was the Japanese who offered
assistance and even sent ships from the Japanese navy to aid coalition ships
(the first time that Japanese warships had been allowed outside of their
territorial waters since World War II). The Germans, who Harley Davidson is
business partners with, and who killed a hell of a lot of Americans during World
War II, were opposed to the coalition of forces operating in Iraq
and refused to send help, in turn joining France and Russia in trying to
stonewall our endeavors against global terrorism. Oh, did I fail to
mention that the heads on the V-Rod's German built engine are produced in
France? Sorry, I forgot to mention that little fact ... Now, if North
Korea ever decides to break the cease-fire with America and invade South Korea,
then the first nation that will come to our aid will probably be Japan.
Yes, American forces once used Harley Davidson motorcycles during times of war
but they no longer do because as America, her armed forces, and the world
evolved past the 1950's, Harley Davidson failed to do so. Today, when
American soldiers and special forces units ride motorcycles into combat they
ride Hondas and Kawasakis, dirt bikes and ATVs designed to take abuse and to
survive in hostile environments, two things that no Harley Davidson could be
built today to withstand. The American soldiers that you claim once relied
on Harley Davidsons to get them around now instead rely on Japanese built off
road motorcycles and ATVs to get them where they are going. Why?
Because Harley Davidson is no longer dependable. HD no longer builds
anything of use to anyone other than people who have no lives, no charisma, and
no originality.
change, Tom. Old enemies become new allies and old allies become new enemies
(just look at where Russia and Japan are now, historically, from their political
stance in World War II in regards to relations with America today).
Everything changes, Tom, unless, of course, you’re Harley Davidson then nothing
really ever changes at all.
“I know, I know its not the same group of people, I get it. But it's like the
blacks of today that want "slave reparations" My father nor my grandfather owned
slaves so I don’t owe them anything other than respect if you should be a person
of color that deserves it based upon the content of your character.”
Great gangrenous gorilla gonads!
WTF did this bit of unwarranted ignorance appear from? How is owning an import sport bike like "blacks of today that want "slave reparations""? Did Tom just suddenly start hemorrhaging IQ or what? How the hell did we jump from talking about the Japanese to talking about African-Americans and what is or is not supposedly owed to them? How does that have any bearing or relation at all to what we are discussing? The only thing I can think of that Tom is trying to say here is that it doesn't matter if the Japanese of today build the bike that I ride because they are really just the same thing as the Japanese of yesterday. I guess this means, by his own logic, that black Americans today are really no different than black African slaves were in the 19th century. It's kind of amazing that Tom doesn't think the same thing about the people of Germany. Somehow, in nearly a century and a half since slavery was abolished, Tom still thinks both silly and unkind things of black people and lumps them in with their ancestors. For someone who was quick to chastise me about lumping people into groups, Tom sure does make a habit of doing that himself, doesn't he?
Yes, in the nearly six decades since World War II, Tom's ignorance still prevents him from understanding that the Japanese people could have changed as well but yet, somehow, he lets himself support a company that does business with a group of people who are descended from a nation that once tried to take over the world and he's perfectly willing to forgive the Germans, I guess, as long as they're partners with HD. Harley owners ... they really do live in a world of pure make-believe and the thing you have to be on your toes so much about in dealing with them is that the laws of logic and physics don't apply in the world that Harley owners populate. I guess that's the one thing that makes them so much fun to make fun of because their whole lives revolve around a dimension of pure retarded subscription based fantasy.
So ... Tom understands that even though African Americans and
the Japanese
of today aren't necessarily the same as their ancestors, it really doesn't matter
to him because in the long run they're just blacks and Japs and that really makes them
no different today than their ancestors were long ago. Yes, ignorant, uneducated morons like Tom are so dumb that if you asked them
what they thought about Harriet Tubman's
“Underground Railroad” they’d probably think you were talking about some
old guy riding
a customized HD Night-Train.
Lets touch on the clothing & Harley Davidson moniker that you incessantly
bombard with more 30 I.Q. insults, which, by the way makes you look even more
like a scorned woman. Look Chris, I am not going to buy Harley Davidson coffee
either cause it comes in a box or can that has a Harley emblem on it. Why would
I pay $17.00 for coffee I can buy at the grocery store for $5 unless I like the
flavor or I like the Harley Davidson can it comes in and I choose to buy it
because I can afford it. Harley Davidson is the fucking KING of "brand
awareness" if you don’t know what that means you can look it up on wikipedia.
You just love to lump everyone that rides a Harley into the same category which
speaks volumes of your ignorant Mississippi limited gene pool existence.
Ah, good!
Next we move
on to a discussion of Harley Davidson themed clothing which is the nearest thing
to Garanimals for middle-aged retards that you could ever find available in a
retail outlet format. Let’s face it folks, if you are Tom’s age and you buy your
clothes out of a motorcycle dealership then obviously your parents failed to teach you
how to dress yourself (and it’s not too far of an assumption to assume that the
potty training part failed as well or at least took far longer than normal).
Tom briefly mentions the term “brand awareness” and assumes that I don’t
understand what he’s talking about (when I’ve been talking about this very
subject for almost fifteen years now). He chides me for lumping everyone who
rides a Harley into the same category (kind of like he does with cops) but I say
if the shoe fits … wear it. What he doesn’t realize is that not only is he
judged by the company that he keeps but also by the company that he supports. In
this case, Tom clearly supports idiots, the continuation of stupidity and a
company that is a 105 year old consistent failure. That says a lot about Tom as
well. After all, if your role model and the people you wish to rise up to are
habitual losers who surround their selves with a proprietary make-believe
lifestyle then that just really doesn’t say a whole lot about you as a developed
human being, now does it?
Chris, I must admit right now I own MANY Harley Davidson t-shirts from the
many places around the world I have been to and I even own Harley Davidson blue
jeans which by the way are designed with a bit more room so when you are in a
sitting position to be comfortable on your bike without crushing your nut sack
but I'm sure you never had that problem anyway….. Oh wait, in one of your other
ramblings you told us how you and your wife get such a laugh out of that but I'm
sure you've been getting laughed at that by women for years until you
consummated with the lovely Mrs. Shields. By the way does she have her own
opinion about anything or do you make her have yours??? Does any other company
manufacture that same cut pant for less money & the same quality…. I'm sure the
answer is yes but then again it comes down to the opinion you hold that if you
like Harley Davidson anything you are a complete "hill scoggin" I'm so glad that
whatever powers that be decided you should be the President of what's right &
wrong, good & evil etc…
This is the part of his email where Tom continues to dig
his personal fox hole of ignorance deeper and deeper with the dull shovel of his
intellect when he admits that he has far too many Harley Davidson t-shirts from
the many places around the world that he has been.
Do you realize that out of all of the motorcycle companies that only Harley
Davidson is pretentious enough to believe that their customer base would want to
(or be stupid enough to) purchase a souvenir T-shirt
commemorating the customer's visit to a
particular dealership in a particular city or country and do you know what?
They’re right!
Now, how many people do you see walking around with a “Walmart –
Anchorage, Alaska” T-shirt or a “Barnes and Noble – Los Angeles, California”
T-shirt on?
You don’t.
Only Harley Davidson is pretentious enough to sell shirts to commemorate the
grand event of you visiting one of their dealerships in a city other than the
city you live in and only people like Tom are dumb enough to actually buy these
T-shirts. When I think of Tom and his T-shirt collection I think of a redneck
bumble bee, drunkenly darting from dealership to dealership like each one was
some kind of flower in bloom, picking up a T-shirt like it was a bit of nectar
and then flying off again to pollinate the fertile fields of ignorance where
people like Tom continually blossom and grow. Remember what I said earlier about
people like Tom are human sponges that soaked up ignorance and then went
somewhere else to wring it out? Same exact concept and Tom even admits that he
does this.
How’s that for convenient?
I can’t think of anything more useless than a closetful of
commemorative HD dealership T-shirts … except maybe Tom himself. I mean, come
on! You’re wearing a T-shirt commemorating your visit to a Harley Davidson
dealership and you had to buy the shirt yourself! Harley Davidson should give
you the shirt for free just for walking into their dealerships but no! You have
to pay for the privilege of advertising for The Motor Company. The real question
is … why would any sane human being ever buy a T-shirt commemorating their visit
to a particular dealership in a particular location and if they did it once then
why would they continue this odd pattern of personal failure time after time
after time? Is Tom trying to collect the entire set of HD dealership T-shirts?
I guess it takes some kind of rare and special skill to walk into a Harley
Davidson dealership in Cowfuck, Wyoming, buy a dealer
endorsed T-shirt with your Gold Mastercard
then proudly wear that shirt everywhere to try to impress people who are dumber
than you are (and that’s the only ones who ever would be impressed by your
T-shirt collection). Think about it … Tom has a collection of T-shirts from
various Harley Davidson dealerships around the country and possibly around the
world. T-shirts of the same company.
Man, I thought the idiots who collected Ty “Beanie Babies” a few years back were
stupid but Tom makes those people look like Nobel Prize candidates. Sadly,
folks, the only good thing that you can say about someone who is wearing a
commemorative HD dealership T-shirt is that the commemorative HD dealership
shirt, like a pair of cheap novelty panties, is being used for little more than
to dress up a complete and utter twat.
Tom then proudly admits to owning Harley Davidson brand blue jeans and, like
every other Harley owner, he just can’t resist resorting to the tired old penis
argument (i.e. I ride a Harley and my penis is now so big that I have to wear
specially made HD brand jeans to keep from having a balance problem when I ride
…). Bah. Like I’ve always said, a Harley is just God’s way of saying that He’s
sorry He didn’t give you a penis when you were born. The universal truth in life
is that it’s generally the people who brag the loudest that have the least to
brag about and I’m sure that Tom here is no exception to that rule. Tom claiming
that he needs extra room in the crotch of his jeans when he rides his Harley
Davidson is like Gary Coleman walking into a “big and tall” store and demanding
to be fitted for a new business suit.
Tom, if you’re still reading this and you’re wearing your HD brand jeans then I
want you do to me a favor. Can you do me a favor? Good. I want you to get down
on the floor on all fours, doggy style (it’s a position you’re probably all too
familiar with after visiting your local HD dealership) and I want you to find a
mirror where you can see yourself full length.
Did you find a mirror?
Next, I want you to look at the HD bar and shield logo that is featured on the
rear of your HD jeans. At this point in our exercise, I want you to imagine that
the bar and shield logo is a brand just like the kind that cowboys used to apply
to cattle to identify what ranch the cows belonged to. As you admire the bar and
shield logo brand displayed on your ass, I want you to do one final thing for me
while you’re wearing your HD jeans and while you’re there on the floor on all
fours. I want you to take a deep breath, purse your lips and say “Mooooooooooo!”
really loudly.
Repeat as necessary until it sinks in just what you are and how willing you were
to become it. After all, once you take your T-shirt collection and your HD name
brand jeans into consideration then you’ve willingly accepted being branded by
The Motor Company so many times that you really can’t be considered a human
being anymore. No, you’ve gone from living as a human being to becoming “willing
property.” The difference between you and a cow in the Wild West was that the
cow had enough sense to try to avoid being branded in the first place. You, on
the other hand, not only willingly stepped forward to be branded but you did it
time and time again and you actually paid for the privilege each time. What this
boils down to is that you (and those like you) are little more than traditional
cattle with the sole exception that traditional cattle seem to be smarter
considered as a whole on this branding idea.
All you hold is an opinion based upon the limited views of you mediocre rice
rocket riding Mississippi officer douche bag life.
No, Tom.
I hold an opinion based on over 20 years of personal experience
dealing with brainwashed,
pagan, brand worshipping, self-made
idiots like you and 30 years of actually being in the
I have an opinion based on a BS degree in Business Administration with a heavy
emphasis on finance and marketing. This college degree allows me not only to see
through the bullshit that Harley Davidson has surrounded itself with all in
order to survive but also makes me immune to their marketing ploys since I
clearly see them for the nonsense fashion provider that they are.
I have an opinion based on researching the history of the companies that have
produced the bikes that I have owned and of researching Harley Davidson as well.
I have an opinion based on looking at facts and figures and drawing conclusions
from the math used to produce those figures.
I have an opinion based on established facts while you base your opinion on
hear-say and nonsense. I base my opinion on having to constantly deal with
ignorant brand obedient inbred hillbilly robots like you who claim to be individuals yet all dress / talk / act
/ think / look the same. Here's a clue, Tom ... if you
have to buy your "originality" from a corporation then you really don't have any
"originality" at all, do you?
The truth is if anyone is leading a mediocre douche
bag life, it’s you, Tom and the sad thing is that you're
paying someone else to be what you are.
Look Chris, I defend your right to say & post this crap, this is America but
lets not forget what America is about. You do remember freedom & free will. The
ability to choose what you want and don’t want…. right ? So what I am saying is
that you may be educated & write very well along with having a sharp sense of
humor & verbal wit, but are the very "hill scoggin" you detest not based upon
your opinions but based upon that anyone else that holds a different opinion is
a moron.
No, Tom. Someone with a different
opinion than the one that I have is not automatically a moron. However,
anyone who rides a Harley Davidson is automatically a moron.
Ah, you’re trying to quote Voltaire and you’re doing it
rather badly which does nothing but hurt my educated spirit. I believe that the correctly worded quote from that long dead
philosopher is …
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say
it.” - Voltaire
You are correct, Tom. Let’s not forget what America is
about. America is not about Harley Davidson and Harley Davidson is certainly not
about America. Oh, I remember freedom and free will, Tom. The real question is,
do you? If you still remembered what freedom meant, if you still remembered what
America was all about (instead of what it has become) then you would never, ever
own a Harley Davidson because owning a Harley Davidson is a slap in the face to
what America stands for and all that this great country represents.
Harley Davidson is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with America
today which I guess is why it is so popular with pseudo-Americans like you and
so much fun to ridicule by real Americans like me. Harley Davidson is the one
company that not only redefines the term “pretentious” but also takes itself way
too seriously. When you foolishly and erroneously come to believe that one
company can provide freedom and patriotism like they were commodities (let alone
that this particular company is the sole provider of those commodities) and when
you are gullible enough to actually pay a corporation for those two ideals then
you really have lost sight of what America once stood for and what it means to
be an American. If you believe that you can buy your birthright then you don’t
deserve that birthright in the first place.
There’s a name for people whose patriotism can be bought, Tom and that name is
“traitor.” Harley Davidson sold out a long time ago and the only people who ride
Harleys today are sellouts of their own, in one way or the other. Like I’ve
already explained before … Harley Davidson is a joke and if HD is your role
model, if you aspire to be as great as HD is then that says volumes for just how
much of a worthless person you really are.
The biggest difference between you and I (besides about 80 IQ points in my
favor), Tom, is that my American birthright was determined when I was born in
while your American birthright is apparently determined only by what you can
afford to ride.
Freedom and patriotism are not commodities that can be packaged and sold like
snacks in a vending machine, Tom, they are ideals and they can be enjoyed by
anyone in this great country regardless of what you drive, ride or own, much to
the chagrin of you and those like you who were stupid enough to pay for
something that you already had been given for free. If you think that freedom
and patriotism can be purchased over the counter at a dealership then you don’t
deserve to be an American because obviously you’re too stupid to live in the
greatest country in the world.
Thanks for allowing me a forum to tell you what an asshole you are.
Thank you for the humorous though predictable email which
allowed me to both refute your silly ass arguments as well as return the favor
by putting you in your rightful place.
As I have said before, people like you exist only as sport to be ridiculed.
Singly, people like you are simply retard. Grouped together, you're a
Special Olympics team without an event to participate in.
Someone should take you behind the V.F.W. and kick the shit out of you.
What a grand way to end an email … resorting to a laughable combination of Verse
17 and Verse 30 of the Milwaukee Orthodoxy.
So ... What happened to Voltaire, Tom? What happened to the "I defend your right to say & post this crap" philosophy that you espoused just a few paragraphs ago? Now we're at the "I don't agree with you and I hope that you get your ass kicked for saying it." Harley owners are so predictable because they're stupid and pre-programmed and when the fashion based image centered programming runs out and they have to resort to their stupidity then hilarity surely must ensue.
Tom is suggesting that all veterans
actively support Harley Davidson for the great American company that it is and
that a difference of opinion should not be met with intelligent, educated
discussion but rather with a stern application of great bodily harm delivered at
the earliest opportunity. In that respect, his beliefs fall less in line with
traditional American values and more in line with the Muslim extremists that we
now face in Iraq and Afghanistan (i.e. “you are unbelievers
so we are going to
kill you.”).
Since Tom is as utterly predictable as he is simpleminded it’s obvious that his
deep rooted ignorance is his own personal Achilles’ heel in any type of
erstwhile debate. Let me share another timely quote from Voltaire with Tom, one
that pertains to his final thoughts in the matter and to our discussion in
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” -
What that means is that if you are dumb enough to believe
all of the lies that surround Harley Davidson then you’re probably weak minded
enough to want to hurt someone in order to protect those lies because without
those lies you are nothing and you run head on into just what a
monumental loser you really
are, much like Tom does every single morning when he wakes up and looks in the
mirror. Tom doesn’t own his Harley, his Harley owns Tom. His Harley has changed
Tom from an American who thought for his own self into a brand worshipping moron
who was willing to pay for the right to discard common sense, forget history and
suspend belief all for the chance to be something that he never could be.
The next time that Tom goes to the VFW hoping to see someone getting the shit
kicked out of them simply because of their personal opinion or because they ride
a different bike than he does, I hope that he makes sure to remind the hardened
shit kicking veterans gathered there that the company that builds the bike he so
proudly rides on is also good business partners with people who are the
descendents of the Germans who were once trying to kill the older members of the
VFW in the European theater of operations. Tom might also remind the veterans
gathered there that the makers of the bike he rides on not only adopted Japanese
business, management and production practices during the early 1980’s but that
the company that produces the bike he rides on has also recently purchased an
Italian based motorcycle manufacturer in an aim to expand their market overseas.
Once Tom does this, he had better hope that his overweight and underpowered
Harley Davidson is fast enough to save him from becoming the evening’s main
source of fisticuffs based melee specific entertainment.
In closing … If anyone in this discussion needs to be taken anywhere, then it is
Tom who needs to be taken back to primary school and held there until he can
pass elementary American history, basic world history, beginning English and
simple arithmetic. He should also be held back until he can say the Pledge of
Allegiance instead of the Pledge to Milwaukee. While he sits there in fifth
grade, I’m sure that he can pass the time by doodling bar and shield logos on
his desk to impress the other fifth graders who are really the only ones who are
certain to give his vast HD T-shirt collection the amount of respect that Tom
foolishly believes it deserves.
Tom Corsi (yes, that is my real name)
Oh, I seriously doubt that. TOM CORSI is just a clever
acronym for: This Odious Muppet
Commutes On Retro
Styled Ignorance.