but is no match for the Dark One


Normally, these little emails I just let slide, but Claude struck me at a time when I was feeling particularly generous with my venom, so he gets to sit up in the corner while wearing the 'stump fuck' hat.  Hank made the mistake of using his work email to send this esoteric skid mark to me.  I back tracked him through the internet and found out some things about him he probably didn't want me to know.

Date:             Thu, 23 May 2002 11:33:03 -0400
From:            Claude Hinkle <>

Subject:        (no subject)




To which I replied:


I want to thank you for sharing with me those truly memorable words uttered in shock by your mother when she first saw what she had given birth to all those many years ago.  You must still be her greatest disappointment in life... an accomplishment in itself, I'm sure, but not one to be proud of. It is people like you who are the reason that chlorine needs to be used more often in the human gene pool and in larger doses.

Looking back at your email, and the content therein, I have come to the conclusion that it must really suck to be such an incredibly, pathetically ignorant, unoriginal and redundant human being such as yourself. You are a total waste of perfectly good human tissue and your skin would be better used by society if you donated yourself to a burn center for children as a walking skin graft.

End yourself, you spastic, semen slurping ass puppet. No one is going to miss you... not even your mother.


Well, that wasn't good enough for Claude, so he sent this mental briquette in return.

Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 13:12:03 -0400
From: Claude Hinkle <>
Subject: (no subject)

Its faggots like you that make life in the USA exciting. I hope you drop dead from some sudden illness and noone is there to see it happen. I cannot imagine a shit heat like you even exists .



To which I replied:

I’m not sure what your problem is, Claude, but I bet it’s real hard to pronounce…



Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 08:22:17 -0400
From: Claude Hinkle
To: blackecho
Subject: (no subject)

Evertime I read your web page on Harley Davidson Motorcycles, it makes
me want to have got to be the most stupid shit on the face
of the earth. Can't figure out why you are so dead set against a
product that is number 1 in the motorcycle industry today......maybe its
because you can't afford a Harley or maybe you are "Japanese" or
Italian...that would explain a lot.
I feel sorry for anyone with that much of a screwed up mind as you show
in all that you have written.
Get a life.........


To which I replied:


Claude, you really defy the theory of Natural Selection.  Darwin would have fits if he ever met you.



Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 16:56:40 -0400
From: Claude Hinkle <>
To: blackecho
Subject: (no subject)

Again I think you have got to be one of the most stupid police oficers
in existance. Hard to believe that we have people like you protecting
us.......I consider you to be one of the biggest turds on the planet..


To which I replied:

Claude, you're about as useless as lug nuts on a birthday cake.


And the mirth continues...