DAVE tries to be an "intillectual" and fails horribly at the attempt...
Dave Pip sent me this email. I found it contained several typical ideals that help
identify the typical Harley rider mindset.
From: "Dave Pip" <dapip13@****>
To: blackecho@goingfaster.com
Subject: Curious
Sent: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 15:39:20 -0400
I recently viewed your website and only have one question for you...why? What is the purpose of the nonsense you sputter. You claim to be an intillectual with a modicum of intelligence but unfortunately, you come across like more of an ignorant ass than the owners and riders you slam. What concern is it of yours what people ride? What do you care what attitude others have? 99% of the motorcycle community look upon eachother as brothers and sisters...regardless of what they happen to ride. I have no problem with freedom of speech. Say what you will and say it often. But, its pretty sad when I come across a site like yours that has everything to say about absolutely nothing. It is just plain pathetic. Do you have a problem with Blacks? Jews? Puerto Ricans? No, you are probably the same guy who cries foul when the slightest politically incorrect statement is uttered. So you can do or take what you want from this e-mail. You can reply to me and attempt to use your self proclaimed intellect against me. Unfortunately, you will not move me nor will you upset me. I for one am a motorcyclist. I have met and will meet the most interesting people on the road. These people will be on Harley's, Honda's, Yamaha's. Moto-Guzzi's or even a scooter. i wish you the best with the garbage you showcase. I just hope I never come across you on the road. As should you.
______________ TO WHICH I REPLIED _______________
"I recently viewed your website and only have one question for you...why? What is the purpose of the nonsense you sputter.?"
I thought that should be rather obvious, Dave. To weed out the genetic clutter that is clogging the drain grate in the shallow end of the gene pool, or to put it in simpler terms, to point out the posers from the real riders and make fun of them.
"You claim to be an intillectual with a modicum of intelligence but unfortunately, you come across like more of an ignorant ass than the owners and riders you slam."
Thats "intellectual", Dave, another concept which you are wholly unfamiliar with. I have no idea what an intillectual is, unless maybe that is like a really smart person from the deep back woods of Arkansas. Yes, I seriously upset the hill scoggins out there. My views are shared by many bikers, which probably adds more to your dismay since you obviously have a set of blinders on your eyes and don't wish to see the truth.
"What concern is it of yours what people ride?"
It isnt any of my concern. But when you start saying that a Harley Davidson is the best that America can produce, I'm going to have to stand up and patriotically call "bullshit" on that claim. This is an opinion, that means that is (well, it used to be) personal. However, the HD owners have dragged it out into the light once again and now that theyve discovered that they yanked a tiger by the tail and got far more than they can chew, theyre running around crying "No fair!" and "Mommy!".
Sorry if you really expected me to become enlightened like you and just roll over and play nice all of a sudden, but I see Harley Davidson for what it is; total unpatriotic junk wrapped in the American flag for the sole reason of selling more products to ignorant people who buy into the whole 'American thunder' thing. More like "American flatulence." You may call it "thunder" when one rolls past, I think it sounds like a herd of cows all having a collective wet fart. If you cant bring yourself to identify junk as junk, and posers as posers, that is your own shortcoming, not mine. Im not afraid to speak out on things that I see as wrong. Im not afraid to hurt peoples comfortable little store bought realities. I'm not afraid to call things as I see them. I guess that makes me a bad person in this age when everyone should have a mutual opinion and free thought should be looked upon negatively.
"What do you care what attitude others have?"
When that attitude is shoved down my throat by so called better motorcycle riders, yeah, thats when I begin to care, Dave. Thats when I begin to roll up my sleeves and go to work. That's when the kid gloves and the politeness gets put away.
"99% of the motorcycle community look upon eachother as brothers and sisters...regardless of what they happen to ride."
There are many happy sheep in a flock, Dave. Most could care less if one sheep is more or less different than the others. It is the other 1% of people in history that have made a difference. If I can be part of 1% of the population or 99% of the population, guess which I choose. Id rather watch the flock than roam with them. Which percentage are you, Dave? Which percentage do you think you are? Stay with the comfortable, unquestioning, cookie cutter existence, Dave. Independent thought and free will are for more advanced carbon based life forms.
"I have no problem with freedom of speech. Say what you will and say it often. But, its pretty sad when I come across a site like yours that has everything to say about absolutely nothing. It is just plain pathetic."
It is only pathetic to the intillectually-challenged, sorry, the intellectually-challenged people such as yourself. Freedom of speech? Is that an officially licensed and endorsed Harley Davidson accessory? Sounds like it. I get so tired of you middle of the fence walking panty spooges who have this bright and cheerful outlook on life and this laughable notion that everyone should just get along and that somehow ignorance should be, well, ignored. Sorry, Ill point out what I see as wrong when I see it. Whether you are a sheep or not depends on you. You can either stay with the flock and be obliviously happy, or you can wake up. I woke up a long time ago to the commercialization of Milwaukee based riders and I realized that I didn't have to buy my image out of a catalog, or pay double the going rate for world class technology for a Flintstones(tm) era motorcycle.
"Do you have a problem with Blacks? Jews? Puerto Ricans?"
Ah, here is another tired old cliché that I forgot to mention in my list of things that will definitely get you posted here and ridiculed publicly; calling me a racist. How naïve! You see, one of the typical retorts available to Harley owners and similar small minded cock burglars is the all powerful "race card".
It works like this: Because I hate Harley Davidson, I must therefore hate Blacks, Jews, Puerto Ricans, or any other form of "hyphenated-American". This equates into "difference of opinion = obviously hate minded person". I love the logic of these genetic spasms! Their logic moves in tiny little, highly predictable circles, just like most research and design processes in Milwaukee do.
It goes back to the tired old logic of the ever popular and highly over-used because you hate Harley Davidson, you arent fit to be a police officer. chant.
The logic truly is sad, and this from someone who can't even spell "intellectual"...
"No, you are probably the same guy who cries foul when the slightest politically incorrect statement is uttered."
Oh for the love of Mike ... ! You really are a tiny little tight assed, narrow-minded, mental virgin, pansy twat whose head whistles at the same audible level that only domesticated animals can hear when ever you have an original thought (which is rare). "Political correctness" is nothing more than liberal touchy feely sugar coating, Dave, or havent you figured that out? Political correctness is a product of the liberal mindset, of the same flock of sheep that feel that America would have been far better off if the European white man had never landed here in the first place. These are the same retards who sit around all day wondering if trees dream.
"Political correctness" is yet another societal crutch for those who dont want people to get their feelings hurt. It also goes a long way to helping people avoid identifying what is right and wrong. Why does everything have to be black and white, right and wrong, good and evil? Cant there be blurred boundaries? Cant we learn to forgive and forget? Can't we all just get along? There doesnt need to be right and wrong, there needs to be various degrees of right and wrong, so that if you do a little wrong, that isnt as bad as if you did a big wrong, now is it? Sure you did wrong, but you didn't do a big wrong or a bad wrong, so that makes it okay. Shades of grey, no black and white. Give me a fucking break, will you, Dave? Why dont you wake up and smell the reality or are you so much of a fucking sheep that you cant differentiate basic societal lines anymore?
Let me let you in on a big fucking clue, retard. This is life. Life is full of stuff. Some of that stuff is going to hurt your feelings or make you angry or make you cry or put a boo-boo on your elbow or your knee or even kill you. You need to learn to get over it and adapt, not pick up the phone and call your congressman to get a law made to help you get along in life because some one says something that you can't deal with and your feelings get hurt. I dont know about you, but when I was born, my birth certificate didnt come with a guarantee that my feelings wouldnt get hurt. I dont think anyone can rightfully argue that they did either. Life is full of stuff that is going to make your feelings get hurt, at one time or another. Get used to it, you fucking pansy ass nimrod. Renaming the terms, passing frivolous hate crime laws, and rewriting history to make one group or the other feel better about themselves wont change that. Ever. If you cant stand to go through life and risk the chance of getting your tiny little liberal touchy feely feelings hurt, then please do the rest of us a favor and end yourself you worthless spare chimp testicle.
"So you can do or take what you want from this e-mail."
I have, thank you.
"You can reply to me and attempt to use your self proclaimed intellect against me."
I'm sorry, but I don't have time to reply to every mail I post here personally. Since you and the others like you hit this site pretty hard, I will just post it here and you can read it for yourself. I admit I was a little concerned at first. You see, I've never had a battle of wits with an "intillectual" before. If you are some new type of mutant breed of Harley rider, i.e. the next evolution of the species, then obviously I don't have much to worry about.
"Unfortunately, you will not move me nor will you upset me."
That may be true, but Ive used you to provide mirth to many others. At your expense. As for moving you, I wouldn't dare consider it. Milwaukee is depending on people like you to keep them in business! I'd hate to increase the unemployment rate of Milwaukee because I awakened a few sheep to the truth.
"I for one am a motorcyclist."
Is that a "motorcyclist" or a "Motorcyclist", Dave? I get so confused these days because apparently there are both types, one is based on experience and knowledge and the other is based on a credit card and a official corporate catalog. Id ask you for your sales receipt to prove that you were a "Motorcyclist" but you probably have it framed and mounted in your office.
"I have met and will meet the most interesting people on the road."
And I guess that I do not meet nor will I meet the most interesting people on the road? You are so naïve, Dave.
"These people will be on Harley's, Honda's, Yamaha's. Moto-Guzzi's or even a scooter. i wish you the best with the garbage you showcase."
One mans garbage is another mans treasure, so an old proverb goes, Dave. Oh, isnt it about time for you to threaten me or something equally pathetic along those lines?
"I just hope I never come across you on the road. As should you."
There we go, atta boy, Dave! Like clockwork, you guys are so fucking predictable that it is sad. I wouldnt want that typical bad-ass store bought rider mentality to let me down. Thanks again, Dave. Thanks for being yet another thick slice of the ignorance pie that seems to be a traditional family recipe in Milwaukee. You are right about one thing, Dave. You truly do not ever want to come across me on the road, not with your attitude. It would be the most embarrassing five seconds of your pathetic existence, trust me.
Yeah, "D" as in "dumbass", or "dickhead"... but certainly not "dangerous" except maybe to himself.