By Mike McColm
Hi Chris,
How are you?
Please find attached to this email, Mike McColm’s comic strip ‘Rider from the
world’s end.
I’ve obtained Mike’s enthusiastic permission for you to feature it on your site
if you so wish. This is an exclusive for your site, if readers see the strip
anywhere else (on the web) it is being used without the artists permission.
The strip is an original, written, drawn and lettered by Mike for the Fanzine,
Simian Scrolls. It was featured in issue 10 and has received much
praise.. Mike McColm is not on the web, he “finds it a distraction that takes
him away from his art”. Any messages or feedback will be gladly passed along.
I hope it’s something you can use,
Dave Ballard
Thank you, Dave and Mike. If you wish to pass your comments on this work on to the artists, you may send email here. -Ansanaut.
Full color painting from the Simian Scrolls fanzine cover
Now, the story....
Questions or comments? Email ANSANAUT